242. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Parsons) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)0


  • Revised Appendix B and Delivery of Jets

Two weeks ago we gave Department of State clearance to a proposed Joint State–Defense Message (attached)1 drafted by Defense which would have informed the Ambassador and CINCUNC that additional jets for the ROK Air Force would be delivered in accordance with plans and not delayed, as the Ambassador and CINCUNC had requested, pending reconciliation of the U.S. and ROK texts of the revised Appendix B. The Department of Defense has now informed us that it prefers not to transmit this message at this time. Instead, Defense now proposes that our reply to the ROK counterproposal on the revised Appendix B (the ROK-proposed text) be expedited. When that reply, which as yet has not been submitted to us, is transmitted, the Ambassador and CINCUNC would be queried as to when they estimate agreement on the text of the revised Appendix B would be reached. Depending on their estimate, the decision would be made regarding the timing of the delivery of the jets.

Defense considers the President’s authorization to deliver the jets prior to the signing of the revised Appendix B to be permissive and not mandatory and that its proposal, therefore, is not inconsistent with the [Page 498] President’s authorization. Defense also considers its proposal to be consistent with recent NSC policy guidance. Since responsibility for delivery of the jets rests solely with Defense, we do not believe we should object to the revised proposal submitted by Defense.


That you concur in the Defense proposal to delay a decision on the delivery of the jets until a reply to the ROK counterproposal is transmitted and the estimate of the Ambassador and CINCUNC as to when agreement on the revised Appendix B3 will be reached has been received and considered.

  1. Source: Department of State, NA Files: Lot 60 D 680, K19.4 ROK-US Agreed Minute. Secret. Drafted by Barbis.
  2. A September 16 memorandum from Parsons in NA, to Parsons in FE, recommending approval of the draft State–Defense message, was attached to the source text, along with a copy of the draft message. Neither is printed.
  3. Robertson did not initial his approval; a marginal note, in Parson’s hand, reads: “WSR objected.
  4. A marginal, handwritten comment by Robertson at this point reads: “They hope to have a position on this in a day or two.”