244. Telegram From the Department of Defense to the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker)0

DEF 950561. This is a joint State-Defense msg. From ASD/ISA sgd Irwin. Ref: (a) DEF 941224 DTG 022248 Jul 58; (b) UK 978414 CC DTG 030730Z Sept 58; (c) DEF 947191 DTG 280016Z Aug 58.1 This message is in five parts.

  • Part I. Unable accept ROK counterproposal text revised Appendix B. Although continue prefer agreement on basis text transmitted ref (a)willing agree certain modifications. Our comments based appropriate interagency clearance follow.
  • Part II.

    For ease of reference each para this part is numbered or otherwise identified to correspond with ref (b).

    Purpose paragraph.

    Do not consider insertion in revised Appendix B “Purpose” para necessary or appropriate, since purpose new Appendix B is revise force levels and principles previously contained in Appendix B to 1954 Agreed Minute. ROK acceptance revised Appendix B, which reflects agreement on new force levels, will permit maintenance of an effective military program in consonance intent 1954 Agreed Minute (numbered para 3 of 1954 Agreed Minute). At your discretion, however, at time signing Ambassador or CINCUNC might orally review background and need for this revision Appendix B.

    Policy paragraph.

    Consider “Policy” paragraph (including two numbered sub-paragraphs) also inappropriate to context Appendix B. Mutual Defense Treaty, other agreements and U.S. policy statements have made U.S. commitments ROK matter record. In view your comment, however, approve appropriate reference to U.S. support ROK and forces be included in oral statement proposed preceding para. Obviously, no commitment can be made for continued deployment present level U.S. [Page 500] forces in ROK. Perhaps best way meet President Rhee’s point is state it is present policy forces UNC not prepared withdraw until conditions for final settlement Korea laid down by UN General Assembly fulfilled.

    Republic of Korea Force Level, etc. paragraph.


    Accept ROK proposed strength by service but desire retention first sentence this paragraph as set forth para 1 in ref (a) in addition to revised third sentence same para ref (a) as follows: “The types, amounts, and timing of United States assistance to be provided in support of the force levels stated in this Appendix, and any subsequent mutually agreed revisions thereto, will be determined in accordance with applicable United States legislation, policies, and procedures for programming such assistance, and subject to availability of funds”. Delete second sentence of para 1 ref (a).

    1. A. Prefer text para 1. A., ref (a) but willing accept ROK counterproposal provided “after discussion” replaced with “after consultation”.

    1. B. Agree.

    1. C. Desire retention paragraph 1. C. in ref (a) which is omitted in ROK proposal.


    Desire retention paragraph 5 in ref (a) in lieu para 2 ref (b).

    2. A. 1–9. Cannot accept inclusion ROK shopping list in Revised Appendix B. This should be considered more properly in normal MAP operations and in accordance established procedures and legal requirements.

    2. B. Your comment this paragraph ROK counterproposal not understood since it does not correspond with language in ROK counterproposal text. In any event do not accept para 2. B. or ref (b).

    2. C. Retention of para 5 of ref (a), as mentioned para 2 this msg., would cover ROK proposal this para except for provision in last sentence of 2. C. Do not agree inclusion last sentence para 2. C. on basis that not necessary include authority maintain mobilization plans in this agreement.

    and 3. A. and B. Cannot accept provision beginning “The United States will undertake” and all of 3. A. and B. for reasons 2. A. 1–9 this msg.
    and 4. A. and B. Cannot accept provision beginning “The United States will undertake” and all of 4. A. and B. for reasons given 2. A. 1–9 this msg.

    Cannot accept this provision. Propose following wording:

    The Republic of Korea will continue to maintain one active Marine Corps division and mutually agreed required logistical support units.

    This para acceptable. No objections to deletion subparas 4. A., B, and C of ref (a).
    Desire retention para 2 ref (a) in lieu para 9 ref (b). Concur with recommendation regarding retention para 8 ref (a).
  • Part III. In negotiating ROK force reduction U.S. made these commitments only: delivery jets for additional wing and improved transportation communications equipment. Moreover, force reduction achieved below initial U.S. policy objective. Not prepared make additional concessions in order obtain ROK agreement revised Appendix B especially in view policy guidance adopted recently (reported ref (c)). Although you should make every effort obtain ROK agreement revised Appendix B as contained ref (a), with modifications cited above if necessary, you should also make quite clear to ROKG that U.S. support through CY 59 will not exceed 630,000 ceiling regardless whether or not revised Appendix B signed.
  • Part IV. Re final para ref (b) regarding request to delay delivery of aircraft to ROK. Early delivery of jet aircraft is desired in consonance with national policy set forth reference (c). Delivery such aircraft cannot be deferred beyond Nov. 1, 1958 without incurring substantial additional costs to MAP.
  • Part V. Request your estimate soonest as to time required to negotiate signed agreement. Final text should be transmitted Washington prior signature.
  1. Source: U.S. Army Military History Institute, Department of the Army Communication Files. Secret; Priority. Drafted in OASD/ISA/FE by R.J. Carmody. Also sent to Ambassador Dowling. Repeated to COMUSKOREA, CINCPAC, CINCPACAF, CINCUSARPAC, CNO, CSUSAF, and CSUSA. Howard Parsons outlined the rationale underlying this message in an October 17 memorandum to Robertson. (Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/7–358) See Supplement. A November 7 memorandum from Bane to Robertson indicates that the message was drafted in mid-October and received final approval within the Department of State by J. Graham Parsons on October 17. Subsequent revisions of the text proposed by Defense delayed transmission until November 3. (Department of State, NA Files: Lot 60 D 680, K19.4 ROK-US Agreed Minute) See Supplement.
  2. Not found.