265. Editorial Note
On November 18, the U.N. General Assembly took up the report of the Credentials Committee (U.N. doc. A/4578), which recommended the seating of the delegation appointed by President Kasavubu. Ghana’s Representative moved for adjournment of debate on the report on the ground that discussion before the Conciliation Commission completed its work would be undesirable. The motion was rejected by a vote of 51 to 36, with 11 abstentions. For the record of the meeting, see U.N. doc. A/PV.917.
The Assembly considered the Committee’s report at seven plenary meetings between November 18 and 22. At the first session on November 22, the Assembly rejected a motion by Ghana to adjourn debate on the report by a vote of 50 to 34, with 13 abstentions, and a similar motion by Mali by a vote of 47 to 32, with 16 abstentions. At the second session that day, a Guinean proposal to postpone decision on the Credentials Committee’s draft resolution was defeated by 50 votes to 32, with 14 abstentions. The draft resolution was then adopted by a vote of 53 to 24, with 19 abstentions, as Resolution 1498 (XV). For the records of the November 22 sessions, see U.N. docs. A/PV.923 and 924. The text of the resolution is in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1960, page 77. For texts of statements made before the General Assembly on November 22 by U.S. Representative Wadsworth, see Department of State Bulletin, December 12, 1960, pages 906–909.