220. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic1

924. During courtesy call on Murphy September 25, UAR Ambassador Kamel reiterated line re desirability normalizing and improving US–UAR relations (Deptel 439)2 and asserted general US attitude would be judged in Cairo in light specific US area policies. Professing speak without instructions, Kamel then raised Nile waters question, asserting Sudanese refusal recognize 1929 Nile Waters Agreement and subsequent independent attitude this question not possible without considerable UK and US support. Kamel emphasized Nile waters of overriding importance UAR and opined that, if USG really desired normalize relations we should counsel Sudanese cease making trouble in their relations with Cairo this problem.

Kamel also cited recent press reports re US arms aid Israel and political assurances from President to Ben Gurion as likely confirm Cairo in belief US hostile Arab nationalism. Murphy replied (1) we doing everything possible dissipate idea we oppose Arab nationalism (2) US not major supplier arms Israel and opposes area arms race (3) Soviet arms sales Egypt caused US great concern in view our conviction Soviets motivated by desire dominate area and (4) USG has no thought damage or attempt destroy Egypt, as shown by past extensive US aid programs of which several recently resumed.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.86B/9–2958. Confidential. Drafted by Brewer on September 26, cleared by Rountree and Wahl, and approved and signed for Dulles by Murphy. Repeated to Khartoum and Tel Aviv.
  2. See footnote 1, Document 215.