172. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Gray) to Acting Secretary of State Herter0
- Iraq
Following recent discussions in the National Security Council on the subject of Iraq and in view of the deep concern felt by all with respect to developments in that country, the President has indicated that he would like to have brought together, under the leadership of the Acting Secretary of State, the heads of responsible departments and agencies of government specifically including, in addition to Defense, JCS, CIA, USIA and ICA, for the purpose of determining what the U.S. Government either alone or in concert with others, can do [1 line of source text not declassified] to avoid a Communist takeover in Iraq.
I believe that it is fair to say that the President attaches considerable urgency to this matter and would like a report at the earliest date consistent with thoroughgoing analysis and consideration.1
I shall be pleased to discuss this with you if you desire.
- Source: Department of State, PPS Files: Lot 67 D 548, Iraq. Top Secret.↩
- According to an attached memorandum from Herman T. Skofield of S/S to Dayton S. Mak of NEA, Herter wished that a “coordinated study” be prepared in the Department of State prior to any interagency meeting as suggested in Gray’s memorandum. NEA was given responsibility for preparing said study as soon as possible and clearing it with INR, P, S/P, G, and W (and perhaps EUR depending on the recommendations). For text of the study, see Document 175.↩