132. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq0

593. Embtels 5931 and 594.2 Dept has received with interest reports of talks which you and Murphy have had with Iraqi leaders over past weekend. We believe it would be advantageous take prompt opportunity give GOI some idea of our attitude toward Iraqi Republic. You should seek early interview with FonMin and after expressing to him Department’s pleasure at tenor and content conversations with Murphy, orally outline to him the following:

That US fully reciprocates GOI desire for friendly relations and looks forward to close cooperation with new Iraqi Govt on matters mutual interest.
That US has received with pleasure statements of desire GOI to maintain flow of oil to West.
US prepared continue technical assistance programs subject desires Iraqi Govt and has noted harmonious working relationships developing between USOM/Baghdad and various Ministries.
As regards future of military aid programs US assumes this will need to be subject of consideration and discussion by two governments. US does not in any way preclude possibility of continuing existing programs but considers that there are both practical details and matters of policy to be worked out. In latter connection, for example, US assistance has been based on force goals predicated on Iraq’s willingness as [Page 336] member BP to resist Soviet aggression against ME. (FYI—Assume you will coordinate this with Gen. Henry—End FYI.)
US hopes that US-Iraqi relations can be established on basis mutual trust and confidence, and that from them will flow benefits to people of Iraq and strength to security and well-being of ME. US is confident that reasonableness, frankness and sincerity on both sides are best means achieving this.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 787.00/8–358. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Rockwell, cleared by McClelland and Bell (in draft), and approved by Rountree. Repeated to Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, London, Paris, and USUN.
  2. In telegram 593 from Baghdad, August 3, Under Secretary Murphy, who had been dispatched by Eisenhower to the Middle East to make an assessment of the situation, reported on his August 2 conversation with Minister of Guidance and Information Shanshal. (Ibid.)
  3. In telegram 594, also August 3, Murphy reported on his conversation on the morning of August 3 with Prime Minister Qassim, Foreign Minister Jomard, Finance Minister Hadid, and President of the Council Rubayi. The discussion covered much of the same ground as the one with Shanshal. In addition, Murphy raised the issue of Iraq’s future role in the Baghdad Pact and added a general defense of the concept of collective security. Murphy concluded the telegram with the observation that he was struck by the “earnestness” of these Iraqi leaders and their eagerness to demonstrate a friendly and cooperative attitude to the United States. (Ibid.)