233. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations0
Topol 4693. Paris Deliver Nolting 9 a.m. June 18. Ref: Topol 4651, sent Ankara 3722, Athens 3711, London 9001 rptd Nicosia 348; Polto 4207 rptd London Polto 786, Ankara Polto 140, Athens Polto 107, Nicosia Polto 26.1 In reply to inquiry British Perm Rep concerning procedural aspects of further discussions on Cyprus, USRO should discuss following proposal with UK Perm Rep. Any discussion this proposal with Spaak should await further instruction.
Begin Proposal.
UK would meet with Greece and Turkey in series of bilateral or trilateral discussions chaired by Spaak or a member of an NAC advisory committee of three appointed to assist him. This committee might be appointed by the Secretary General of NATO with NAC’s approval. It would relieve Secretary General of burden of being present and moderating [Page 661] all meetings which could be so prolonged as to interfere with his other duties. Spaak would, however, supervise generally committee’s activities and advise it. From our point of view NAC advisory committee would be preferable to participating ourselves as member of a four or five power conference. FYI. This would be a form of good offices without the label. End FYI.
Terms of reference for committee would be exceedingly broad and should be based on spirit of three wise men recommendations of 1956.2 Main efforts to arrive at agreement would continue to be duty of three principally interested parties. Committee might be asked to examine problem with a view to seeking insofar as possible to conciliate differences between parties. British proposals would serve as basis for constructive discussions though need not be limitation upon participants. As may be agreed to by HMG, GOG, GOT reps, Greek and Turk Cypriots could be invited on occasion to discussion. We would think it desirable to suggest that committee report back periodically to NAC though ample time should be allowed for its deliberation.
Regarding membership we would not seek to have U.S. named as member of committee though we would be willing to serve. Presumably Germans (who have much influence with Turks and as non-member of UN have not voted against Greece in UNGA) and Italians (as Mediterranean power) might also be willing to serve. As to level would assume each country would be represented by Ambassador or Undersecretary at least for start of talks.
We don’t see much to be gained in uprooting these discussions from Paris at present time. We believe, however, that the advisory committee should at an early stage pay a visit to Cyprus. End Proposal.
For London: Suggest discuss informally this proposal with Foreign Office.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1658. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Drafted by Owen T. Jones and Williams; cleared by Kohler, Jandrey, Timmons (EUR), and Rountree; and approved by Herter. Repeated to London, Athens, Ankara, and Nicosia.↩
- Topol 4651 (renumbered 4673), June 16, is the same as telegram 3722 to Ankara; see footnote 2, Document 231. Polto 4207, June 16, reported that the British Permanent Representative to NATO indicated his government’s willingness to postpone a statement on Cyprus. (Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1658)↩
- Reference is to the NATO committee of three Foreign Ministers, Lester Pearson of Canada, Halvard Lange of Norway, and Gaetano Martino of Italy, who worked out a program to improve cooperation among NATO nations.↩