232. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations0

Topol 4670. Paris deliver Nolting 9 AM June 17. Spaak or Greek permanent representative may approach you concerning Karamanlis proposals of June 15.1 We believe hope for anything fruitful coming out of NAC discussion lies in development of negotiable proposals that can be considered by parties immediately concerned. Greek efforts to find way [Page 660] out of this impasse should therefore be encouraged without, however, specifically supporting a Greek position. Appropriate encouragement of this sort may help in forestalling Greeks from taking Cyprus problem to Security Council.

In dealing with all three of primarily interested parties in NAC we should, as general rule, avoid being used as channel for their suggestions.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 747C.00/6–1658. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Drafted by Jones and cleared by Timmons and Skofield. Repeated to Athens, Ankara, London, and Nicosia.
  2. See Document 226.