332. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1
Havana, July 13,
1959—4 p.m.
96. Addressing Cuban civic institutions Saturday night Prime Minister visibly angered over reports Diaz Lanz appearance before Senate Committee. (Embtel 902) Also expressed opinion two other critical issues referred Embtel 69.3 No mention Miami incident. Following highlights speech:
- 1.
- Fact Diaz Lanz invited appear before US Senate Committee reflects lack respect for Cuba and is interference Cuban internal affairs. Confirms suspicions that there have been many strange circumstances surrounding case. Foreign agents were involved Diaz Lanz case, as facts now clearly indicate.
- 2.
- No one has right interfere Cuba’s internal affairs. No one has right show lack respect for Cuba. Believes Diaz Lanz case should be presented OAS.
- 3.
- Agrarian reform only injurious foreign masters Cuban land, large land owners, and enemies of revolution. Some obtained land legally but under system at odds with welfare nation as a whole. Agrarian reform necessary and will triumph.
- 4.
- Cuban people must not depend on anyone, must sacrifice by saving and investing in industrial development. Cuba will go on knees to no one ask assistance. Cuban people won liberty unaided, now will also win economic liberty without assistance.
- 5.
- OAS did not display concern plight Cuban people under Batista tyranny. No one called meeting Foreign Ministers investigate brutal undemocratic system imposed by Batista.
- 6.
- Cuba will receive $100 million less from export of sugar this year, but over-all income actually reflects rise due increase in internal consumption Cuban products.
- 7.
- Government will invest $200 million during next four years and take other necessary action to stimulate tourist trade.
Comment: Castro’s address of Saturday night marks first occasion since his trip to the United States on which he personally has made a public statement shot through with anti-American overtones.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/7–1359. Confidential; Priority.↩
- In telegram 90, July 12, the Embassy reported the speech given by Fidel Castro the previous night in which he had sharply criticized Diaz Lanz’ appearance before the Senate subcommittee. (ibid., 737.00/7–1259)↩
- In telegram 69, July 9, the Embassy described the four issues bearing on U.S. Cuban relations, including the flight of Diaz Lanz, which had recently been receiving heavy play in the Cuban news media. The others were the recent attack against the Cuban Consul in Miami by pro-Batista elements, the possible amendment of the foreign aid bill to exclude countries that confiscated American property without fair compensation, and the handling by the OAS of the various threats to the security of the Caribbean region. (ibid., 611.37/7–959)↩