239. Editorial Note

According to the memorandum of discussion at the 394th meeting of the National Security Council, January 22, Allen Dulles made the following remarks about the Cuban situation during his briefing on significant world developments affecting U.S. security:

“As for Cuba, Mr. Allen Dulles said that we must recognize that as the Cubans proceed with their revolution, the executions will go on. Moreover, we can anticipate pressure on the U.S. for the extradition of some of the Batista refugees who have found asylum in the U.S. This may become a major issue in U.S. relations with the new Castro Government.”

Secretary of State Dulles observed that “we have an extradition treaty with Cuba and if evidence of crimes is produced, we would be legally obliged to consent to the extradition of such criminals.” (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)