209. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1

679. Dr. Gustavo Cuervo Rubio, former VP of Cuba, told Economic Counselor that meeting at Campo Columbia this morning was called at invitation of Dr. Piedra y Piedra and General Cantillo, and was attended by: Dr. Nunez Portuondo, Dr. Jesus Coll [garble] Nunez, Dr. Alberto Blanco, Dr. Raul de Cardenas, Dr. Evelio Alvarez Tabio, and Dr. Morobenito and himself. General Loynaz de Castillo also participated but left meeting before it adjourned.

After lengthy, inconclusive discussion of possibilities of forming a Provisional Junta, group adjourned to accompany Dr. Piedra y Piedra and General Cantillo to presidential palace. Meanwhile there had arisen an erroneous report above-named group would be the new Cabinet and that Cuervo Rubio would be Prime Minister. The fact was that all had taken position that Piedra y Piedra should make the selections himself after further consideration. However, he subsequently [Page 336] declined to accept the post of Provisional President on advice of the Supreme Court that in view of the revolutionary situation which had brought about downfall of Batista, the Supreme Court should not assume the power. At the present moment, therefore, Dr. Cuervo Rubio stated, General Cantillo is the sole provisional authority.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/1–159. Official Use Only; Priority. Received on January 2 at 1:29 a.m.