208. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1

675. Met at 10 a.m. with my American community committee. Present were: Amoss, electric company; Brewer, Esso; Colligan, Moa Bay; French, Cuban American metals; Heilman, American Chamber of Commerce; Heagney, Bank of Boston; Pine, PAA; Steward, Woolworth Company; Thompson, Portland Cement.

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It was consensus of group that Junta to be picked by provisional President Piedra would have no chance of success unless it contained adequate representation of revolutionary movement. Some of those present felt that nothing less than control of Junta would be acceptable to revolutionaries, although all present recognized also that anti-Batista tie that bound revolutionaries together was weakened by Batista’s departure. This view subsequently fortified by increasing indications that revolutionaries will not desist from general strike unless Urrutia recognized as provisional President.

Embassy outlined nature of cooperation desired from community committee if implementation of E and E plan became necessary. Members present indicated full cooperation, and named persons in their organizations to constitute special task force in Embassy plan and be responsible primarily for standfast arrangements. Embassy outlined use of property protection posters and in accordance with expressed wishes of committee made immediate distribution through them of protection posters.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/1–159. Confidential; Priority. Received at 7:03 p.m.