262. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

862. Joint State–Defense message. Embtel 1151.2 Your thoughtful evaluation reftel much appreciated and very helpful. We are studying your recommendations carefully and hope comment soon.

Re proposed 20,000 man increase ARVN, this will require extensive study and consideration reaching very high levels Washington agencies. This must take place in context consideration over-all counter-insurgency plan.

We feel there is danger approach to Diem suggested para nine reftel likely be taken by him to mean increase would be approved if [Page 721] he makes adequate reforms. Have serious doubts re soundness use proposed military increase as bargaining counter obtain political reforms because: a) increase should be considered on merits and in light present emergency of internal security conditions; and b) degree GVN performance on reforms not subject exact definition.

You may therefore wish inform Diem proposal will receive full consideration Washington on own merits and in light military situation, but that nature decision cannot be predicted. You should advise Diem against taking any action based on assumption approval increase.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/12–460. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Cleveland; cleared with Parsons, Wood, and DOD/ISA; approved by Anderson.
  2. Document 257.