206. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

658. Joint State–DOD message.

View continuing Communist inspired and directed insurgency in VN, consider over-all plan should be developed for encouraging and supporting GVN in national emergency effort defeat insurgents and bring about order and stability in that country. Such action determined necessary in order check disruptive influences which could cause disintegration of the Government and the possible loss of South Viet-Nam to Communist Bloc.
Studies of problem indicate plan for GVN should provide for integration and centralized direction of maximum resources in order combat insurgency. Based on requirements outline plan (see Para 4), US agencies Saigon may wish develop plan further, work out procedures thereunder and determine US personnel, matériel and budgetary support requisite successful implementation this GVN emergency effort.
Before such plan and procedures made known to GVN, they would be reviewed in Washington for consistency with US policy and for funding. When US position established, GVN would be approached to gain acceptance such plan and to work out details of organization, implementation by GVN authorities and provision of US support.
Draft outline plan for GVN national action cabled Chief MAAG (Defense Message 982994–162156Z Sept 602) should be developed by Ambassador and CT in sufficient detail to provide basis approval courses of action and US support requirements therefor. Realize several important ideas suggested draft outline plan already [Page 605] under study by GVN. This might facilitate acceptance by GVN overall plan which appears necessary meet national emergency.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5–MSP/10–1960. Secret. Drafted by Wood and cleared with Flesch of DOD/ISA, with ICA, and Cleveland. Approved for transmission by Steeves. Repeated for information to CINCPAC. Printed also in Department of Defense, United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967, Book 10, pp. 1325–1326.
  2. Document 196.