87. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Secretary of State1
- Reduction in Commonwealth Forces in Korea
We have received similar notes from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom (the Canadian note is Tab A)2 stating that the Commonwealth have carefully considered our representations of April 29,3 but that they find themselves unable to abandon their proposal to make reductions in their forces in Korea. However, they have modified their original plans to retain only a battalion group and will now retain a Brigade Headquarters with a force of all arms under command, including one infantry battalion.
While I believe a reduction in their forces in Korea would be an unfortunate step further reducing the international composition of the United Nations Command, the Commonwealth have made it clear that their decision is firm. The Commonwealth have suggested that the detailed implementation of the proposed reduction in their forces be worked out in discussions between the United States and Commonwealth military representatives in Washington.
That I inform the Department of Defense that the Department of State believes further protest against the Commonwealth decision would be unavailing, and suggest that the appropriate United States military authorities work out arrangements with the Commonwealth representatives to carry out the proposed reduction.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795B.5/9–1655. Secret. Drafted by Jones.↩
- Not printed. Copies of the British, Australian, and Canadian notes, each dated September 16, are ibid. The New Zealand note has not been found in Department of State files.↩
- See Document 39.↩
- A handwritten note on the source text by Robertson indicates that Dulles approved the recommendation in person to Robertson. In a letter dated September 22, Robertson informed Assistant Secretary of Defense Gray of the Commonwealth notes and of the conclusion drawn by the Department of State from the notes. (Department of State, Central Files, 795B.5/9–1655) In a September 29 memorandum to the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Admiral A.C. Davis, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, noted that the Department of Defense concurred that “there is no point in reopening the discussion with the Commonwealth and that the only remaining problem is working out the details of the reduction.” (Washington Federal Records Center, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 60 A 1025, 370.5 Korea)↩