List of Persons
- Amory, Robert, Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- Anderson, Robert B., Deputy Secretary of Defense until August 1955; Secretary of the Treasury from July 1957
- Bowie, Robert R., Director of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State, until August 1955; Assistant Secretary of State for Policy Planning, August 1955– August 1957
- Briggs, Ellis O., Ambassador to Korea until April 1955
- Bruckner, Wilber M., Secretary of the Army after July 1955
- Brundage, Percival F., Director of the Bureau of the Budget
- Burke, Admiral Arleigh A., USN, Chief of Naval Operations from August 1955
- Caccia, Sir Harold, British Ambassador to the United States from November 1956
- Carney, Admiral Robert B., USN, Chief of Naval Operations until August 1955
- Chang, Myon, (John Myun Chang), Vice President of the Republic of Korea after May 1956
- Cho, Chung-hwan (Cho, Chung W.), Acting Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1955–1956; Minister of Foreign Affairs from December 31, 1956
- Chung II Kwan, General, Korean Army Chief of Staff; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, June 1956–June 1957
- Cutler, Robert, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until April 1955, and again from January 1957
- Decker, General George H., USA, Commander in Chief, United Nations Command; Commander, United States Forces in Korea; and Commanding General, Eighth United States Army in Korea, from July 1957
- Dowling, Walter C., Ambassador to Korea from May 1956
- Dulles, Allen W., Director of Central Intelligence
- Gard, General Robert G., Senior United Nations Command Member of the Military Armistice Commission; also Chief of the U.S. Provisional Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Korea
- Goodpaster, Brigadier General Andrew J., USA, Staff Secretary and Defense Liaison Officer to the President; became Brigadier General on January 1, 1957
- Gray, Gordon, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, July 1955–February 1957; Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization from March 1957
- Ham, Tae-yong, Vice President of the Republic of Korea until May 15, 1956
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Hemmendinger, Noel, Deputy Director of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, from January 1955; Acting Director from January 6, 1956
- Henderson, Loy W., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration from January 1955
- Hensel, H. Struve, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs until July 1955
- Herter, Christian A., Consultant to the Secretary of State, January-February 1957; thereafter Under Secretary of State and Chairman of the Operations Coordinating Board
- Hollister, John B., Consultant to the Secretary of State, May–July 1955; thereafter Director of the International Cooperation Administration
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., Under Secretary of State until February 1957
- Hull, General John E., USA, Commander in Chief, United Nations Command; Commander in Chief, Far East; and Governor of the Ryukyu Islands until February 1955
- Humphrey, George M., Secretary of the Treasury, January 1955–July 1957
- In Tae-sik, Korean Minister of Finance, May 1956–1957
- Jones, Howard P., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Economic Affairs, July 1955–April 1957; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
- Jones, William G., Officer in Charge of Korean Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, until April 1956
- Kim, Hyon-chol, Korean Minister of Finance from June 9, 1957
- Kim, Yong-u, Korean Minister of National Defense, May 1956–July 1957
- Lacy, William S.B., Ambassador to Korea, May–October 1955
- Lee, Joong-chai, Korean Minister of Finance
- Lemnitzer, General Lyman L., USA, Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Far East and Eighth United States Army, April-June 1955; Commander in Chief, United Nations Command; Commander in Chief, Far East; and Governor of the Ryukyu Islands, June 1955–July 1957; thereafter Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
- Lloyd, John Selwyn, British Minister of Defense, April–December 1955; thereafter Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, Counselor of the Department of State until December 1956; Ambassador to Japan from February 1957
- Macmillan, Harold, British Minister of Defense until April 1955; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, April–December 1955; Chancellor of the Exchequer, December 1955–January 1957; thereafter Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury
- McClurkin, Robert J.C., Director of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, from January 1955
- Merchant, Livingston T., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until May 1956
- Murphy, Robert D., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- Nes, David G., Officer in Charge of Korean Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State, May 1956–October 1957
- Parsons, Howard L., Officer in Charge of Economic Affairs, Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Department of State, from February 1955; Acting Deputy Director from January 1956; Deputy Director, April–October 1956; thereafter Director
- Pate, General Randolph McC., Commandant of the Marine Corps
- Phleger, Herman, Legal Adviser of the Department of State until April 1957
- Prochnow, Herbert V., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, October 1955–November 1956
- Pyun, Yung Tai, Korean Foreign Minister until July 1955
- Quarles, Donald A., Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Radford, Admiral Arthur W., USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until August 1957
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, Ambassador to Vietnam, April 1955–February 1957; Counselor of the Department of State from March 1957
- Rhee, Syngman, President of the Republic of Korea
- Ridgway, General Matthew B., USA, Chief of Staff of the Army until June 1955
- Robertson, Walter S., Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs
- Sin, Ik-hui, President of the Korean Democratic Nationalist Party Sohn Won-il, Admiral, Korean Minister of National Defense until June 1956
- Sprague, Mansfield D., General Counsel of the Department of Defense until February 1957; thereafter Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- Strom, Carl W., Counselor of the Embassy in Korea until July 1956
- Stump, Admiral Felix B., USN, Commander in Chief, Pacific Command, and Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet
- Taylor, General Maxwell D., USA, Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Far East, and United States Eighth Army, until March 1955; Commander in Chief, Far East Command; Commander in Chief, United Nations Command; and Governor of the Ryukyu Islands, April–June 1955; thereafter Chief of Staff of the Army
- Twining, General Nathan F., USAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force until June 1957; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from August 1957
- Weil, T. Eliot, Counselor of the Embassy in Korea from September 1956
- Wilcox, Francis O., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from September 1955
- Wilson, Charles E., Secretary of Defense until October 1957
- Yang, Dr.,seeYou Chan Yang, Dr.
- Yi Heung-kun, General, Chairman of the Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, January 1955– May 1956
- Yi Ki-pong, Speaker of the Korean Assembly
- You, Chan Yang, Dr., Korean Ambassador to the United States