The enclosed draft statement of policy on the subject, prepared by the
NSC Planning Board, is transmitted
herewith for consideration by the National Security Council at its
meeting on Thursday, March 10, 1955.
A Financial Appendix covering Korea will be prepared and circulated for
the information of the Council prior to the meeting.
The enclosed statement of policy, if adopted, is intended to supersede
NSC 170/1.
It is recommended that, if the Council adopts the enclosed statement of
policy, it be submitted to the President with the recommendation that he
approve it, direct its implementation by all appropriate executive
departments and agencies of the U.S. Government, and designate the
Operations Coordinating Board as the coordinating agency.
[Here follows a table of contents.]
1. Long-range Objective: To bring about the
unification of Korea with a self-supporting economy and under a
free, independent, and representative government, friendly toward
the U.S. and other countries of the free world, with its political
and territorial integrity assured
[Page 44]
by international agreement and with armed
forces sufficient for internal security and capable of strong
resistance in event of attack by a foreign power.
2. Current U.S. Objective: Pending achievement
of the above long-range objective, (a) to assist the Republic of
Korea (ROK) in order to enable it to
make a substantial contribution to free world strength in the
Pacific area, (b) to prevent more of Korea from coming under
Communist domination either by subversion or aggression, and (c) to
develop ROK armed forces sufficient
for internal security and capable of defending ROK territory short of attack by a
major power.
3. To achieve these objectives through peaceful means, if possible to
do so without compromising U.S. obligations, principles, or military
Courses of Action
(The following courses of action are subject to review in the event
the U.S. becomes engaged in hostilities in the Formosan area or
elsewhere in Asia outside of Korea.)
The Armistice
4. Widely publicize the fact that the Communists, with the connivance
of the Communist members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory
Commission, have violated the provisions of the Armistice Agreement
since its inception.
5. a. Continue to observe the Armistice except as in b and c
b. Take such action as is necessary to deal with the situation caused
by Communist violations of the Armistice when it is determined:
- (1)
- That the UNC is at a
significant disadvantage because of such violations.
- (2)
- That the advantage of taking such action outweighs the
military and political disadvantages thereof, including the
possible non-agreement of the UNC allies to such a course. Prior agreement of
our UNC allies for this
action should be sought, but they should not be given a veto
on U.S. action.
c. In the event of unprovoked Communist attack against U.S. military
or non-military personnel, aircraft, or vessels outside Communist
territory, take action in accordance with paragraph 5–g of NSC 5429/5,4 even though this may be construed as a
violation of the Armistice.
[Page 45]
Preventing or Countering the
Resumption of Fighting by the ROK
6. The U.S. should seek to ensure that the ROK does not unilaterally renew hostilities, by:
- a.
- Continuing to make clear to ROK leaders where circumstances necessitate
that if the ROK unilaterally
initiates military operations against Chinese or North
Korean forces in or north of the Demilitarized Zone then:
- (1)
- UN Command ground,
sea, and air forces will not support such operations
directly or indirectly.
- (2)
- The U.S. will not furnish any military or logistic
support for such operations.
- (3)
- All U.S. economic aid to Korea will cease
- (4)
- The UN Commander
will take any action necessary to prevent his forces
becoming involved in the renewal of hostilities and
to provide for their security.
- b.
- Continuing to persuade the ROK to maintain its forces under UN Command while that Command
has responsibilities for the defense of Korea.
- c.
- Making UN Command plans and
dispositions which will reinforce the statements made to
ROK leaders under a
above and manifest U.S. determination to carry them out, in
so far as this is consistent with sound military deployments
to cope with a Communist attack.
7. In anticipation of the possibility that President Rhee may order the renewal of
hostilities by an attack on Communist forces in or north of the
Demilitarized Zone, despite all the actions taken by the U.S. under
paragraph 6 above, the U.S. should take the measures stated in Annex
A (Annex A to NSC 170/1 amended as
reported by NSC Action No. 1340, and
circulated only to the Secretaries of State and Defense, the
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Director of Central
8. If ROK forces should renew
hostilities unilaterally, the U.S. should, in addition to
appropriate actions under Annex A:
- a.
- Stop all economic and military assistance to Korea.
- b.
- Discontinue all logistic or other support to the ROK forces.
- c.
- Take such other military measures as seem feasible and
consistent with the security and capability of UNC forces to block ROK offensive action.
- d.
- Evacuate UN
- e.
- Notify the Communists that the UN Command will disassociate itself from the
ROK action, but will
defend UN Command forces
against any Communist attack, and will be prepared, if a
Communist counterattack against the ROK threatens the security of UN Command
[Page 46]
forces, to undertake such
military action as may be necessary for the security of
UN Command forces.
- f.
- Renew hostilities with the Communists only if necessary to
protect the security of UN
Command forces.
- g.
- Promptly seek to obtain the support of the other members
of the UN Command and, as
appropriate, inform the UN of
the actions taken by the UN
Command under UN authority to
prevent or limit hostilities.
Countering the Resumption of
Fighting by the Communists
9. If Communist forces renew hostilities in Korea, the U.S. should:
- a.
- Implement the U.S.-ROK
Mutual Defense Treaty
- b.
- Invoke the Joint Policy Declaration6 by calling upon the signatories to
carry out the commitment that “if there is a renewal of the
armed attack, challenging again the principles of the United
Nations, we should again be united and prompt to resist. The
consequences of such a breach of the armistice would be so
grave that, in all probability, it would not be possible to
confine hostilities within the frontiers of Korea.”
- c.
- Make clear to the world the necessity of expanding the war
[less than 1 line of source text not
declassified] as the only feasible way of honoring
our collective security commitments to the UN and our security commitments
to the ROK.
- d.
- Implement the military and diplomatic measures referred to
in NSC Action No. 1004,
January 8, 1954.7
- e.
- Call on other UN members
for effective military assistance [less
than 1 line of source text not
Achieving a Position of
10. Pending a political settlement and in the absence of a renewal of
hostilities, and conditioned upon satisfactory cooperation by the
ROK in carrying out its
agreements with the U.S., the U.S. should:
- a.
- Accept the division of Korea on the present demarcation
line while seeking a satisfactory solution of the Korean
problem by the use of other than military action.
- b.
- Continue to develop the ROK as a military ally.
- c.
- Maintain the general security position of the ROK by increasing the combat
effectiveness of its active armed forces and developing an
effective reserve in order to permit a reduction in the size
of its active armed forces at an appropriate time.
- d.
- Seek to continue the military involvement and thus the
political interest of other nations in Korea and to give
greater force to the Joint Policy Declaration by persuading
the other UN members to
[Page 47]
maintain at least
minimum armed forces within the ROK in order to preserve the UN Command.
- e.
- Working in and through the organs of the UN where feasible, continue to
strengthen the government and democratic institutions of the
- f.
- Encourage the development of cooperative relations, mutual
respect and participation in multilateral activities between
the ROK and the other free
nations of Asia as a means of lessening the dependence of
the ROK upon the U.S. for
political and moral support; endeavor to develop a community
of interest between the ROK
and Japan, and also with the Philippines and the Republic of
China through the offer of U.S. good offices to help resolve
outstanding problems and by encouragement of joint
cooperation; and encourage the conditions necessary to form
as soon as possible, and then participate in, a Western
Pacific collective defense arrangement, including the
Philippines, Japan, the Republic of China, and the ROK, eventually linked with the
Manila Pact and ANZUS.
- g.
- Continue to strengthen the ROK economy by implementing the present
expanded program of economic assistance in that portion of
Korea controlled by the ROK
and the UN Command. The
program should be designed:
- (1)
- To establish living standards approximating the
1949–50 levels, which the ROK should be able to support with a
minimum of future external aid.
- (2)
- To increase the investment component as rapidly as
is consistent with economic stability, placing
greatest emphasis on projects contributing most
immediately to increased productivity.
- (3)
- To permit the ROK
to assume an increasingly greater proportion of the
cost of supporting its armed forces.
Seeking To Obtain Satisfactory
Agreements From the Communists
11. In order to achieve a unified Korea under an independent and
representative Government friendly toward the U.S., established
through the holding of genuinely free elections under UN supervision for representation in the
National Assembly, in which representation shall be in direct
proportion to the indigenous population in Korea, the U.S. should be
prepared to:
- a.
- Engage in political negotiations between the Communists
and the UN side (with the
ROK associated with the
latter), if it appears such negotiations would be
- b.
- Conclude arrangements with the Communists and such other
nations as are concerned to guarantee the political and
territorial integrity of a unified Korea.
- c.
- Accept a level of Korean armed forces sufficient for
internal security and capable of strong resistance in event
of attack by a foreign power.
- d.
- Forego all rights granted to the U.S. under the U.S.
ROK Mutual Defense
Treaty, and to refrain from stationing U.S. forces and
maintaining U.S. bases in Korea, provided no other foreign forces are granted these
rights or maintain such forces and bases.
[Page 48]
12. Any such agreement should not preclude the provision of U.S.
economic and military assistance to Korea.
13. Pending achievement of satisfactory agreements with the
- a.
- Continue in effect all pertinent instructions to the
UN Command involving the
maintenance of the security of the U.S. forces in the Korean
- b.
Continue diplomatic efforts to persuade our Allies to
accept U.S. courses of action with respect to Korea and
to contribute to their support.
[1 paragraph (2-1/2 lines of source
text) not declassified]