176. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Northeast Asian Affairs (Parsons) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)1
- JCS Report of October 11, 1956, on Korean Force Levels2
Mr. Bowie opened Monday’s Planning Board consideration of the JCS report by pointing out that no estimate had been included of the force reductions, if any, which might be undertaken were [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] not introduced into south Korea. The JCS representative referred to paragraph 1 of the report and said force levels could not be determined until a decision on introducing [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] was reached. He then confirmed that if [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] are not to be introduced, the JCS recommend no change in present force levels, either U.S. or ROK. This was contested by Mr. Bowie on the grounds that the conditions set by the JCS in November, 1955 for ROK force reductions3 had now been met.
Gordon Gray indicated that he was not at all happy with the JCS report and that Secretary Wilson felt the very minor reduction in ROK forces recommended was not worth the difficulties inherent in giving U.S. troops in Korea nuclear capability and would so inform the NSC. Furthermore, Secretary Wilson would not concur in Defense agreement to any future force levels in Korea, either U.S. or [Page 334] ROK until the completion of a world-wide review due in mid-December.
Asked where this leaves us, Mr. Jackson4 directed that work on a new Korean paper proceed, nevertheless. NA is working on a draft of a revised paper which will be submitted for your approval in a few days.
- Source: Department of State, NA Files: Lot 59 D 476, NA Top Secret File. Top Secret. Drafted by Nes.↩
- Document 172.↩
- These conditions are outlined in Document 172.↩
- William H. Jackson, Special Assistant to the President.↩