136. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices1
7A9. Tokyo also pass CINCUNC. Geneva for Johnson. Department’s Circular 732.2 Following for information only. Department discussed Communist note and NNSC April 26 with representatives Embassies U.K., N.Z., Canada, Australia and France3 preliminary to [Page 249] meeting 16 about May 2. U.S. gave them U.S. draft reply4 to be sent by 16 through UK: (1) declining convene conference although assuring careful consideration any concrete proposal in accord UN objectives (2) stating NNSC problem not related unification Korea and (3) asserting in view Communist violations Armistice and rejection Swiss-Swedish proposals NNSC activities of Czech and Polish members NNSC are inequitable burden on U.S. side. U.S. stated belief we entitled treat as suspended right of Czech and Polish members conduct activities in UN Command area and that U.S. proposes at time of reply to make statement in Military Armistice Commission on NNSC fully describing UN Command position and immediately thereafter move Czechs and Poles DZ.
Group expressed some misgivings over U.S. proposals on NNSC. Meeting same group scheduled April 30.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/4–2656. Secret. Drafted by Norred and approved by Sebald. Sent to Addis Ababa, Athens, Bangkok, Bogota, Bern, Brussels, Canberra, The Hague, London, Luxembourg, Ottawa, Paris, Pretoria, Seoul, Stockholm, Taipei, Wellington, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Geneva, and USUN.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 131.↩
- A memorandum by Norred of a conversation among representatives of the British, French, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Embassies and Departmental officials including Sebald is in Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/4–2656.↩
- Attached to Document 133.↩