126. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in China1
Tosec 83. Tokyo also pass CINCUNC. Démarches Swiss and Swedes outlined paragraph 1 our 15412 Bern repeated Stockholm 937 Tokyo 1915 Seoul 598 Karachi Tosec 31 have led no definite conclusions thus far. Both countries March 6 or 7 requested Communist reply to Swiss and Swedish rejection Communist counterproposal retain one inspection team each north and south. Neither requested reply by specific date. Swiss expected reply within matter days and said if not received would consider setting deadline for Communist reply. Swedes felt Communist reply unlikely before March 17 and Ambassador Boheman following telephone conversation his Government March 15 reported his Government doing everything it could but unable set deadline for Communist agreement. Believe demarches made twice in last week have had effect impel Swiss and Swedes [Page 233] somewhat more rapid action. Sebald conversation with Swiss and Swedes March 153 led to impression Swiss and Swedes continuing efforts obtain Communist agreement remove all inspection teams but impossible determine when efforts will succeed or whether failing Communist agreement will withdraw their own personnel.
U.S. course action appears depend on ability persuade Rhee allow little more time for success Swiss and Swedish efforts. Ambassador Boheman suggested telling Rhee Swiss and Swedes doing utmost and their patience running out. May wish in discussion with Rhee indicate you extremely concerned re delays and will personally look into matter immediately upon your return and will communicate him further. Any event appears best not commit U.S. to deadline or to unilateral action until after consultation our Allies.
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/3–1556. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Jones; cleared with EUR, UNP, and by Murphy; and approved by Sebald. Also sent to Seoul and repeated to Bern, Stockholm, and Tokyo.
Dulles was visiting the Republic of China as part of a tour of Asian countries undertaken after the SEATO meeting in Karachi, March 6–8. His trip took him to India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and the Philippines. Documentation on the post-SEATO trip is ibid., Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 675–683.
↩- Document 123.↩
- Copies of memoranda by Jones of Sebald’s conversations with Swedish Ambassador Boheman and Swiss Counselor Schnyder are in Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/3–1556.↩