81. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

1813. Secretary’s remarks to Eban (Embtel 15592) followed Dept’s receipt of information that activist sentiment in IG was increasing in belief that trend of Western policy was toward support of Arabs and in absence of any real belief that security guarantee from US and UK likely. Secretary’s remarks designed to convince IG it can obtain security guarantee if it will cooperate in maintaining calm in area and work toward settlement of some of basic Israel-Arab issues.

It should be noted Secretary did not mention US–UK discussions nor existence of Alpha plans. Dept concurs fully with you on necessity of holding firm line against premature disclosure additional info re Alpha and any efforts by IG to assume a role in discussions of settlement that would prejudice settlement itself. We have informed IG of essentiality of Israel abstaining from initiating any publicity about discussions and jeopardy to possible security guarantee which would result from it.

In order assure that Nasser will have no grounds for feeling you have not been frank with him you may wish say when you see him that GOI recently renewed its request to US for a treaty guaranteeing present Israel boundaries and that Secretary informed Eban US could only consider a security treaty in context of settlement of major Israel-Arab issues, expressing his hope and belief that an equitable settlement in near future might be possible. You could inform Nasser there has been no discussion with IG concerning form or terms of any settlement.

FYI:Russell probably going London April 24 for week’s discussion with Shuckburgh on next steps re Alpha and review existing Alpha recommendations re Gaza and Negev. Your Alpha tels have been most helpful and suggestions urtel 15513 will be carefully considered although Dept inclined doubt feasibility either of joint administration or international supervision of Negev. Would appreciate any further thoughts you may have re any aspect of Alpha.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/4–1555. Top Secret; Alpha; Limited Distribution. Drafted by Russell and approved by Jernegan, who signed for Dulles. Repeated to London and Tel Aviv.
  2. Document 76.
  3. Document 74.