80. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

1792. Re Palestine in SC: Gaza.UNSYG has informed us that, contrary to his understanding and ours that Israelis desired high-level discussions which would be limited to Gaza border situation, Israeli position has now apparently developed into one requesting full-scale discussions with Egypt on high political level in addition to Gaza border talks under Burns.UNSYG also indicated his view Israelis seeking to relegate Burns’ role in possible high-level discussions to secondary or minor one. He has informed Burns he supports him fully on limiting discussions to those provided for in March 30 [Page 161] SC resolution.2 We share UNSYG’s concern and today have informed Israeli Embassy our view we believe Israel should cooperate fully with Burns’ efforts and that discussions, if arranged, should be limited to SC resolution.3FYI We believe Israeli efforts to broaden basis discussions may be prelude to formal Israeli request, possibly at SC meeting scheduled April 19, for talks under Article 12 Egyptian-Israeli general armistice agreement. End FYI. Following for action posts as indicated:

USUN requested inform UNSYG we support fully line he has taken with Burns and have already informed Israelis our view discussions should be under Burns and limited to March 30 resolution.4 Such discussions in our view have obvious priority over any other possible negotiations. This position may be taken with other delegations and in SC meeting if necessary.
Tel Aviv should inform Israelis our position indicated above.5
Cairo should inform GOE, and USUN should inform Egyptian delegation we continue support Burns’ effort under March 30SC resolution. Should indicate however our view Israelis may possibly call for talks under Article 12 of general armistice agreement. If Israelis make such request we earnestly hope Egyptians will not reject it but instead will be prepared indicate as promptly as possible it will consider such talks but believes cooperation with Burns on carrying out March 30 resolution has priority.6
Jerusalem may inform Burns of developments and our views.7

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–1655. Secret. Drafted by Ludlow on April 15; cleared with Burdett,Hart, and Jernegan; and approved by Popper, who signed for Dulles. Also sent to Tel Aviv,USUN, and Jerusalem.
  2. The Mission at the United Nations on April 14 furnished the Department of State with texts of Burns’ messages to Hammarskjöld and the latter’s reply. (Telegram 689;ibid., 674.84A/4–1455)
  3. Ludlow conveyed the Department’s position to Kollek on April 15. (Memorandum of Conversation by Ludlow;ibid., 980.7301/4–1555)
  4. Secretary-General Hammarskjöld was informed of the Department’s position on April 18. (Memorandum of Conversation, by John McSweeney of the Mission at the United Nations;ibid.,UNP Files: Lot 59 D 237)
  5. See Document 82.
  6. The substance of paragraph 3 was delivered to the Egyptian Foreign Office on April 19. (Telegram 1577 from Cairo, April 19; Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/4–1955)
  7. On April 18,Cole discussed the substance of these instructions with General Burns, who responded that he had had no indication that the Israelis intended to relegate him to a secondary role. (Telegram 289 from Jerusalem, April 18;ibid., 674.84A/4–1855)