76. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

1559. Am glad Secretary talked to Eban as he did on April 13 as one would hope this would serve help stay their hand for a time. Much relieved, however, to note final paragraph Deptel 17812 makes it clear we cannot expand on subject to Israelis at this time. Hope all concerned will brace themselves against certain Israeli efforts obtain such expansion. News we thinking of border adjustments may well excite them greatly.

Newspaper articles inspired by Govt of India [Israel] or political groups inside Israel have at times in past frustrated Department’s efforts make progress on aspects Arab-Israeli problem. Suggest therefore Secretary may wish send word to Eban and Sharett if anything of this kind now happens future progress will be jeopardized and Israelis would have only themselves to blame. Israel agrees Egypt may yet be key which would unlock door leading to progress. From viewpoint talks here can think nothing more disastrous than having some newspaper story touch off a wave of discussion on subject of United States intention and/or plan bring about peace settlement. As we agreed upon utmost secrecy and particularly as I assured him (allowed I believe by Alpha instructions) he could proceed with assurance Israel would not know of talks until we saw whether progress was possible here.Nasser would interpret such a [Page 156] story as our breaking faith with him. It would be. Public disavowal of Egypt’s involvement followed by stoppage of talks likely result.

Reference Eban’s suggested use Johnston procedure, am certain Department agrees public emissary, certain to be labeled “peace maker” and subject bitter attack of press with resultant difficulty dealing Middle East politicians not best tactics on this one. It will be recalled Johnston had to live down impression he embarking on Alpha type operation before progress made.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/4–1555. Top Secret; Priority; Alpha; Limited Distribution. Received at 12:33 a.m., April 16. Repeated to London and Tel Aviv.
  2. Printed as telegram 605 to Tel Aviv,supra.