26. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan 1

2860. Karachi 24182 repeated New Delhi 290, New Delhi 25513 repeated Karachi 214. While concerned continuance Indo Pak tensions and desiring assist in their alleviation Department believes this not most favorable moment make specific representations at highest level either government in view imminence Nehru visit U.S.4 and current Pakistani preoccupation internal problems.

However Department believes both embassies might as opportunities arise in conversations with important officials give emphasis to following:

Both governments should recognize important part their fears and suspicions of each other play in determining respective policies. Accordingly we would hope each country would seize every opportunity [Page 83] by statements and gestures reassure other as to their peaceful intentions.
However no amount reiteration peaceful intent can take place of real progress in settlement outstanding disputes. U.S. believes both sides have demonstrated enlightened attitude in efforts for satisfactory resolution their respective interests Indus valley waters. U.S. realizes internal political problems posed by Kashmir question. U.S. notes efforts of both sides to negotiate it and hopes next phase discussion this problem will be marked by conscientious endeavor for solution. We note also conciliatory desire displayed by both governments in efforts meet refugee problem East Pakistan.
U.S. believes both governments should take lead in making clear their people progress achieved thus far in solution disputes by dint concerted effort by both sides.

Re Karachi 2418 Department believes points 1 and 2 might be used in discussion with Pakistanis to support line suggested above. Re point 3 we would prefer omit references deliveries military equipment in context Pak Indian relations. Re 4 Department believes indication to GOP we have discussed Pak military program with GOI might alarm Pakistanis unnecessarily. Re 5 believe we should avoid accusations re “war of nerves” while encouraging GOP in peaceful statements. For moment however Department believes effectiveness our arguments GOI would be lessened by any effort persuade Indians accept arbitration principle which generally unacceptable in major territorial disputes.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790D.5–MSP/5–1556. Secret. Drafted by Thacher and approved by Rountree. Also sent to New Delhi and repeated to London.
  2. Document 23.
  3. See footnote 5, ibid.
  4. Nehru was scheduled to make an official visit to the United States in July, although the trip was subsequently postponed until December.