131. Circular Telegram From the Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics 1

621. You should inform Foreign Office with reference CPR:

U.S. looks forward to intensifying program Atoms for Peace in Latin America in which bilateral and multilateral activities will both have a part.
U.S. takes position not desirable attempt establish one centralized atomic energy research and training center under OAS sponsorship for several reasons among which are: a) Accessibility several training centers in U.S. including newly announced center at University of Puerto Rico where instruction will be in Spanish language; b) Large capital outlay required ranging up to $10 or $20 million plus heavy operating expenses; c) Evident desire most countries devote resources available for expensive atomic energy work to their own national institutions; and d) Need for variety of atomic energy facilities related to special economic and technical conditions of various countries.
U.S therefore instead recommends continued emphasis on bilateral development of atomic energy activities in Latin American countries with added and important function of coordination and leadership through OAS. U.S. envisages establishment consultative committee on nuclear energy under OAS, with small permanent staff which would serve as vehicle for analyzing and summarizing research and training needs in nuclear energy of all member states; encourage those states capable of developing research facilities to coordinate their emphasis on various phases of nuclear science so as to be of greatest possible use to all American states; promote development of less elaborate atomic energy facilities in those countries where such would be of greater use; and stimulate additional scholarship programs to create wider opportunities for training of nationals of all American countries.
U.S. would be prepared increase technical and financial support now available through bilateral programs in order make coordinated inter-American program effective. U.S. convinced this represents in long run most desirable approach.
In addition OAS could serve usefully in carrying out certain research and training in use atomic energy for agricultural sciences and in health field through competent OAS agencies.

FYI. Above being communicated CPR members in Washington. But important governments also understand our approach in view efforts Argentina promote idea OAS should establish large generalized [Page 473] research center in Argentina2 along lines announced Asian Nuclear Research Center in Manila.3

FYI. Although statements U.S. proposals on several subjects for CPR now being distributed other members, unlikely statement on atomic energy will be available before CPR meets January 28. End FYI.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 361/1–1857. Official Use Only. Sent to all Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics except Buenos Aires; repeated to Buenos Aires. Drafted and approved by Dreier.
  2. See footnote 15, infra .
  3. Reference is to the selection by the U.S. Government of Manila, the Philippines, as the site of the proposed Asian Nuclear Energy Training and Research Center.