List of Sources
The principal source of documentation for this volume was the indexed central (decimal) files of the Department of State. Documents from the central files were supplemented by materials from decentralized office and bureau files, the “lot” files of the Department of State, and Embassy files. The editors have also examined files of other Executive Branch agencies, including the Department of Defense and the International Cooperation Administration, and record collections at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library. A list of the unpublished documentary sources used in the preparation of this volume follows. It is divided into three sections: the lot files maintained by the Department of State, with information concerning their origin, scope, and size; the files of other Executive Branch agencies; and record collections at the Eisenhower Library.
Department of State
- ARA Files, Lot 58 D 564
- Subject files relating to Venezuela for the period 1948–1956, as retired by the Office of East Coast Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 59 D 2
- Subject files relating to Cuba for the year 1957, as retired by the Office of Caribbiean and Mexican Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 59 D 12
- Subject files relating to Venezuela for the year 1957, as retired by the Office of East Coast Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 59 D 73
- Chile desk files for the year 1956, as retired by the Office of West Coast Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (1 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 59 D 509
- Argentina desk files for the year 1956, as retired by the Office of East Coast Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (1 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 60 D 67
- Subject and chronological files relating to Chile for the year 1957, as retired by the Office of West Coast Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 60 D 667
- Subject files relating to Panama for the years 1955–1958, as retired by the Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (2 ft.)
- ARA Files, Lot 62 D 308
- Subject files relating to Brazil for the years 1956–1960, as retired by the Office of East Coast Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (2 ft.)
- ARA Deputy Assistant Secretary Files,
Lot 58 D 691
- Functional files of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Thomas C. Mann, Robert Woodward, and Cecil B. Lyon) for the period 1951–1956, as maintained by the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Special Assistant’s Files, Lot 57
D 696
- Subject files of the Special Assistant (Willliam L. Krieg and Spencer M. King) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs for the year 1955, as maintained by the Office of the Special Assistant in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Special Assistant’s Files, Lot 58
D 749
- Subject files of the Special Assistant (Spencer M. King) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs for the year 1956, as maintained by the Office of the Special Assistant in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA Special Assistant’s Files, Lot 59
D 376
- Functional files of the Special Assistant (Spencer M. King and Henry A. Hoyt) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs for the year 1957, as maintained by the Office of the Special Assistant in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- ARA/REA Files, Lot 61 D 248
- Chronological, country, and subject files relating to general economic matters for the years 1955–1959, including sugar and coffee, miscellaneous conferences files, and Mutual Security Program estimates, as retired by the Office of Inter-American Regional Economic Affairs. (2 ft.)
- ARA/REA Files, Lot 63 D 87
- Records relating to the Mutual Security Program, technical assistance, and the technical cooperation program of the Organization of American States in Latin America for the years 1955–1960, as retired by the Office of Inter-American Regional Economic Affairs. (1 1/2 ft.)
- Cabinet Meetings, Lot 68 D 350
- Records relating to various foreign policy subjects discussed at Presidential Cabinet meetings from 1953 to 1965, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (2 ft.)
- Caracas Embassy Files, Lot 64 F 14
- Top secret central files of the Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela, for the period 1948–1956, which form item 40 of Federal Records Center Accession 63 A 5159. (1 ft.)
- Conference Files, Lot 62 D 181
- Collection of documentation on official visits by heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for the period 1956–1958, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (18 ft.)
- Current Economic Developments, Lot 70 D 467
- Master set of the Department of State classified internal publication Current Economic Developments for the years 1945–1969, as maintained in the Bureau of Economic Affairs. (7 ft.)
- E Files, Lot 60 D 136
- Subject and country files of the Export-Import Bank, as retired by the Economic Development Division in the Bureau of Economic Affairs. (2 3/4 ft.)
- Holland Files, Lot 57 D 295
- Memoranda and exchanges of official-informal correspondence between Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Henry F. Holland and Chiefs of Mission in Latin American countries. (2 ft.)
- INR–NIE Files
- Files of National Intelligence Estimates, Special Estimates, and Special National Intelligence Estimates, retained by the Directorate for Regional Research in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.
- Intelligence Files, Lot 58 D 776
- Country, subject, and administrative files relating to U.S. intelligence organization and activities for the years 1945–1960, as maintained in the Office of the Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. (Combines lots 62 D 42, 61 D 67, 60 D 644, 58 D 776, 58 D 159, and 53 D 500) (11 ft.)
- IO/OIC Files, Lot 73 D 227
- Subject files relating to international conferences and meetings for the years 1958–1959 and 1965, including the Conference on the Problem of Surprise Attack, Inter-American Committee of Presidential Representatives, Fifth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of American States, and COCOM, as retired by the Office of International Conferences in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs. (2 ft.)
- MID Files, Lot 57 D 59
- Economic and political subject files relating to Cuba for the year 1955, as retired by the Office of Middle American Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- MID Files, Lot 57 D 95
- Chronological files for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama for the years 1947–1956, including country briefing papers, monthly political summaries, and background material on the Meeting of the American Presidents in Panama in July 1956, as retired by the Office of Middle American Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (3 ft.)
- MID Files, Lot 58 D 103
- Economic and political subject files relating to Cuba for the year 1956, as retired by the Office of Middle American Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (1 1/4 ft.)
- NAC Files, Lot 60 D 137
- Master file of documents of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems for the years 1945–1958, as maintained by the Bureau of Economic Affairs. (15 ft.)
- OAP Files, Lot 59 D 6
- Subject files relating to Guatemala for the year 1955, as retired by the Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- OAP Files, Lot 60 D 647
- Guatemala desk files for the years 1956–1958, as retired by the Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (2 1/3 ft.)
- OAP Files, Lot 61 D 110
- Chronological and subject files relating to Central America for the years 1957–1958, including correspondence with Ambassador Whiting Willauer, Dr. Milton Eisenhower’s trip to Central America in 1958, and activities of the United Fruit Company, as retired by the Office of Central American and Panamanian Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (Less than 1 ft.)
- OAS Files, Lot 60 D 665
- Basic collection of records of meetings of the Organization of American States, other major inter-American governmental organizations, and inter-American conferences, together with related subject files for the years 1939–1962, as maintained by the Office of Inter-American Regional Political Affairs. (173 ft.)
- OSA Files, Lot 58 D 42
- Brazilian desk files for the years 1954–1955, as retired by the Office of South American Affairs in the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. (12 ft.)
- Panama City Embassy Files, Lot 63 F 57
- Classified and unclassified central files of the Embassy in Panama City, Panama, and United States Information Service files for the years 1953–1958, which form item 1 of Federal Records Center Accession 64 A 845. (18 ft.)
- Rubottom Files, Lot 59 573
- Working files of Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Roy R. Rubottom, Jr., for 1957, as maintained by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. (1 1/2 ft.)
- Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation, Lot 64 D 199
- Chronological collections of the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation and the Under Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation for the years 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (7 ft.)
- Secretary’s Staff Meetings, Lot 63 D 75
- Chronological collections of the minutes of the Secretary of State’s Staff meetings during the years 1952–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (4 ft.)
Files, Lot 61 D 167
- Serial file of memoranda relating to National Security Council questions for the years 1950–1961, as maintained by the Policy Planning Staff. (17 ft.)
Files, Lot 63 D 351
- Serial master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence and related Department of State memoranda for the years 1947–1961, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (20 ft.)
Files, Lot 61 D 385
- Master set of the administrative and country files of the Operations Coordinating Board for the years 1953–1960, as maintained in the Operations Staff. (25 ft.)
Files, Lot 62 D 430
- Master file of the Operations Coordinating Board for the years 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (3 ft.)
- State–JCS Meetings, Lot 61 D 417
- Top secret records of meetings between representatives of the Department of State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the period 1951–1959 and selected problem files on the Middle East for the period 1954–1956, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat. (3 ft.)
- Sugar Files, Lot 65 D 212
- Country and subject files relating to sugar for the years 1932–1962, as retired by the Office of International Resources in the Bureau of Economic Affairs, which form item 79 of of Federal Records Center Accession 71 A 6682. (3 ft.)
- UNP Files, Lot 58 D 224
- Miscellaneous country and subject files relating to political issues before the United Nations for the years 1943–1956, including the Collective Measures Committees (1951–1952), Palestine, and Suez, as retired by the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, and which form item 64 of Federal Records Center Accession 71 A 5255. (8 ft.)
Other Executive Agencies
- ICA Director’s File, FRC 61 A 32
- ICA Director’s subject file containing correspondence, memoranda, reports, messages, and other material accumulated during the period 1955–1958, as retired by the International Cooperation Agency, and which forms part of Federal Records Center Accession 61 A 32.
- ICA Message Files, FRC 58 A 405
- Telegrams, airgrams, and cables to and from ICA Missions, July 1, 1956–June 30, 1957, as maintained by ICA Headquarters in Washington.
- JCS Records
- Records of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, maintained by the National Archives and Records Service as Record Group 218.
- OASD/ISA Files
- Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, arranged by countries and chronologically, which form parts of Federal Records Center Accessions 60 A 1025 (1955), 0 A 1339 (1956), and 61 A 1672 (1957).
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library
- Eisenhower Library, CFEP Chairman Records
- Records of the Office of the Chairman, United States Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Joseph M. Dodge and Clarence B. Randall), for the period 1954–1961.
- Eisenhower Library, Fairless Committee Records, 1956–1957
- Papers of the President’s Citizen Advisers on the Mutual Security Program, established by President Eisenhower on September 22, 1956, to examine the foreign assistance activites of the United States.
- Eisenhower Library, White House Central Files
- Records of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President, White House Central Files, 1953–1961.
- Eisenhower Library, Whitman File
- Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States, 1953–1961, maintained by his personal Secretary, Ann C. Whitman. The Whitman File includes the following elements: the Name Series, the Dulles–Herter Series, Eisenhower Diaries, Ann Whitman (ACW) Diaries, National Security Council Records, Miscellaneous Records, Cabine Legislative Meetings, International Meetings, the Administration Series, and the International File.