250. Telegram From the Consulate General at Geneva to the Department of State1
179. From Merchant. I had Kidd get in touch with Blankenhorn this evening, who found German Delegation in very happy mood, offering congratulations for effective work of Western spokesmen.2 They had instructed Von Eckhardt, their press man, to endeavor set tone of German press as one of recognition of positive accomplishment of Western powers in support of German interests. They would make point that unwavering unity of three Western representatives with regard to unification issue was one of first fruits of Chancellor’s policy of close alliance with West. They realized that Bulganin’s closing statement3 offered little hope for near future, but thought important thing was that German question had been referred to Foreign Ministers for further consideration this autumn.
[Page 515]Blankenhorn said that when Kirkpatrick had consulted him at noon, latter indicated that it was hopeless to expect Soviets accept reference to German question before European security. In view of this fact, recognition of which Blankenhorn understood to be West’s common position and under impression that Kirkpatrick was speaking on behalf of the three, Blankenhorn was of opinion that it was more important to establish link between unification and security questions than to waste further time on sequence in which points listed in directive. He had checked with Chancellor who entirely agreed. In general they were very satisfied with outcome and considered the major objectives achieved: (1) German unification would be on agenda of Foreign Ministers, (2) the link was recognized, (3) reference to GDR by name had been avoided.
Chancellor had asked Blankenhorn to convey his warm appreciation for Secretary’s message of July 21.4
I sent word that we would be glad to have an officer give Chancellor personal report if so desired, and explained your regret at having no opportunity to see him, since circumstances required your immediate return to Washington for purposes report to Congress. Kidd invited to see Chancellor on Monday, when Brentano, Hallstein, and Blankenhorn will be in Muerren for conference on results Geneva.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–GE/7–2455. Secret; Priority.↩
The meeting took place during the evening of July 23. Kidd took with him a message from Secretary Dulles to Chancellor Adenauer the text of which reads:
“It has been tough going, but I believe that we have brought the subject of German unification into the area of practical politics.” (Ibid., Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 515)
↩- See Geneva Conference, pp. 77–80, or Cmd. 9543, pp. 25–28.↩
- Document 229.↩