List of Short Titles
- Cmd. 9543. Documents relating to the Meeting of Heads of Government of France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States of America, Geneva, July 18–23, 1955, Miscellaneous No. 14 (1955). London: July 1955.
- Cmd. 9633. Documents relating to the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States of America, Geneva, October 27–November 16, 1955, Miscellaneous No. 21 (1955). London: November 1955.
- Documents Diplomatiques Français. Ministère des Affaires Étrangères, Documents Diplomatiques Français, 1955. Paris: 1987.
- Documents on Germany. United States Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Documents on Germany, 1944–1970. Washington: 1971.
- Documents (R.I.I.A.) for 1954. Documents on International Affairs, 1954–. Denise Folliot, ed., Royal Institute of International Affairs, London: Oxford University Press, 1958.
- Documents (R.I.I.A.) for 1955. Documents on International Affairs, 1955. Noble Frankland, ed., Royal Institute of International Affairs, London: Oxford University Press, 1957.
- Erinnerungen. Konrad Adenauer, Erinnerungen, 1953–1955. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlangs-Anstalt, 1968.
- Foreign Ministers Meeting. United States Department of State, The Geneva Meeting of Foreign Ministers, October 27–November 16, 1955. Washington: December 1955.
- Foreign Relations Committee. United States Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations, Executive Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Eighty-fourth Congress, First Session, vol. VII. Washington: 1978.
- Full Circle. Sir Anthony Eden, The Memoirs of Anthony Eden, Full Circle. Boston: Houghten Mifflin Company, 1960.
- Geneva Conference. United States Department of State, The Geneva Conference of Heads of Government, July 18–23, 1955. Washington: October 1955.
- German Unity. Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, Documents on German Unity, 3 vols. Frankfurt and Bonn: 1951–1953.
- H.C. Debs., 5th series. House of Commons, Parliamentary Debates, 5th Series.
- Khrushchev Remembers. Strobe Talbott, ed., Khrushchev Remembers—The Last Testament. Boston: 1974.
- Macmillan, Tides of Fortune. Harold Macmillan, Tides of Fortune, 1945–1955. New York: 1969.
- Mandate for Change. Dwight D. Eisenhower, The White House Years. Mandate for Change: 1953–1956. New York: 1963.
- Recollections. Livingston Merchant, Recollections of the Summit Conference, Geneva, 1955. Washington: November 1957.
- Tenth Anniversary. Tenth Anniversary of the Signing of the United Nations Charter, Proceedings and Commemorative Meetings. New York: 1955.
- USCOA. United States Command for Austria, Texts of Principal Diplomatic Notes, Memoranda and Resolutions regarding the Austrian State Treaty, vol. 3, 1954–1955.
- Witness. Charles E. Bohlen, Witness to History. New York: 1973.