- Achilles, Theodore C., 126–130, 131n, 134–135, 198
- Adams, Sherman, 225, 621, 642–643, 677n, 725, 777–778
- Adenauer, Konrad:
- Europe, U.S. policy toward, 225–226
- European security, 155–158, 162, 238–239, 322–323, 556, 570–571, 675, 680–681, 760
- Federal Republic of Germany:
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 676, 681–682
- German Democratic Republic, 134, 575
- German unification, 148–151, 153–154, 235, 237–238, 397–398, 418, 465, 484, 574, 805
- Germany, 132–133, 225–226
- Moscow visit, 391n, 573n, 575–594
- Paris Agreements, 139, 169–170
- Soviet Union, 147, 168–169, 226–227, 307, 551, 574–575
- Summit Conference, 122, 125, 152, 170, 179, 537–539
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 131n, 153, 195–196
- Allen, Edgar P., 1n, 4n, 19n, 30, 44n
- Alphand, Hervé, 597
- Anderson, Dillon, 366, 398n, 419n, 442n, 803
- Anderson, Robert B., 315, 384–386, 425, 427–429, 440, 442, 499n
- Andronykov, Constantin, 232, 244, 493, 597, 792
- Appling, Hugh G., 253, 262, 555, 581n
- Arms control. See Disarmament.
- Arms race, 199–200, 410–411, 592–593, 635, 640
- Atomic energy, peaceful uses of, 210, 219, 338, 365, 369–370, 385, 533, 586, 668, 693
- Atomic weapons, 255, 134
- Austria (see also
Austrian State Treaty):
- Hungary, relations with, 12, 55, 110, 112
- Military, establishment of, 34, 55, 58, 68–69, 78, 80, 110–112
- NATO participation, 16, 26
- Neutrality (see also under Austrian State Treaty), 253, 256
- Political situation, 24–25, 46
- U.N. membership, 34, 37, 40, 49, 57, 63, 89–90, 106
- United States, relations with, 5, 18, 25, 56, 110–111
- Austrian State Treaty, 19–20, 31, 40, 56, 88, 92–93, 95–97, 100–103, 115–117, 155, 542
- Anschluss security guarantee (see also Territorial integrity guarantee below), 2, 4–8, 11–12, 14, 15–17, 21, 24, 27, 45–46
- Austrian position, 12, 14n, 23–24, 28, 35n, 36, 84–85
- Austrian visit to Moscow (see also Economic agreements with the Soviet Union below), 16–20, 22–28, 30–32
- And Berlin Conference, 342, 344
- British position, 1n, 2n, 19n, 32–33, 44, 45n, 66, 68–69, 75–77, 94, 99–103, 108, 115
- Economic agreements with the Soviet Union (see also German assets below), 17, 38, 40, 42, 48–49, 58, 60, 96, 99
- Economic consequences, 77–79, 109
- Four-Power Conference proposal, 1, 5–9, 11, 13, 15, 17–19, 23, 35, 41, 43–44
- Four-power guarantee. See territorial integrity guarantee below.
- French démarche, 120, 126
- French position, 5n, 20, 30, 32–33, 66, 68–69, 73–77, 84, 175
- German assets, 23–25, 36, 42, 48, 58, 73–74, 82, 94, 96, 98–99, 105
- And Germany issue, 1, 2, 6, 13, 25–26, 33, 36, 43, 44n, 49–50
- Jewish claims, 111–112
- Military limitations, 55, 58, 68–69
- National Security Council discussion, 52–54, 59
- Neutrality (see also Territorial integrity guarantee below):
- Occupation forces withdrawal, 6, 15–16, 30n, 34–38, 40, 42, 43n, 69–70, 84–85, 100
- And Paris Agreements, 1–3, 6–9, 11, 15–16
- Quadripartite note proposal, 6–7, 9
- Refugees, 62, 66–68, 70–72
- And Soviet foreign policy, 154–155, 163, 173, 222, 227, 288, 307, 548, 551
- Soviet position, 1–2, 8, 15n, 21n, 35–37, 199, 369
- Territorial integrity guarantee (see also Anschluss security guarantee above), 43n, 54, 65
- U.S. position, 12–14, 17–20, 29, 32–33, 44–45, 47
- War guilt clause, 103, 106, 112, 116
- Bailey, Col. William B., 636, 742
- Baillou, Jean, 655, 668
- Bandung Conference, 147, 168, 369
- Barbour, Walworth, 33n, 138n, 542, 544n
- Barnett, Robert W., 265–266
- Barringer, B.P., 145, 156n, 609
- Beam, Jacob D., 1n, 20n, 33n, 44n, 156n, 195n, 323n, 405n, 578n, 649n
- Begougne de Juniac, Gontran, 5n, 138
- Berard, Armand, 198, 319n, 343, 381
- Berlin, 147, 150, 294, 557
- Berlin Conference, 559, 807
- Bidault, Georges, 703, 709
- Bischoff, Norbert, 4, 5, 6, 8–12, 15n, 24, 38–39
- Blankenhorn, Herbert A.H., 133, 567, 589–591, 705
- Boeker, Alexander, 597, 615, 649, 674
- Bohlen, Charles E., 226, 243, 355, 456, 488, 754, 767, 780, 788
- Bonbright, James C.H., Jr., 643
- Bova-Scoppa, Renato, 681, 727, 760
- Bowie, Robert R., 167, 232, 338, 419, 560, 597, 605, 614n, 649n, 742, 792
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 567, 584
- Disarmament, 627–630
- European security and German unification, 515, 538, 621–623, 625–627, 629, 675
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 597, 599, 600–601, 613, 623–625, 727, 739n
- FRG relations with the United States, 570, 591n, 681
- GDR relations with the Soviet Union, 576, 586–587
- German unification, 627–630
- Brook, Norman, 343, 494
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 621, 642, 677n
- Brussels Pact, 327, 341, 403, 406, 459, 561–562, 795
- Bulganin, Nikolai Alexandrovich:
- Austrian State Treaty, 36, 43, 93
- China, People’s Republic of, 463–464, 467
- Communism, international, 370, 440
- Disarmament, 369, 443–44, 449–450, 455, 482, 619n, 635, 716, 744, 781
- East-West trade, 685, 712
- Eastern Europe, 372–373, 377, 554
- European security, 370, 389, 395–396, 406–407, 412, 421, 423–424, 444, 447–449, 479–480, 494–498, 639, 700
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 424, 500, 503–512
- German unification, 370, 390–394, 435–436, 440–441, 444, 699
- Soviet Union:
- Summit Conference, 346, 356, 364n, 365, 424, 437, 482, 736
- Bulgaria, 105, 220
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 571, 573
- Caccia, Harold A., 232, 243, 343n, 381, 457, 502, 571–573
- Canada, 155, 237
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 247–252, 271, 284, 606
- Cheklin, N.I., 669, 684–685, 691, 711–714, 715n, 722–725, 733–734
- China, People’s Republic of (see also
Summit Conference agenda
Far East), 147, 220, 358, 367–368, 370, 450, 466–467, 491
- Five- or Six-power conference proposal, 180–181, 187–188, 193, 196, 222–223, 232, 252, 285n, 297, 308, 329, 382, 467
- Soviet policy towards, 181, 290, 370, 416, 491–492
- Soviet Union, relations with, 10, 168, 219, 227, 248–249, 463, 530, 592
- Summit Conference participation, 180–181, 187–188, 297
- U.N. membership, 252, 273, 290, 370, 416
- United States, relations with, 281, 297, 415–416, 463–464, 467, 192
- U.S. policy toward, 187–188, 193, 466–467, 491
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 358, 466–467
- Chou En-lai, 317, 330, 367, 549
- Churchill, Winston, 119n, 121, 307, 336, 552
- Clements, Earle C., 308, 435n
- Cleveland, Stanley M., 138n, 143n, 145
- Cline, Ray S., 486, 752–753
- Coblenz, Gaston, 589, 706
- Colombo Plan, 351
- Communism, international, 210
- Conant, James B., 147–151, 169, 230–231, 266–268, 584–591, 780, 795n
- Congress, U.S.:
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy, 281–282, 609–610
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 232, 244, 560, 562, 570, 597
- Crouy-Chanel, Etienne de, 32, 223, 232, 309n, 502, 566n
- Czechoslovakia:
- Defense, Department of, 52–53, 186, 609
- Denmark, 255–256, 407, 657, 723
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 121n, 139, 141–143, 197, 319, 333
- Disarmament (see also
Atomic weapons; European
- British position, 213, 236, 335, 350–352, 454, 483, 497, 716–717, 745–746, 752
- Budgetary controls, 342, 349, 352–353, 366, 442–443, 454, 521–522, 745
- Foreign Ministers Conference agenda, 470–471, 473, 481–485, 491, 494–501, 503, 527–528, 534, 565
- Foreign Ministers statement, 780–783, 789–791
- French position, 334, 339, 349–354, 361, 385, 496–497, 521–525, 634, 717
- FRG position, 148–149, 157, 234–237
- And German unification, 213, 627–628
- Inspection systems (see also Open Skies proposal below), 191, 286, 311, 320–321, 341, 350–351, 401, 412–413, 428–429, 443, 451–452, 486, 533, 751, 759
- International fund, 335, 337–338, 342–343, 349–354, 443, 454, 522–525
- Open Skies proposal, 218, 426–429, 434–435, 452–453, 479–480, 532–534, 540, 619, 716, 750
- Paris working group position, 327–328
- Procedure, 715–716
- Publicity, 444–445, 454–455, 525
- Soviet position, 183–184, 199–200, 223–224, 251, 288, 384–385, 412–414, 635, 751, 756–759, 804–805
- Soviet proposal, May 10, 1955, 183, 222, 236, 334, 369, 449–450, 455, 482, 548, 551–552
- Soviet proposal, July 21, 1955, 519–520
- Soviet tactics, 327, 331
- Summit Conference agenda, 148–149, 160, 161n, 183, 189, 191–192, 196, 210, 213, 223, 239, 246n, 251, 427
- U.N. role, 565
- U.S. position, 218–220, 237–238, 292–295, 350–351, 353, 365, 412–414, 425n, 432–433, 450–453, 481–483
- Western European Union, 125–126, 146, 154, 161, 275–276, 278
- Western tactics, 638–639, 670–671, 717–718, 742–743, 758, 800
- Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft (D.D.S.G., Danube Shipping Company), 24, 40, 42, 49, 69, 105
- Dulles, Allen W., 62, 748
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Austrian State Treaty, 1–2, 16–19, 20–21, 47, 53, 88–89, 94, 97, 104–107
- China, People’s Republic of, 463–464, 466
- Communism, international, 377–378
- Disarmament, 158, 482–484, 629–630, 667, 671, 740, 742–743, 780–782, 788–791, 800
- East-West contacts, 533–534, 566, 602, 643, 655, 769, 774–775, 783–785
- East-West trade, 280–282, 609–610, 630–631, 685
- Eastern Europe, 372–373, 377
- Egypt, 402–403, 650
- Europe, U.S. policy towards, 225–226, 273–274
- European security, 629, 641, 696
- Demilitarized zones, 323–325, 332, 357–358, 401, 556, 626–627, 697
- Foreign Ministers Conference Agenda, 433–434, 468–471
- And German unification, 276–278, 403–404, 634, 672, 674, 677, 686
- Molotov statement, 722, 725–726, 735–736, 739n, 740, 747–748
- Soviet position, 700–702, 752–753, 795–797, 801
- Summit Conference directive, 433–434, 468–471
- Treaty proposals, 275, 474–475, 560–562, 570–571, 598–599, 644–648, 786–787
- U.S. position, 315–316, 406–407, 788
- Western tactics, 313–314, 319–321, 444, 542–543, 564–565, 599, 622–623, 680–681
- Federal Republic of Germany, 167–170, 224–225, 227–230, 546, 591
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 616–620, 632,
661, 759–760, 766–768, 780, 799–800, 802
- Agenda, 419–420, 484–486, 493, 502–503, 565, 597–598
- Communiqué, 770–771, 791–793
- GDR participation, 600–601, 623–625, 694
- NATO role, 543–544
- Opening statements, 633–634
- Preparation for, 544, 547, 553–554, 620
- Press relations, 708–709
- Soviet tactics, 803–804
- Western tactics, 542–543, 618–621, 681, 699–700, 702, 776
- German unification, 345, 397–398, 403–405, 486, 514n, 688, 805
- Germany, 225–226, 279, 384, 562, 652–653
- Indochina, 446–447
- Middle East, 372, 769–770
- Neutralism, 534–535
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 116, 138–140, 341, 441, 513–514, 779, 805–806
- Soviet Union, 374, 379, 430–431, 551–554, 605–606, 609–610, 650, 748–749
- Summit Conference, 115, 119–125, 135–136, 164–167, 170–171, 339, 363,
- Agenda, 186–189, 191–193, 196, 243–246, 383
- Approaches to the Soviet Union, 195, 215, 241
- British position, 203–204, 209
- Location, 152, 176, 190–191, 194, 200
- Procedures, 177, 223, 232, 247, 333, 355–356
- Public opinion, 237–238
- Soviet attitudes, 382, 430–431
- Soviet tactics, 201, 283–285
- Timing, 197–198, 207–208, 214
- U.S. position, 158–160, 174–175, 182–184, 239–240, 301–309, 340–341, 420, 493, 530, 797
- Western tactics, 262–266, 269–273, 300, 306, 343–344, 381, 439
- Working group proposals, 140–141, 143–144, 206
- Warsaw Pact, 349
- East-West contacts (see also
East-West trade), 328,
383, 655–656, 729–730, 741, 775
- British position, 210, 654, 669, 728–731, 772–773, 784
- Exchange of persons, 607–609, 773
- Foreign Ministers conference agenda, 494, 502–503, 511, 528, 533–534, 565–566, 609–610
- French position, 477–478, 526, 634, 653–654, 668–669, 729, 731, 774–775, 784–786
- Government publications, 729–730, 772–773
- Procedure, 662–663, 668–669, 678, 682–683, 692–694, 760–762
- Radio broadcasts, 605–607, 729–731, 762, 772–773
- Ruble rate, 768–769, 785
- Soviet position, 431, 635, 654–655, 728–731, 759, 768, 773–774, 776, 784–785
- Tourism, 728–730, 785
- U.S. information programs, 530, 606–607
- U.S. position, 219, 475–476, 602–609, 728, 731, 775, 783–785
- Visas, 441n, 442n, 462, 479, 703
- East-West trade:
- British position, 210, 630–631, 654, 685, 690–692, 711–712, 723–724, 732–733, 772
- Civil aviation, 714, 732–734, 765–766, 785
- Eastern Europe, 184, 189, 313
- Foreign Ministers Conference agenda, 534, 609–610
- French position, 478, 669, 684, 686, 690, 724–725, 733–734, 774
- Shipping, 732–733, 763–764
- Soviet position, 222, 252, 289, 329–330, 655, 668–669, 684–686, 691, 712–714, 722–724, 732–733, 762–764, 773
- Summit Conference agenda, 184, 189, 196, 240, 252, 265–266, 280–282
- U.S. position, 219, 240, 296–297, 476–477, 609, 685–686, 691, 712, 714, 724, 733–734
- Western position, 329–330, 630–631, 763
- Eastern Europe (see also
Warsaw Pact):
- British policy towards, 212, 313
- East-West trade, 184, 189, 313
- European security arrangements, participation in, 275–276, 278, 310, 320–324
- French position, 312–313
- Soviet control of, U.S. position, 227, 276, 322–324, 365, 372–373, 377, 385, 412, 534, 553, 796
- Soviet policy toward, 263, 542, 549, 803
- Summit Conference agenda, 188, 196, 222, 232, 312–313, 328
- Summit Conference effect on, 530, 803
- U.S. policy toward, 192–193, 287–288, 290–291, 295, 309
- Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), 712, 724
- Eden, Anthony:
- Austrian State Treaty, 19n
- China, People’s Republic of, 463–464, 466
- Disarmament, 335, 350, 395, 432–433, 454–455, 628, 781
- Egypt, 402–403
- European security, 369, 389, 394–395, 400–401, 423–424, 448–449, 562–563, 593, 657
- Foreign Ministers Conference:
- German unification, 301, 341–342, 344–348, 368–369, 393–394, 399–400, 420, 657
- Indochina, 308, 446–447, 457
- Iraq, 402, 493
- Summit Conference, 119n, 129, 164–167, 123–124, 304, 339, 362, 365, 398, 471, 484n
- Egypt, 402–403, 644n, 650
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Atomic energy, peaceful uses of, 338, 365, 385
- Austrian State Treaty, 50n, 53, 89, 104–106, 115–116
- China, People’s Republic of, 415–416
- Disarmament, 235, 276, 432–433, 492, 635, 715–716, 781, 791
- East-West trade, 280–282
- Eastern Europe, 276, 365, 372–373
- Europe, U.S. policy toward, 225–226, 273–274
- European security, 126, 325n, 400–401, 406–407, 423–424, 696, 795
- Federal Republic of Germany, 230, 546
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 493–496, 498, 500, 504–512, 547, 777–778, 802
- German neutrality, 225–226, 279, 348
- German unification, 341, 345, 365, 393, 488–489, 550, 680
- Heart attack, 597n, 621, 633, 642–643
- Indochina, 445–447
- Iraq, 402, 493
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 392–393, 459, 538
- Soviet Union, 374–376, 379–380, 382, 402, 417, 475–476, 479, 540–541, 593n, 650
- Summit Conference, 121, 124, 165–167, 172–173, 223,
362, 388, 420, 431, 471
- Agenda, 196, 383, 475
- British position, 164–165, 203–205
- Length, 206–207, 213
- Opening statements, 335, 358–360, 364–365
- Procedures, 353, 356
- Soviet attitudes, 404, 486
- Timing, 193–195, 207–208
- U.S. position, 158, 177–179, 182–184, 186–189, 237, 301–304, 340–341, 528–529, 798
- Western tactics, 269–270, 298, 306–308, 343–344, 347–348
- Zhukov conversations, 304, 364, 371, 376n, 392, 402, 408–418, 436, 440, 488–490, 591
- Eisenhower, Maj. John, 339, 340, 362, 366, 372, 380, 388n, 442, 453n, 460, 462n, 471, 492n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 119n, 128, 137–138, 158n, 779n
- Europe:
- European Coal and Steel Community, 55, 806
- European Defense Community (EDC), 23, 122, 124, 126
- European security (see also
Disarmament; Europe: U.S. forces in):
- Balance of forces:
- British position, 212–213, 307–308, 321, 323–324, 639, 646–647, 719–720, 786–787
- Demilitarized zones, 184, 323–324, 401, 426
- Eastern European participation, 275–276, 278, 292–293, 310, 320–324, 334
- European integration, 163, 593, 675, 696, 760, 796
- Foreign Ministers Conference agenda, 485, 527
- French position, 307–308, 342, 641–642, 646, 719, 786–787, 801
- FRG position, 134, 147–149
- German Democratic Republic, Soviet policy towards, 618, 720–721, 747–748, 759, 795–796
- And German unification, 394, 437–438, 440, 444,
485, 531, 677
- British position, 261–262, 423–424, 438, 497, 563, 664, 666–667, 687
- French position, 161–162, 267, 311–312, 333–334, 346–347, 393–394, 437–438, 633–634, 664, 666
- FRG position, 156–157, 161–162, 310
- Soviet position, 370, 391, 403, 406, 423–424, 436–437, 458, 484, 489–490, 496, 498, 634, 640–641, 647–648, 665, 674
- U.S. position, 238, 276–278, 310, 315–316, 422, 448, 489–491, 560, 648, 664, 666, 672, 686–687
- Western position, 239, 326–327, 405, 458, 787
- Germany’s neighbors, 674, 706, 719–720
- Molotov statement, 720–722
- NATO role (see also Soviet two-stage treaty proposal below):
- Soviet position, 640–641, 647–648, 674, 752–753, 787–788, 801
- Soviet tactics, 222, 320, 326, 700–702
- Soviet two-stage treaty proposal, 391, 412, 421, 447–479, 516–519, 634, 640, 657–658, 677, 786–787
- Summit Conference agenda, 196
- British position, 320–321, 324, 400
- Soviet position, 222–223, 246n, 444
- U.S. position, 146, 185, 189, 192, 239, 257, 309–310, 313–314, 320–321, 324, 357, 359, 400
- Treaty proposals (see also
Soviet two-stage treaty proposal
above), 474–475
- British five-power treaty proposal, 334, 389, 394–395, 406, 423
- British position, 258, 400, 407, 438
- French position, 334, 422, 646, 708
- FRG position, 155–157, 310, 570–572
- Soviet position, 223, 370, 386–387, 396, 400, 406, 411–412, 438
- U.S. position, 275, 400, 406, 438, 645, 660, 661n, 787
- U.S. treaty proposals, 542–543, 560–562, 565, 570–572, 598–599
- U.S. position, 291–294, 645–646, 786–787, 800–801
- Warsaw Pact role (see also Soviet two-stage treaty proposal above), 310, 334, 342, 370, 385, 400
- Western European Union role (see also Soviet two-stage treaty proposal above), 146, 154, 161, 276, 278, 310, 321, 322, 342, 639
- Western memorandum, 622–623, 629
- Western tactics, 677–678
- Far East (see also China, People’s Republic Of):
- Faure, Edgar, 775
- Disarmament, 318–319, 337, 342–343, 349–352, 366, 442–445, 454–455, 521–525, 781
- European security, 325, 422, 424, 593
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 493–494, 496–500, 503–512
- French political situation, 229, 382, 739
- German unification, 153, 333–335, 342, 346–348, 365, 393–394, 396, 422
- Indochina, 172, 445–447, 457
- Paris Agreements, 139–142
- Soviet Union, 477–478
- Summit Conference, 175, 208, 333–334, 339–340, 356, 381, 388, 459
- Federal Republic of Germany (see also FRG
subheadings under other subjects; German
unification; Germany; Paris Agreements), 148,
162, 228, 294, 558, 597
- Demilitarized zone plans, 253–254
- German Democratic Republic, relations with. See All-German council proposal under German unification.
- Military volunteers legislation, 225, 227
- Rearmament (see also Paris Agreements), 15, 26, 132, 150, 170, 219, 251, 634, 646–647
- Saar issue, 137–140
- Social Democratic Party, 148, 150, 228, 652, 676, 695–699, 737
- Soviet Union, relations with, 224–225, 230–231, 235–236, 238, 288, 290, 307, 369, 399, 531, 538, 548, 552, 593–594, 634, 723
- United States, relations with, 121–122, 132, 228–231, 294–295, 589–592
- Figl, Leopold:
- Finland, 184, 373, 377
- Five-Power Conference proposal. See under China, People’s Republic of.
- Flemming, Arthur S., 184–185, 188
- Foreign Ministers Conference (see
Disarmament; East-West
contacts; East-West trade; European security; German
unification), 588, 631–633, 636, 643–644, 651, 661, 667, 681–682, 690, 694, 702–703, 727–728, 739–740, 749–750, 754, 766, 770
- Agenda, 419–420, 515, 527–528, 598
- Communiqué, 770–771, 792–794, 802
- FRG participation. See under German unification.
- GDR participation. See under German unification.
- National Security Council discussion of, 616–620
- NATO role, 543–544, 779
- Opening statements, 633–635
- Preparations for, 543, 613–614, 620
- Press relations, 629–630, 705–706, 709
- Soviet position, 768–769
- Soviet tactics:
- U.S. position, 699–700, 759–760, 767–768, 777–778, 795–797
- Western tactics, 542, 553–554, 569, 612–613, 618, 621, 747–749, 776
- Four-Power Conference proposal. See Summit Conference; see under Austrian State Treaty.
- France (see also France, French, and Western subheadings
under other subjects):
- Austrian State Treaty, 2n, 90–95, 99–101, 103, 107, 113, 115
- Disarmament, 334, 339, 349–354, 361, 385, 496–497, 521–525, 634, 717
- Foreign Ministers Conference communiqué, 792–794
- Germany, relations with, 274, 291, 293
- Indochina, 175, 445–447, 457–458
- North Africa, 274, 446, 660
- Political situation, 3, 131, 229
- Saar issue, 137–140
- Soviet Union, relations with, 290, 690
- Summit Conference information leak, 197–198
- U.S. military assistance, 125–126
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 660–661
- François-Poncet, André, 584–586, 588
- Freund, Richard B., 1n, 4n, 16, 19n, 20n, 30, 33n, 44n
- Galloway, William J., 253, 261n, 262, 313n, 560, 605
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 266
- Genevey, Gen. Pierre, 637, 670, 715, 742
- George, Walter F., 180, 225–226, 340, 435n
- German Democratic Republic (see also
GDR subheadings under other
subjects; German unification; Germany):
- Berlin Autobahn tolls issue, 169, 218, 234, 698
- British position, 614
- Demilitarized zones, 253–254, 256–257, 278–279, 324, 334, 347
- FRG position, 148, 574, 576, 593
- Federal Republic of Germany, relations with (see also All-German council proposal under German unification), 228
- Soviet Union, relations with, 156, 168, 251–252, 295, 310, 418, 531, 542, 545, 549, 558, 575, 618, 623, 677, 680–681, 720–721, 747–748, 759, 795–796
- U.S. policy toward, 294–295
- German unification (see also
European security; Germany; German subheadings under other
subjects), 122, 123n, 133,
- All-German council proposal, 665–667, 674, 687–688, 698–699, 721, 736–737
- British position, 267–268, 368–369, 614–615
- And disarmament, 627–628
- And Eastern Europe, 168, 251, 295
- Eden Plan:
- And European security, 156, 261–262, 267, 276–277, 292–293, 310–312, 394,
440, 444, 485, 531, 677
- British position, 161, 261–262, 321, 389, 423–424, 497, 563, 664, 666–667, 687
- French position, 161–162, 267, 311–312, 332–334, 346–347, 393–394, 633–634, 664, 666
- FRG position, 155–157, 161–162
- Soviet position, 391, 403, 406, 423–424, 458, 484, 489–490, 496, 498, 634, 647–648, 665, 674
- U.S. position, 276–278, 310, 315–316, 422, 448, 489–491, 560, 648, 664, 666, 672, 686–687
- Western position, 239, 326–327, 405, 787
- Foreign Ministers conference agenda, 474, 485–486, 527
- British position, 342, 344, 397, 438, 494, 497, 500, 504–505, 510–511
- French position, 346, 396–397, 437–438, 496–498, 501, 503–510
- Soviet position, 397–398, 419–420, 423, 433, 435–438, 464, 468–469, 472–473, 475, 495–498, 500, 503–511
- U.S. position, 419–420, 437–440, 495–496, 498, 501, 504–508, 510, 565
- Western position, 470, 494
- French position, 365–366, 641–642, 672–673
- FRG participation (see also under Summit Conference):
- FRG position, 132, 147, 149–150, 153–154, 168, 235, 266–268, 418, 567–569, 665, 805
- FRG public opinion, 147–148
- And FRG NATO membership, 284, 406–407, 490, 575, 634, 721
- GDR participation (see also under Summit Conference), 474, 485–486, 647, 649
- German Democratic Republic, Soviet policy towards, 168, 251–252, 558, 618, 665, 703, 720–721, 747–748, 759, 795–796, 803
- And German NATO membership, 390–391, 399, 701–702, 707, 719, 721, 753
- Molotov statement, 720–722
- Oder-Neisse line, 132, 148–149, 154, 212
- Provisional security treaty proposal, 614–615
- Soviet position, 132, 155–156, 284, 465, 530–531, 538, 549, 575, 593, 752–753, 787–788, 801
- Summit Conference agenda, 191–192, 196, 239, 309–310, 323, 444
- U.S. position, 150, 219, 291, 365, 398, 549, 553, 666, 786–787, 800–801
- U.S. tactics, 616–617
- Western memorandum, 622–623, 629
- Western tactics, 326–327, 439, 443, 531–532, 677–678, 680–681, 689, 704–711
- Germany (see also
Anschluss security guarantee
Austrian State Treaty; German
subheadings under other subjects; German
unification; German Democratic Republic;
Federal Republic of Germany):
- Assets in Austria, 23–25, 36, 42, 48, 58, 73, 94, 105
- And Austrian State Treaty, 13, 25–26, 33, 36, 43, 44n, 49–50
- Demilitarization (see also Demilitarized zones under European security), 2, 133, 161, 211–212, 719–720
- France, relations with, 274, 291, 293
- Military potential of, 238
- NATO forces in, 625–627, 629, 710–711
- Neutrality, 1, 13, 334, 600
- Occupation forces withdrawal, 133, 219, 222
- Peace treaty, 6, 145–146, 154
- Rearmament of, 11, 13, 54, 276–277, 334, 395, 786
- Gleason, S. Everett, 54, 59, 182–189, 268–283, 616–620, 747–749, 803–806
- Goodkind, Louis W., 605, 609–610, 669, 685, 690–691, 712, 714, 715n, 722–724, 733–734
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 124n, 306n, 340–341, 366–368, 428–429, 432–433, 442, 460
- Gowen, Franklin C., 471, 514–515, 537–539
- Gray, Gordon, 609, 742, 746
- Greece, 256, 658
- Grewe, Wilhelm, 309n, 570–571, 597, 615, 649, 674, 676, 695, 698
- Gromyko, Andrei Andreevich, 35, 372, 375, 380, 433, 754
- Gruber, Karl, 4–6, 16–19, 21–22, 24–25, 28–32, 49–50, 51n, 55
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 425–426, 428–429, 431, 442, 453, 460, 617, 625–626
- Ha Vinh Phuong, 667
- Hagerty, James:
- Hallstein, Walter:
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 364, 366–368
- Hancock, Patrick F., 343n, 597, 670, 742, 792
- Handler, 589, 591, 676
- D’Harcourt, 669, 684–686, 711–712, 722–725, 732–734
- Harrison, Geoffrey, 151, 309n, 314, 343n, 381, 597, 704–710, 792
- Hayter, William G., 92–93, 343n
- Hensel, Struve, 186
- Heusinger, Lt. Gen. Adolf, 229
- Heuss, Theodor, 139
- Hitler, Adolf, 576, 579
- Hohler, Henry A.F., 656, 669, 693, 728–731
- Hollister, John B., 282
- Hood, Samuel, 223, 232, 502, 573, 597, 706, 792
- Hooper, Peter, Jr., 130n, 145
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 560, 614n, 642–643, 777–779
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 606–607
- Humphrey, George M., 184, 272, 278, 281–282, 617, 621, 642, 677n
- Hungary, 12, 55, 105, 110, 112, 165, 220, 295, 396, 550, 606, 749
- Ilichev, Ivan Ivanovich, 2–3, 35, 66–70, 73–77, 80–87, 92–95, 97–104, 106, 108–109, 441n
- Indochina, 308, 329, 369, 445–447, 457–458, 786
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 533
- International Control Commission, 445, 457
- International Cooperation Administration, 282n
- Iraq, 402, 427, 432, 493
- Italy, 174–175, 229, 254, 269, 513, 759–760
- Jackson, C.D., 216–217, 301–305
- Jackson, William H., 602–610, 643, 668, 678, 694, 715n, 740–741, 760–764, 776
- Jacquin de Margerie, Roland, 566n, 568, 667, 703–711, 742, 758
- Japan, 219–220, 247, 265, 270, 288, 290, 548, 552
- Jebb, Sir Gladwyn M.H., 121n, 129, 333
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 363, 703, 780
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 53, 157–158, 186, 268–272, 276, 278–279, 617–618
- Jones, John Wesley, 1n, 4n, 30, 47n, 64n, 130n
- Joxe, Louis, 259–260, 493, 502, 792
- Jurgensen, Jean, 44n, 45n, 267
- Kemenev, V.S., 669, 682, 692–693, 694n, 728–731
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, 93, 372, 377–378, 440, 554
- Khvostov, 693, 729–731
- Kidd, Coburn B., 1n, 138n, 156n, 539, 554n, 566n, 578n, 581n, 610n, 695, 703
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone, 161–162, 343, 494, 502, 515, 571–573, 615, 652, 742, 792
- Knowland, William F., 226, 307, 435n, 532
- Kreisky, Bruno, 2, 10–12, 19, 22–26, 28–30, 37–39, 41–43, 57–58, 85
- Krekeler, Heinz L., 230, 232, 555, 557–558, 567–568, 570, 591n, 597
- Lalouette, Roger, 12, 62, 66n, 67, 73–77, 80–84, 93–95, 99–103, 107
- Lay, James S., 247, 268n, 287n
- Leishman, Frederick J., 253, 542
- Lemberger, Ernst, 16, 30
- Linebarger, Paul, 216–217
- Litvinov Agreement, 196, 240, 280
- Luce, Clare Booth, 620, 724
- Lyon, Cecil B., 128n, 130, 132n, 145, 190
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 193n, 195n, 196n, 313n, 315n, 323n, 341n, 372, 388n, 578n, 614n,
630n, 631n, 649n, 770n
- Disarmament, 563, 636, 667, 670, 742–743
- East-West contacts, 566, 609–610, 643
- European security, 253, 255–256, 258n, 322, 560
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 588, 597, 681, 704, 706–708, 710–711, 780, 792, 794n
- German unification, 554, 559
- Soviet Union, 380, 605, 607
- Summit Conference, 197n, 209–213, 214n, 232, 363, 431–432, 487
- McCardle, Carl W., 190, 201n, 340, 363, 381, 388, 404, 432, 636, 667, 792
- Mackenzie, Archibald R.K., 636, 670, 715, 717, 742
- Macmillan, Harold, 240, 466, 622
- Austrian State Treaty, 84, 88, 90–92, 104, 107, 113, 115
- Disarmament, 334–335, 351–352, 482–484, 628–630, 667, 789
- East-West contacts, 654–655, 772–773, 775, 784, 786
- East-West trade, 630–631
- European security, 323–324, 401, 406, 646–648, 786–787
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 543, 600–601, 623–625, 632, 633n, 667, 709, 740, 750, 766, 780, 792–794
- German Democratic Republic, 233–234, 600–601, 623–625
- German unification, 332, 405, 407, 648, 657, 664, 666–667
- Summit Conference, 174, 178, 195n, 204–209, 233–234, 236, 362, 372, 381, 398
- Magistrati, Massimo, 460, 513
- Makins, Roger M.:
- Malenkov, Georgii Maksimilianovich, 248, 258, 587
- Malik, Yakov Aleksandrovich, 398n, 502
- Manac’h, Etienne, 669, 729–731
- Marshall Plan, 122
- Martino, Gaetano, 174, 225
- Massigli, René, 129–130, 141–142, 333
- Matsu, 358, 416
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 30, 119–121, 124–131, 135
- Menthon, Pierre Bernard de, 637–638, 670, 715–717, 742
- Merchant, Livingston T., 1n, 20n, 33n, 44n, 64n, 97n, 124n, 128n, 130n, 132n, 143n, 158n, 195n, 196n, 197n, 315n, 323n, 341n, 364n, 368n, 379n, 453n, 457n, 493n, 499n, 573n, 578n, 581n, 610n, 614n, 630n, 631n, 636, 698, 749, 795n
- Austrian State Treaty, 5n, 16, 103
- Disarmament, 425n, 461, 742, 754
- East-West contacts, 502, 512
- European security, 253–256, 322, 566n, 571–572
- Federal Republic of Germany, 224, 228–232, 538, 550, 567–571, 676
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 494, 588, 596, 643, 651, 766, 767, 780, 792
- German unification, 256–257, 555–557, 649, 695–696
- Soviet Union, 147, 167, 258, 380, 462, 605
- Summit Conference, 190–191, 201n, 232, 243, 340, 362–363, 372, 376, 388, 431–432, 460, 487, 514
- Middle East, 769–770
- Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich, 35, 42–43, 93, 258
- Millikan, Max, 216–217
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich:
- Austrian State Treaty, 74, 90–91, 104, 116
- China, People’s Republic of, 463–464
- Disarmament, 251, 464, 482–484, 486, 635, 670–671, 715, 758, 780–782
- East-West contacts, 609n, 635, 654–655, 685, 740, 761, 768–769, 773–775, 783–786
- European security, 325–326, 644, 647–648, 658–659
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 543–544, 588, 632–633, 651–675, 678, 742–743, 754, 766, 780
- German unification, 256, 397–398, 403–405, 407, 435–436, 689, 697, 738–739
- Middle East, 769–770
- Soviet Union:
- Summit Conference, 181, 215, 317n, 345–346, 367, 398n, 482–484
- Mosely, Philip, 216–217
- Murphy, Robert, 51n, 124, 192, 201n, 230, 262, 578n, 581n, 779n
- National Intelligence Estimate 11–3–155, 271–272
- National Security Council:
- Near East, 726, 778
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 317, 330, 358, 457, 467
- Neutralism (see also under individual countries), 320, 370, 383–384, 534
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 445–447
- Nixon, Richard M., 177, 280, 306, 618–619, 621, 642, 677n, 748
- North Africa, 274, 446, 660
- North Atlantic Council, 88n, 116, 136, 167, 806–808
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see also
Paris Agreements; Soviet
two-stage treaty proposal
European security):
- Austria, 16, 26, 110
- British position, 341, 395
- European security, role in:
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 543–544, 779
- French position, 312, 342, 393–394
- FRG membership, 116, 153, 156–157, 265, 284, 291–292, 406–407, 490, 634, 721, 805–806
- German membership, 133
- Soviet position, 370, 385, 395, 399, 409, 458, 576, 735
- And Summit Conference, 233
- U.S. position, 146, 220, 291, 315–316, 392–393, 406, 411, 438, 441, 801
- Western position, 327
- Norway, 110, 255–256, 563
- Nuclear weapons. See Atomic weapons.
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 432, 439n
- Ollenhauer, Erich, 225, 676, 694–699, 703, 708
- Open Skies proposal. See under Disarmament.
- Operations Coordinating Board, 52–53, 146
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 31
- O’Shaughnessy, Elim, 132–134, 566n, 567, 591n
- Palmer, Joseph, II, 130n, 138n, 143n, 145, 315n
- Paris Agreements (see also
North Atlantic Treaty Organization: FRG membership), 170,
- And Austrian State Treaty, 2–3, 6–9, 11, 15–16, 18
- British position, 3, 139
- And European security, 155–157, 316, 327, 407
- French ratification of, 23, 120, 124–131, 138–139, 141–142
- FRG position, 9, 130–131, 147, 537
- And Saar issue, 138–140
- And Soviet foreign policy, 548, 551
- Soviet position, 1, 8–9, 11, 13, 127, 249, 458, 575–576, 673, 721
- And Summit Conference, 119–122, 123n, 125, 130–131, 135, 137–142, 163, 169–170, 307
- U.S. position, 138–141, 143, 805–806
- Penfield, James K., 2–3
- Perkins, George W., 806–808
- Pervuhkin, Mikhail Geogievich, 258, 260
- Pettee, George, 216–217
- Phleger, Herman, 405n, 493n, 502, 560, 614n, 649n
- Pinay, Antoine:
- Austrian State Treaty, 88, 90–92, 107, 113, 115, 175
- Disarmament, 338–339, 349, 351, 353, 483–484, 745, 751–752
- East-West contacts, 240, 653, 668–669, 684, 760, 774–775, 784–786
- European security, 324–325, 566n, 646, 648, 664, 704–707, 710–719, 760, 801
- Federal Republic of Germany, 225, 238
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 473, 621, 632, 643, 651, 675, 681, 708, 727
- France, 229, 382, 652
- German unification, 405–407, 437–438, 469, 471, 481, 622–623, 641–642, 648, 664, 666, 672–673
- Paris Agreements, 139–140, 143
- Summit Conference, 138, 153, 176–177, 194–195, 201–203, 205, 233, 244, 381
- Pink, I.T.M., 636–638, 667, 670, 715–717, 742, 792
- Poland, 148, 276
- Possony, Stefan, 216–217
- Pushkin, Georgii Maksimovich, 169, 792
- Quantico Vulnerabilities Panel, 216–220, 453n
- Quemoy, 356, 416
- Raab, Julius:
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 239, 442n, 460, 466, 617
- Radio Free Europe, 280, 729, 762
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 145, 158n, 190, 614
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 134, 298–301, 305–306, 400n, 404, 419n, 425, 442, 453n, 460, 471, 609
- Roux, Jacques, 457, 458n
- Rumania, 105, 220, 295, 607
- Russell, Francis, 630n, 631n, 636, 643, 661, 740
- Saar, 137–140, 558, 675
- Sauvagnargues, Jean-Victor, 232, 597, 670, 792
- Schaerf, Adolf, 2n, 19, 22–23, 25, 30, 44–45, 57–58, 96, 109, 111–112
- Schoener, Josef, 22, 58
- Schulz, Col. Robert, 372n, 472
- Scott, Robert, 560, 562–563, 565, 588
- Semenov, Vladimir S., 9, 11–12, 576
- Seydoux, François, 151, 155–156
- Six-Power Conference issue. See Five- or Six-Power conference proposal under China, People’s Republic of.
- Smith Bromley, 308, 529n
- Sobolev, Arkady Aleksandrovich, 244, 767, 780, 788, 792
- Soldatov, Aleksandr Andreevich, 386–387, 460–462
- Soutou, Jean, 597, 709
- Soviet Union (see also
Austrian State Treaty; East-West contacts; East-West trade;
Soviet subheadings under other subjects), 147, 187, 723
- Atomic energy, 533, 586, 668, 693
- China, People’s Republic of, 10, 168, 219, 249, 491–492
- Disarmament, 635, 751, 756–759
- Economic situation:
- Egypt, arms sales to, 402, 644n, 650
- Federal Republic of Germany, relations with, 224–225, 555, 585–587, 593–594, 634, 723
- Foreign Ministers Conference communiqué, 792–794
- Foreign policy, 2, 154–155, 163, 236, 249, 402
- German Democratic Republic, relations with, 545, 595–596
- Indochina, 329, 369, 786
- Japan, 247, 270, 288, 548, 552
- Near East, 726, 778
- Political situation, 379–380, 417–418, 592, 611
- Prisoners of war, 40, 235, 328–329, 417, 544, 575–576, 579, 581–585, 587
- Stalin’s death, 221, 248, 271, 289
- United States, relations with (see also East-West trade):
- U.S. policy towards, 193, 216–220, 287–288, 290, 553–554
- West, relations with, 359–360
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 222, 227, 248, 288, 307, 369, 399, 542, 548–549, 551
- Spain, 400, 660
- Speier, Hans, 216–217
- Stalin, Josef, 248, 289, 307, 380, 399, 552
- Stassen, Harold E., 281, 617 [Page 827]
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 605–607, 669, 692, 694, 728–731
- Streibert, Theodore C., 530, 551n
- Sullivan, Charles A., 253, 255, 262, 264–265, 311, 597
- Summit Conference (see also
Foreign Ministers Conference agenda
subheadings; Four-power
conference proposals; individual subjects
- Agenda, 159, 196, 325–326, 383–384, 475
- Approaches to the Soviet Union, 179, 195, 215, 241
- British position, 160–161, 164–165, 170n, 176, 203–205, 210–214, 273
- Chinese People’s Republic participation, 180–181, 187–188, 297
- Communiqué, 511–512
- Declaration of principles, 263–264, 312n, 317–318, 330–331
- Documentation, 361–363
- Five- or Six-power conference proposal. See under China, People’s Republic of.
- Foreign Ministers directive, 527–528
- French position, 141–142, 155–156, 161–162, 202, 333
- French public opinion, 151, 273
- FRG participation (see also under German unification), 151, 153, 169, 233–234
- FRG position, 153–156, 169–170, 234–235, 514, 537–540
- GDR participation (see also under German unification), 169, 233–234
- Length of, 150, 203–208, 213, 243–244, 246
- Location, 152, 156, 159, 173, 176, 181, 190–191, 194, 197–198, 205, 208
- National Security Council discussions, 182–189, 268–283, 529–535
- NATO involvement, 137, 140, 151, 177, 233, 265, 311, 339, 341
- Opening statements, 325, 340, 342, 345–348, 355–356, 359–360
- And Paris Agreements, 119–122, 123n, 125, 130–131, 135, 137–142, 163, 169–170, 307
- Press relations, 177, 242, 245–246
- Procedures and protocol, 241–246, 335, 356
- Public opinion, 174, 234, 237, 308
- Significance of, 530, 539–540, 546, 554, 602, 796–799, 803–804
- Soviet attitudes, 375, 382, 398, 430, 459, 486, 537–540
- Soviet position, 120, 181, 199–201, 259–260, 378, 487, 552
- Soviet relations with the United States, 488–489
- Soviet tactics, 156, 222, 232, 284, 326–327, 329–331
- Timing, 123n, 152, 156, 159, 161, 163, 173, 180–182, 197–198, 307
- U.S. position, 158, 170–173, 177–180, 301–308, 333, 547–550, 797–798
- U.S. tactics, 185, 191–193, 218–219
- Western tactics, 196, 257, 269, 284–285, 318, 330–331
- Working groups, 144–145, 159–160, 162–164, 190,
223, 233, 325–331
- Agenda, 145–146
- British position, 127, 203, 205
- French position, 129, 134–135, 138n, 141–142, 151–152, 202–203, 214
- FRG participation, 129–131, 135–136, 138, 140, 144, 151, 153
- FRG position, 123n, 134
- NATO participation, 140, 151
- And Saar issue, 137–140
- U.S. position, 128–131, 137, 140, 143–144, 151, 159–160, 178–179, 206, 208–209
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe (SHAPE), 220, 392
- Suydam, Henry, 589n, 633, 643, 651, 661, 667, 682, 703, 727, 740, 750, 754, 770
- Sweden, 9, 13, 25, 68, 112
- Switzerland, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 48, 55, 68, 112
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 180n, 363, 372n, 380, 404, 432, 471
- Austria, 25, 80–81, 89, 109, 111–112
- Austrian State Treaty, 1–2, 4, 6–7, 11–14, 19–20, 21n, 22, 28, 43, 86
- Economic agreements with the Soviet Union, 69–70, 73–75, 87, 93–94, 96–100, 103–105, 116
- Economic consequences, 77–79, 108–109
- Neutrality, 10, 34n, 42, 57–58, 60, 68, 82–84, 106–107, 113–115
- Territorial integrity guarantee, 23–24, 45–46, 55–56, 61–64, 65n, 85
- U.S. position, 26, 29, 66n, 72n, 88n, 101–102
- Soviet Union, 375–376, 419n
- Thomson, Charles A.H., 216–217
- Thring, Rear Adm. George A., 636, 670, 715–718
- Thurston, Ray L., 119n, 128n, 130n
- Tippetts, R.B., 669, 685, 690, 692, 711–713, 722–724, 732–733
- Tito, Josip Broz, 551, 760
- Trieste, 304, 375
- Troianovskii, Oleg Aleksandrovich, 244, 355, 372, 380, 408, 433, 440, 488, 494, 754, 767, 780, 788, 792
- Tuapse incident, 464, 732
- Turkey, 256, 563
- Tyler, William R., 16, 119n, 128n, 136n, 137, 138n, 145, 338, 432, 513n, 614, 667
- United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom, British and Western subheadings under other subjects), 161, 177, 290, 336, 357–358, 402, 427, 432, 445–446, 493, 745, 792–794
- United Nations:
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 186, 273, 606
- U.S. information programs, 146, 530, 729
- Upravlenye Sovetskogo Imushchestva v Avstrii (USIA, Administration of Soviet Property in Austria), 42, 46, 77–79
- Van Zeeland plan, 257, 320
- Verosta, Stephen, 22, 31, 58
- Vietnam, 175, 220
- Vinogradov, Sergei Aleksandrovich, 225, 235, 502, 568, 704, 792
- Voice of America, 729, 762
- Wainhouse, David W., 667, 670, 715–718, 741n, 742
- Wallinger, Geoffrey:
- Walmsley, Walter N., Jr., 92–93, 199–201, 258–260, 595–596
- Walters, Lt. Col. Vernon, 343, 358, 366, 442, 462n, 471
- Warsaw Pact (see also Soviet two-stage treaty proposal under European security):
- Watson, J.H. Adam, 137–138, 253, 255–258, 261n, 560, 564
- Weber, Heinz, 224, 232, 597
- Western European Union (WEU)
(see also
Soviet two-stage treaty proposal
European security), 18,
121, 341, 720
- Arms Control Agency, 125–126
- European security, role in, 146, 154, 161, 276, 278, 310, 321, 322, 342, 639
- French position, 312, 342, 801
- FRG membership, 153, 155, 407
- FRG position, 556
- German participation, 292, 334, 346–347, 387, 390–391, 617, 641, 647
- Soviet position, 120, 270, 321, 370, 385, 406, 735
- U.S. position, 315–316, 801
- Western security organizations. See Brussels Pact; North Atlantic Treaty Organizations; Western European Union
- Whitman, Ann, 339, 362, 398n, 408n, 777
- Wilkinson, Peter, 243, 493n, 494, 509
- Willis, Francis, 60, 462n, 471, 715
- Wilson, Charles E., 54, 186, 278, 280, 282, 533, 617, 636, 651, 748
- Wolf, Henry D., 145, 156, 253, 262, 309n, 311, 318n, 388n, 401n, 597, 779n
- World economic conference proposal, 329–330, 382
- World Health Organization (WHO), 668
- Young, Geoffrey, 32, 597
- Young, George, 32, 742
- Young, Kenneth, 457n, 458
- Yugoslavia, 13, 86
- Zarubin, Georgyi N., 244, 355, 386–387, 460–462, 502
- Zhukov, Georgii Konstantinovich, 358, 375, 378, 408–411, 413–416, 444, 479, 486–487, 494
- Zhukov, Yuri, 486–487