24. Telegram From the United States Delegation at the North Atlantic Council Ministerial Meeting to the Department of State1

Polto 2022. 1. NATO Ministerial meeting resumed 11 a.m. May 5.2 Spaak reported draft communiqué considered by Ministerial drafting group in presence reps all dels. Draft modified somewhat since Council discussions on Pineau and Martino proposals not concluded, drafting will be resumed and draft text submitted to Council afternoon May 5.

2. Lloyd opened Agenda Item III (A). Said NATO must be certain not give impression military effort will be disbanded. Must maintain essential military framework. This he said consistent his earlier remarks that NATO countries must get full value for defense funds expended, and pattern of forces must be up-to-date. While on military side NATO is of course defensive organization, on political side we need go into offensive. Make positive presentation our [Page 71] democratic faith—freedom thought, speech, vote, trade unions, political opposition, etc. These values and beliefs need be propounded and propagated. More political consultation needed. Each should take others into confidence re intentions in advance. Suggested more attendance by individual Ministers at regular Council meetings. Should not be modest re what members Alliance doing. Referring to international staff report on Article II,3 said much done this field of which NATO countries can be proud. Convey this to rest world. Can improve what we do. Re economic side, NATO should not decide how much aid to under-developed countries nor how to be given. NATO should not be vehicle for giving aid. NATO should exchange info about threat and what being done counter it. Suggested statistical survey of what has and is being done. Thought Martino proposal good,4 with some drafting amendments. Wondered if technical committee required. Agreed with Dulles’ suggestion for small committee Ministers study over next few months what should be done. Adequate thought cannot be given in two day meeting. Suggested Pearson, Lange, Martino as members group.

3. Von Brentano spoke briefly on political consultation. Never has necessity been so great to concert attitudes toward Soviets and work out counter measures. Must react quickly and coolly. Must be full exchange info. Proposed Permanent Under-Secretaries participate in regular Council meetings when important and urgent matters discussed. Would make for most efficient cross-fertilization of ideas. Also suggested PermReps meet several times weekly to discuss current political developments. This group could decide if special Ministerial Council meetings should be convened.

4. Council went into restricted session at 11:30 a.m.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 740.5/5–556. Secret. Approved by Timmons. Repeated to all other NATO capitals.
  2. The summary, C–R(56)22, and verbatim, C–VR(56)22, records of this session, both dated May 5, are ibid., Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 696.
  3. A copy of this 82-page report by the International Staff, C–M(56)45, “Survey of Article 2 Activities” is ibid., CF 695.
  4. See footnote 6, Document 22.
  5. See Polto 2025, infra.