219. Telegram From the Chargé in France (Yost) to the Department of State1

3873. In course conversation with member in Maurice Faure Cabinet Feb 5, Embassy officer was told French Delegation was very pleased at outcome latest Brussels Foreign Ministers meeting. French were optimistic that forthcoming Foreign Ministers meeting (Feb 17) and Chiefs of Govt meeting (Feb 19) would permit political decisions on outstanding problems, particularly association overseas territories with Common Market. Officer stated most agricultural problems had been overcome at Brussels although Dutch still had to consult Govt on several points.

Stating US attitude had ever since war been most favorable to European integration on well-known political and European security grounds, he expressed hope that technical considerations of trade policy or desire to dispose of argricultural surpluses would not lead to active US prodding to change treaty provisions now which could interminably delay negotiations. Time, he felt, from political viewpoint was of essence since Mollet Govt could get treaties through but its life might be shortened after Algerian debate. He expressed hope that in overall US foreign policy interest and Western Europe and Atlantic security US would take no action which might hamper rapid completion of Common Market treaty. In this connection, he made specific reference to US views expressed to Marjolin (Embtel 37142). He said he understood US concerns from viewpoint commercial policy and fear that European markets might be closed to US agricultural products, especially wheat. He also understood Canadian and [Page 519] Australian concerns on this subject. He said every effort was being made to square treaty with GATT. He doubted wheat market would be damaged and expressed hope that overall political consideration would be put in balance and outweigh technical, economic and commercial policy considerations in determining US Govt attitude toward Common Market treaty as a whole.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 440.002/2–657. Confidential. Also sent to Luxembourg for the Embassy and the CSC Mission.
  2. In telegram 3714, January 30, the Embassy reported that it had held preliminary conversations with Marjolin and other members of Faure’s staff regarding U.S. views on the proposed Common Market. (Ibid., 840.05/1–3057) The Embassy’s presentation followed the instructions transmitted in Document 213.