175. Editorial Note

On May 29 and 30, the Foreign Ministers of the six ECSC countries met at Venice to consider the final report of the Brussels Intergovernmental Committee on European integration. “The Ministers” according to a communiqué issued on May 30, “noted that the six Governments agreed to take the proposals contained in this Report as a basis for negotiations, to be pursued with a view to drafting a treaty establishing a Common Market as well as a treaty setting up a European organization for nuclear energy. They decided to convene for this purpose a conference which will open in Brussels on June 26 under the chairmanship of M. Spaak.” The French text of the communiqué is printed in Royal Institute of International Affairs, Documents on International Affairs, 1956, pages 695–696. The final report of the Intergovernmental Committee was completed on April 8. The United States Mission to the CSC transmitted an unofficial translation of the report to the Department in despatch Colux 37, April 16. (Department of State, Central Files, 840.00/4–1656)