United States Relations with and Policies Toward Japan

Conclusion (and later partial revision) of an Administrative Agreement between the United States and Japan; interest of the United States in the Japan-Republic of China peace treaty; entry into force of the Peace and Security Treaties with Japan; the NSC 125 series; interest of the United States in Japanese rearmament and in retention of the Bonin and Ryukyu Islands; conclusion of a Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement with Japan; the question of economic and military assistance to Japan; position of the United States regarding its trade with and investment in Japan; position of the United States with regard to Japan’s relations with the Republic of Korea; the Fukuryu Maru incident1

[732] No. 732
The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State

794.5 MSP/1–1254: Telegram

[737] No. 737
Memorandum of Discussion at the 185th Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, February 17, 1954

Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file

[745] No. 745
The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State

794.5 MSP/3–954: Telegram

[746] No. 746
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Japan

794.5 MSP/3–954: Telegram

[749] No. 749
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Japan

894.245/3–1654: Telegram

[751] No. 751
The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State

493.949/4–154: Telegram

[753] No. 753
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Japan

493.949/4–154: Telegram

[754] No. 754
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Japan

711.5611/4–854: Telegram

[757] No. 757
The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State

711.5611/4–1554: Telegram

[760] No. 760
The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State

794.5 MSP/5–1154: Telegram

[761] No. 761
The Ambassador in Japan (Allison) to the Department of State

894.10/5–1854: Telegram

  1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. vi, Part 1, pp. 777 ff. For documentation on U.S. interest in the admission of Japan to the United Nations, see vol. iii, pp. 802 ff. For documentation on U.S. interest in the admission of Japan to GATT, see vol. i, Part 1, pp. 114 ff.