751G.00/1–1554: Telegram
The Chargé in France (Achilles) to the Department of State
[Received 10: 01 a.m.]
2629. Repeated information niact Saigon 277. Reference: Embtels 2605,1 2604,2 2597,3 2598.4 Embassy has now received from Jacquet copy of memorandum which will be attached to letter which we are told to expect from Prime Minister’s office. Letter will be one of simple transmission, memorandum contains specific details requests, resume of which follows:
In order to counter considerably increased Viet-Minh military potential, carry out successful defense Dien Bien Phu and planned offensive operations, French Union Army will need additional transport and bomber aircraft. Needs include both personnel and matériel for existing units and creation of new group of B–26s. Specific needs:
(a) Reinforcement in personnel for existing units.
- 1.
- The reinforcement of specialized mechanics for C–47s and B–26s needed in order to raise the operational possibilities of existing groups (four groups of C–47s and two groups of B–26s).
- 2.
- The number of these specialists needed is about 400 according to specifications which will be furnished by the Commander-in-Chief to MAAG at Saigon.
(b) Reinforcement in matériel of existing units.
A number of B–26 aircraft necessary to raise the number of two groups of existing bomber aircraft to 25 (confirmation of request already made).
The urgent satisfaction of the demands for technical matériel and ammunition already expressed to MAAG Saigon.
(c) Creation of a new bombing unit.
A new group of B–26 bombers.
Department will note that request represents major change from that which Jacquet informed us we might expect (Embtel 2604 repeated to Saigon as 274) in that it does not include operational and maintenance crews for new B–26 groups. Explanation of change that Bidault and Pleven objected strenuously to alteration from basic existing policy (to seek and accept any US aid short of actual troop participation) which proposed request for US pilots flight crews would have represented. Argument within Cabinet over this subject and proposal that suggestion be made to us that recruitment in Foreign Legion be used as cover for US volunteer combatants in Indochina is reason why delivery of letter and attachments over Prime Minister’s signature has been delayed three days.5
Regarding Saigon’s 1246 repeated Paris as 381.6 Decision of such gravity as request for US personnel to perform combat functions obviously one for government rather than Navarre as course of events here has shown.
General Bodet today conferred with Norstad and Gruenther and was told that we were anxious do everything possible supply machines [Page 968] but that French had to make similar effort supply flight and ground crews necessary assure full use existing and newly requested aircraft. Bodet stated he now fighting out that battle with Pleven.
- See footnote 5, p. 960↩
- Dated Jan. 13, p. 959.↩
- Dated Jan. 12, p. 954.↩
- Dated Jan. 12, p. 956.↩
In telegram 2642 from Paris, Jan. 16, Achilles stated the following:
“Re Embtel 2629. Embassy has still not received official letter confirming memorandum outlined in reference telegram. Latest delay is said to be caused by Bidault’s continued questioning of suggestion for US volunteer recruitment in Foreign Legion (Embtel 2629) and a request for American crews for the operation of 12 C–119’s at present in Indochina on loan (this request in addition to those enumerated in résumé of memorandum contained reference telegram but crews in question would be included in 400 US technicians requested in a(2).
“In any case interministerial meeting, including Laniel, Bidault, Pleven and Jacquet, has been called for late today to settle matter prior Jacquet’s departure for Saigon tomorrow. Meanwhile, Secretariat Associated States asks us consider memorandum as working document.” (751G.00/1–1654)
↩- Telegram 1246 from Saigon, Jan. 14, read as follows: “We were astonished to read Jacquet’s request for additional squadron of 25 B–26’s with complete operational and maintenance crews reported in Paris’ 2604, January 13, to Department, acceptance of which would mean our becoming a belligerent in this war through the employment of American military combat pilots. No request for military combat pilots was made by Navarre although at first he thought of asking temporary loan of military pilots for transport planes on non-combat missions but withdrew that request when we reminded him that we might be able to furnish civilian pilots for purely transport missions on the C–119’s now on loan to the French Union forces, as we did last spring. I assume that Jacquet made a mistake in saying that French Government had asked for military pilots.” (751G.00/1–1454)↩