751G.5/12–1252: Telegram
The Ambassador at Saigon (Heath) to the Department of State
1190. Rptd info Paris 187. Eyes only for Allison. ReDeptel 1201 Dec 10, rptd Paris 3305.1 Gen Hewitt (see mytel 1187 Dec 12),2 after interviews with Fr Secy of State for Aviation Montel and Gen Chassin [Page 315] Commander FAF IC, and study plane maintenance problem, has sent tel to Commandant [Commanding] Gen FEAF Japan stating that in view heavy demands faced by Fr maintenance personnel, we must send Amer maintenance personnel for balance of period of loan to Fr of US transport planes if we expect eventually return of these planes (which are only loaned to French until end Jan next). He has recommended assignment to IC of mobile maintenance detachment 60 persons which wld provide for major inspection and battle repairs for one squadron of 31 planes, which wld include 21 US transports loaned to French.3
Montel indicated to Hewitt he wld appreciate Def and State decision on question US despatching maintenance personnel prior his scheduled departure from IC Dec 21.
From talk last night with Hewitt and Col Whisner, acting chief MAAG (Gen Trapnell on trip to Formosa) it is apparent that Fr maintenance facilities are now taxed to point where standard maintenance provided is dangerously below that which Amer Air Force deems adequate. Although 100 technicians arriving from France next week, 60 are replacements for equal number leaving on rotation.
Hewitt favors sending US technicians to IC rather than repairing transports at Clark Field for long over-water flight unsafe for worn and damaged aircraft and trip to and return from Philippines wld cut into over-all flying hours planes now requiring 50-hour and 100-hour overhauls.
This sending of technicians to IC is not an innovation in our relationship to IC conflict. US Air Force mechanics were sent to IC several weeks ago to repair planes damaged by typhoon; our MAAG mission which includes delivery and instruction in use of weapons is scarcely less involvement than repair of planes.
Shld requirement for transport aircraft remain at present high level or increase, which is quite probable, Fr wld face most critical situation. It is my opinion that our stake in this area is too important for us to jeopardize the tremendous effort we have already made through failure to follow through on action which seems to be clearly called for in the present circumstances and which does not seem to me to be much more than we have already done.
It is perhaps pertinent to recall that during Letourneau conversations last June, Def was interested in sending Amer training mission to expand Vietnamese officer corps to command in this war. This proposal was objected to by Dept official (and myself) not because it wld [Page 316] mean further involvement but on the grounds that officer training was a Fr responsibility and language difficulties were involved. If we can consider training men for combat in actual war, we shld be able to send mechanics to repair our own planes, which are to be returned to us in good condition after expiration of a short loan period.4
- In telegram 1201 to Saigon, Dec. 10, Assistant Secretary of State Allison informed Ambassador Heath that the initial reaction of the Department of the Air Force to the proposal for participation in the maintenance of French aircraft was unfavorable. It was thought that such participation would involve a significant change of policy and should be undertaken only as the result of a high-level decision which took into account all implications. (751G.5/12–552)↩
Telegram 1187 from Saigon, Dec. 12, repeated to Paris for information as telegram 186, read as follows: “Brigadier General [Albert G.] Hewitt in charge of maintenance FEAF, arrived in Saigon late yesterday to study overhaul needs of French transport planes. He said that from preliminary observation it was possible and he wld recommend assignment of mobile repair group to Indochina provided there were no policy objections.
“Montel, French Secretary of State for Aviation, arrived today. I suggested to General Hewitt that he consult with both Montel and French Air Force Commander Gen Chassin.” (751G.5/12–1252)
↩ - Telegram 1197 from Saigon, Dec. 13, repeated to Paris as telegram 189, read as follows: “I have learned that General Hewitt, after visit to Nha Trang, has revised his estimate and believes that detachment of 25 or 30 AF mechanics with a weekly air support run from Clark Air Field base direct to Nha Trang will be sufficient to handle C–47 overhauls.” (751G.5/12–1352)↩
In telegram 1286 to Saigon (also sent to Paris as telegram 3523), Dec. 22, Assistant Secretary Allison stated the following to Ambassadors Heath and Dunn: “Dept concurs in US participation maintenance C-47s by 25–30 USAF personnel at Nha Trang on temporary loan basis. Defense notified and has taken similar position.
“Defense has directed FEACOM to undertake such support and is informing MAAG Saigon.
“Defense additionally queries MAAG French intentions on possibility retention mechanics due rotation.” (751G.5/12–1352)