762A.5/8–1552: Telegram

No. 557
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1

top secret

1099. US eyes only. NSC 132/12 already pouched to addressee posts determines US policy in broad fields including polit, mil and econ and sets forth action to be taken in various situations which may develop in Berlin. NSC 132/1 is for US eyes only and pending further instr this subj shld not be discussed with reps fon govts.

Dept considering approaches to other govts as prescribed in NSC paper. Wld appreciate urgently your recommendations on timing, scope and method of such approaches.

Our tentative view is that bilateral discussions at high level shld be initiated with Brit, Fr and subsequently Gers on Berlin problem in most gen terms without consideration specific courses of action. Allies wld be apprised we have had matter under study at highest level and will shortly propose more detailed joint discussions of specific courses of action. Stage wld then be set for joint consultation re courses of action which NSC paper indicates shld be given earliest attention, including in first instance econ countermeasures. Dept and other agencies here completing studies on countermeasures in trade, finan, transport and related fields and will shortly pouch agreed report for your comment and recommendations.

Your views requested as to most advisable approach on econ reprisals. Wld it be best from your viewpoint to have bilateral or quadripartite discussions this subj? Shld bilateral talks precede multilateral talks? Dept favors quadripartite discussions, preceded perhaps by bilateral talks.

Our tentative view is that mil measures incl planning called for by NSC 132/1 which require joint action and which lend themselves to Allied discussion at this stage shld be handled initially as joint mil planning by three occupying powers. Discussions with Gers this subj we believe shld be deferred pending ratification of contractuals and EDC. It is also our tentative view that certain aspects of polit action to implement NSC paper shld be held initially with Brit and Fr and later with Gers when appropriate; other aspects shld be discussed earlier with Gers.

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Best means to secure agreement and effective implementation of several courses of action requiring joint efforts at this stage will be determined in light your recommendations.3

  1. Drafted by Williamson, Wolf, and Montenegro and cleared by Perkins, Riddleberger, Bohlen, Matthews, and E. Also sent to Paris and Bonn for action, and repeated to Moscow for information.
  2. Document 547.
  3. On Aug. 20 and 22, the Embassies in London and Paris replied. London reported that “much missionary work with UK will be necessary to secure agreement on proposals for action anywhere near as specific and drastic as that suggested in NSC 132/1.” (Telegram 976 from London, 762A.5/8–2052) Paris believed that although there was considerable sympathy for the Berlin problem, the French Foreign Ministry would not be very receptive to the far reaching program envisioned in NSC 132/1. (Telegram 1170 from Paris, 762A.5/8–2252) For Bonn’s reaction, see telegram 756, infra.