V. Policy of the United States with regard to Allied rights in Berlin1
1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. iii, Part 2, pp. 1828 ff.
[592] No. 592
Notes on the Sixteenth Meeting of the Ad
Hoc Berlin Committee, October 29, 1953
October 29, 1953
[593] No. 593
Memorandum of Conversation, by the
Liaison Officer of the Berlin Element, HICOG (Mautner)
[Berlin,] Undated.
[594] No. 594
The United States High Commissioner for
Germany (Conant)
to the Department of State
Bonn, November 20, 1953—2
762A.00/11–2053: Telegram
[595] No. 595
Memorandum of Discussion at the 174th
Meeting of the National Security Council, Thursday, December 10,
December 10, 1953
Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file
[596] No. 596
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Parkman) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
Berlin, January 12, 1954—1
762A.00/1–1254: Telegram
[597] No. 597
The United States High Commissioner for
Germany (Conant)
to the Foreign Operations
Bonn, January 12, 1954—3
MSA–FOA telegram files, lot W 130, “Bonn Tousfo”: Telegram
[598] No. 598
The Acting Special Assistant to the
Secretary of State (Nolting) to the Defense Adviser to the United States
Special Representative in Europe (Voorhees), at Paris
[Washington,] January 18, 1954.
762A.5 MSP/1–1854
[600] No. 600
Statement of Policy by the National
Security Council
[Washington, January 25, 1954.]
S/S–NSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 5404 Series
[602] No. 602
The Secretary of
State to the Office of the United
States High Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn
Washington, May 25, 1954.
762.00/5–2554: Circular airgram
[604] No. 604
Declaration by the Federal Republic of
Germany on Relations With Berlin
[Paris, October 23, 1954.]
Source: Reprinted from Documents on Germany 1944–1985, p. 436.
[605] No. 605
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Parkman) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
Berlin, October 29, 1954—11
662A.00/10–2954: Telegram
[606] No. 606
The Director of the Berlin Element,
HICOG (Parkman) to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for
Germany, at Bonn
Berlin, November 24, 1954—7
662A.00/11–2454: Telegram