No. 604
Declaration by the Federal Republic of Germany on Relations With Berlin1

In view of the special role which Berlin has played and is destined to play in the future for the self-preservation of the free world,

aware of the ties connecting the Federal Republic with Berlin as the prospective capital of a free, reunified Germany,

resolved to consolidate these ties within the framework of the status of Berlin,

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resolved to continue its aid to the political, cultural, economic and financial reconstruction of Berlin, and

motivated by the desire to strengthen and to reinforce the position of Berlin in all fields, and in particular to bring about in so far as possible an improvement in the economic and financial situation in Berlin including its productive capacity and level of employment,

the Federal Republic undertakes

to take all necessary measures on its part in order to ensure the maintenance of a balanced budget in Berlin through appropriate assistance;
to take adequate measures for the equitable treatment of Berlin in the control and allocation of materials in short supply;
to take adequate measures to ensure that Berlin also benefits from resources at the disposal of the Federal Republic received from outside sources, for the necessary further economic reconstruction of Berlin;
to take all appropriate measures designed to promote the placing of public and private orders in the Berlin economy;
to promote the development of Berlin’s external trade, to accord Berlin such favored treatment in all matters of trade policy as circumstances warrant and to provide Berlin within the limit of possibility and in consideration of the participation of Berlin in the foreign currency control by the Federal Republic, with the necessary foreign currency;
to take all necessary measures on its part to ensure that the city remains in the currency area of the Deutsche Mark West, and that an adequate money supply is maintained in the city;
to assist in the maintaining in Berlin of adequate stock-piles of supplies for emergencies;
to use its best efforts for the maintenance and improvement of trade and of communications and transportation facilities between Berlin and the Federal territory, and to cooperate in accordance with the means at its disposal in their protection or their re-establishment;
to continue its effort to compensate, as heretofore, the disproportionate burden placed on Berlin as a result of the admission of refugees;
to ensure the representation of Berlin and of the Berlin population outside Berlin, and to facilitate the inclusion of Berlin in the international agreements concluded by the Federal Republic, provided that this is not precluded by the nature of the agreements concerned.

  1. Source: Reprinted from Documents on Germany 1944–1985, p. 436.