762A.5/7–1753: Telegram

No. 204
The Secretary of State to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn1

top secret

230. Limit distribution. This is a joint State–Defense message. When Ridgway visited Bonn June 15, he asked Adenauer’s views on possibility reinforcing US strength in Germany by sending limited number 280 mm. cannons. Adenauer replied Germany’s protection lay behind atomic shield furnished by US and any strengthening was important to its defense and would be welcomed.

FYI only. British and French Foreign Ministers have been informed that US now willing send few 280 mm. battalions to Europe in support of NATO forces, and see no objection.2 End FYI.

You should approach Adenauer on strictly secret basis and advise him US now gratified to state that it is planning make 5 battalions 280 mm. artillery available to SACEUR for present deployment in Germany, in consonance with program mentioned to him by Ridgway. First element of these forces can be made available for movement fairly shortly, but before developing final movement schedules, we wish to obtain privately Chancellor’s views as to timing and whether publicity concerning movement, which could and should not be kept secret, would give him any concern in light forthcoming German elections. Necessary press announcement would be made shortly before embarkation of first elements from US, which would be about two or three weeks prior to date of arrival in Germany.

Apart from French and British governments, other NATO nations not yet informed, and it is therefore imperative that this be treated by Chancellor with utmost discretion.

You should advise Chancellor that although it will be our policy to attempt to treat this movement with no special emphasis on atomic character of weapons, which as you know also fire conventional shells, as part of our policy to normalize in public mind atomic capabilities, we anticipate press may nevertheless emphasize [Page 487] atomic nature of weapons. He should be told that should question of whether atomic ammunition is to be stored in FedRep be raised by press or public, comment should be “no comment”, explaining that obviously security considerations do not permit comment.

Your reply requested urgently, by July 21 if at all possible.3

For Paris and London. After receipt Adenauer’s views we will decide on timing of announcement. Before any publicity we intend inform NAC and will also coordinate substance and timing actual release with Gruenther and Hughes.

  1. Drafted by Wolf; cleared with MacArthur, Lewis, Bonbright, S/AE, and the Department of Defense; and initialed for the Secretary of State by Matthews. Repeated to London and to Paris for Hughes and Gruenther.
  2. Foreign Minister Bidault and Acting Foreign Secretary Salisbury were informed about the decision to send a few 280mm. battalions to Europe during the Tripartite Foreign Ministers meetings held in Washington, July 10–14. For a memorandum of this conversation, see vol. v, Part 2, p. 1641.
  3. On July 20 HICOG replied that Blankenhorn had informed the Chancellor, who was on vacation in the Black Forest, about the move. Adenauer welcomed the idea of the move, but hoped that any announcement concerning it could be withheld until after the elections in September. (Telegram 307 from Bonn, 762A.5/7–2053)