List of Sources

ALCO Records, Lot 62 F 9

Consolidated collection of official records of the Allied Commission for Austria (ALCO) for the years 1945–1955, as maintained by the Embassy in Vienna. (96 ft.)

Bonn Embassy Files, Lots 57 F 24 and 58 M 27 (311)

The “McCloy Project”: Files of the United States High Commissioner for Germany for the years 1949–1952, as a subsequently maintained as a segment of the files of the Embassy at Bonn.

CFM Files, Lot M–88

Consolidated master collection of the records of conferences of Heads of State, Council of Foreign Ministers and ancilliary bodies, North Atlantic Council, other meetings of the Secretary of State with the Foreign Ministers of European powers, and materials on the German and Austrian peace settlements for the years 1943–1955 prepared by the Department of State Records Service Center. (254 ft.)

Conference Files, Lot 59 D 95

Collection of documents on certain official visits of heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for the period 1949–1955, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (13 ft.)

Conference Files, Lot 60 D 627

Collection of documents on certain official visits of heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences for the period 1953–1958, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. This file is a continuation of Lot 59 D 95. (25 ft.)

EUR Files, Lot 59 D 233

Files of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs for the years 1945–1957. (6 ft.)

GER Files, Lot 57 D 344

Top secret control file of the Office of German Affairs for the period 1949–1955, as maintained by the Office of German Affairs. (1⅓ ft.)

MSAFOA Telegram Files, Lots W 130 and W 131

Serial telegram files of incoming and outgoing MSA and FOA cables for the period January 1953–June 1954, as maintained by the Administrative Services Division of the MSA and FOA and subsequently retired by FOA. These files, which are presently administered by the Agency for International Development, are a part of Federal Records Center Accession No. 55 A 374. (30 ft.)


OCB Files, Lot 62 D 430

Master files of the Operations Coordinating Board for the years 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (17 ft.)

PPS files, Lots 64 D 563

Master files of documents, drafts, records of meetings, memoranda, and related correspondence of the Policy Planning Staff for the years 1947–1953. (42 ft.)

PPS files, Lots 65 D 101

Master file of documents, drafts, records of meetings, memoranda, and related correspondence of the Policy Planning Staff for the year 1954. (8 ft.)

PSB Files, Lot 62 D 333

Master file of minutes and papers of the Psychological Strategy Board for the years 1951–1953, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (3 ft.)

Secretary’s Letters, Lot 56 D 459

Correspondence of the Secretary of State for the years 1945–1956, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (5/12 ft.)

Secretary’s Memoranda, Lot 53 D 444

Comprehensive chronological collection of the Secretary of State’s memoranda, memoranda of conversations, and memoranda of conversation with the President for the years 1947–1953, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (15 ft.)

Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation, Lot 64 D 199

Chronological collection of the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation and the Under Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation for the years 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (7 ft.)

Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation, Lot 65 D 238

Chronological collections of the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation with the President for the years 1949–1952, memoranda of the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of State for the years 1951–1952, and the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation with Senator Tom Connally of Texas for the years 1950–1951, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (1 ft.)

S/SNSC Files, Lot 63 D 351

Serial master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence and related Department of State memoranda for the years 1947–1961, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (20 ft.)

State–JCS Meetings, Lot 61 D 417

Top secret records of meetings between representatives of the Department of State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the years 1951–1959 and selected problem files on the Middle East for the years 1954–1956, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State. (3 ft.)

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Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas

Papers of Dwight D.Eisenhower as President of the United States for the years 1953–1961. This collection, which was maintained by Ann Whitman and has subsequently been called the “Whitman Files,” has several major parts, including the National Security Council file, the International Meeting file, and the International file.

Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas

Papers of John Foster Dulles as Secretary of State for the years 1953–1959. Also included are materials for the year 1951–1952 when he acted as a consultant to Secretary of State Acheson. This material is divided into folders covering various topics in international affairs.