Editorial Note
During the course of his statement before the North Atlantic Council on December 14, Secretary Dulles spoke as follows:
“If, however, the E.D.C. should not become effective; if France and Germany remain apart, so that they would again be potential enemies, then indeed there would be grave doubt whether continental Europe could be made a place of safety.
That would compel an agonizing reappraisal of basic United States policy.”
For the full text of Secretary Dulles’ statement, see page 461; for background relating to it, and further documentation on the North Atlantic Council, see pages 1 ff.
At a press conference following the North Atlantic Council meeting Dulles reiterated his comment about a possible “agonizing reappraisal”. (See the editorial note, page 468.) The transcript of his press conference together with a version of the statement to the Council somewhat different from that printed on page 461, is in the New York Times, December 15, 1953, pages 1 and 14.