2. Meetings of the Foreign Ministers in London, February 13–19:
Records of the meetings
(Documents 28–49)
- Wednesday, February 13, 1952 (Document 29)
- Thursday, February 14, 1952 (Documents 30–34)
Friday, February
15, 1952
(Document 35)
- Saturday, February 16, 1952 (Document 36)
- Sunday, February 17, 1952 (Documents 37–40)
Monday, February
18, 1952
(Documents 41–45)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman–Adenauer Meeting, February 18, 1952, 10:00
A.M., British Foreign Office, London (Document 41)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman Meeting, February 18, 3 P.M.,
British Foreign Office, London (Documents 42–43)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman–Adenauer Meeting, February 18, 1952, 4:45
P.M., British Foreign Office, London (Document 44)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman–Adenauer Dinner Meeting, February 18, 1952,
Evening, Carlton Gardens, London (Document 45)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman–Adenauer Meeting, February 18, 1952, 10:00
A.M., British Foreign Office, London (Document 41)
Tuesday, February
19, 1952
(Documents 46–49)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman Meeting, February 19, 1952, 10:00
A.M., British Foreign Office, London (Document 46)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman–Adenauer Meeting, February 19, 1952, 11:15
A.M., British Foreign Office, London (Documents 47–48)
Acheson–Churchill Meeting, February 19, 1952,
Afternoon, Prime Minister’s Residence, Cabinet Room,
London (Document 49)
Acheson–Eden–Schuman Meeting, February 19, 1952, 10:00
A.M., British Foreign Office, London (Document 46)
- Messages to the President (Documents 50–51)
- Conference Documents and Supplementary Papers (Documents 52–60)