722.5 MSP/1–1552: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Ecuador 1


193. Dept approves ur statement to FonMin2 urtel 249 Jan 15.3

[Page 967]

Contemplated US aid will be provided in context US–Ecuador concern with danger aggression from outside hemisphere. US MSA was presented to Congress and written on such basis. US position on use of equipment for def against other forms of aggression depends on situation then existing and on action taken by appropriate organ under existing inter-American arrangements. US cannot, until that time, state what its view will be on request which might then be made by Ecuador under para 2 Art 1 draft bilateral.

We do not wish either to modify existing text of bilateral in this respect or to enter into any form of understanding on this question and hope FonMin will not further pursue matter. In event he presses matter you should avoid replying to FonMin query in terms which might be interpreted as applying specifically to intra-continental aggression for reason that Sec 401 of MSA of 19514 makes no such specific ref.

  1. Drafted by H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld of the Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Mutual Security Affairs; cleared with the Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, the Offices of Regional American Affairs and South American Affairs, the Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Economic Affairs, and the Department of Defense; approved and signed for the Secretary by Deputy Assistant Secretary Mann.
  2. L. Neftalí Ponce.
  3. In the referenced telegram, Ambassador Daniels informed the Department of State that Foreign Minister Ponce had raised the question whether equipment supplied to Ecuador under provisions of the military assistance agreement could be used for purposes of self-defense, and that he had replied as follows: “primary purpose bilateral agreement related to continental defense against extra-continental aggression and that other inter-Amer agreements relating to intra-continental aggression remained unaffected and in full force.” (722.5 MSP/1–1552)
  4. Reference is to the Mutual Security Act of 1951 (Public Law 165), approved Oct. 10, 1951; for text, see 65 Stat. 373.