- Abaca, 193, 981, 1094
- Abbink, John, 188
- Acevedo Alvarez, Eduardo, 334, 1579–1580
Acheson, Dean G.:
- Argentina, 407, 423
- Bolivia, 485, 490–493, 502–503, 506–508, 516–518, 520n
- Brazil, 421n , 570, 578, 581–582, 584, 586, 587–595, 598–599, 875n
- Chile, 669–670, 680–681
- Colombia, 769–772, 790, 792
- Common Defense Scheme for the American Continent, 23n , 123n , 1075n
- Cuba, 867–868, 871–872
- Dominican Republic, 927, 935–937
- Ecuador, 966–970, 985
- General Military Plan for the Defense of the American Continent, 120, 1658n
- Guatemala:
- Haiti, 1253–1255
- Korean conflict, Latin American involvement in, 118
- Mexico, 1331, 1333–1339
- Military Assistance Advisory Groups, 139
- Netherlands, 127n
- Nicaragua, 1369–1371
- Panama, 1391
- Paraguay, 1467
- Strategic commodities, export control of, 186–187
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 129–132
- Uruguay, 1536–1538
- Venezuela, 1600, 1603, 1605, 1633, 1635, 1636n
- Ackerman, Adolph, 602
- Ackerman, Ralph H., 928–931
- “Act of Santiago,” 463
- Adams, Sherman, 300, 304, 344, 363, 1572
- Ageton, Arthur A., 1490
- Aglion, Raoul, 1253–1255
- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, 1573–1574
- Agricultural Surplus Disposal, Interagency Committee on, 362
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), 76, 80, 84, 88, 103–104, 338, 341–342, 358, 361–362, 754–757, 760
- Agriculture, Department of, 63, 201, 220–221, 237, 754, 883, 892–893, 902n , 912–913, 919, 926, 1039n , 1257, 1344, 1573–1574, 1632
- Air Force, Department of the:
- Argentina, 409n , 415
- Bolivia, 547n
- Brazil, 657
- Costa Rica, 851, 863
- Cuba, 914–915
- Dominican Republic, 934, 936
- Ecuador, 977–980, 985
- El Salvador, 1011, 1013–1014, 1020
- Guatemala, 165, 1031n , 1038, 1061n
- Haiti, 135
- Honduras, 1309
- Latin Americans in U.S. military schools, 113
- Military Assistance Advisory Groups, 139–140, 920
- Military installations, 39
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 170, 183
- Panama, 1392n
- Peru, 1500, 1502–1503, 1529
- Tours, 41, 62
- U.S. Mapping Program, 163–164
- Uruguay, 1581, 1583, 1585
- Venezuela, 160, 1619n , 1664, 1672
- Alarcón, Ruperto, 970
- Aléman Valdes, Miguel, 1325, 1330, 1334–1335, 1337–1338, 1343
- Alfaro, Ricardo, 1409–1410, 1420
- Alfhem, S.S. See under Guatemala.
- Allen, Harry H., 1088–1090
- Allen, Maj. Gen. F. A., 157, 161
- Allet, Robert G., 1102
- Allocations Board, 774, 795
- Almeida Guillabel, Renato de, 656
- Alvarez Vidaurre, Antonio, 365, 1202
- Alzate Avendano, Gilberto, 807
- American and Foreign Power Company, 253, 439, 443, 472, 579, 581, 596, 668, 750, 820, 827, 1072
- American Bondholders Committee, 1510
- American Packers, 1548–1558, 1564, 1579
- American Republics (see also
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance;
Organization of American States; Rio Economic Conference; Tenth
Inter-American Conference):
- American Committee on Dependent Territories, 269
- American Treaty of Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogotá), 268, 1077
- Bilateral military assistance agreements, 6, 9, 109, 137
- Caribbean area:
- Economic situation, 380–383, 391–392, 399
- Intraregional relationships, 394–395
- Military situation, 381, 390–391
- Political situation, 366–367, 379–381, 383, 399
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 398
- U.S. attitude toward, 398
- U.S. policy toward, 381, 398
- U.S.-Netherlands negotiations regarding joint defense of, 110, 127, 147–149, 178–181
- Caribbean Legion, 375, 395–396, 852, 1056, 1063, 1068, 1071
- Central American area, 365–399
- Colonialism, U.S. position on, 38
- Communist activities, 21, 37, 47, 51, 97–98, 1450
- Communist-sponsored conferences, 19, 30, 58–59, 96–97, 390
- Economic situation, 6, 31, 104, 209–217, 306, 308, 324, 330, 332, 336, 391–392, 475
- Eleventh Inter-American Conference, 277, 998
- Export price stabilization, 71
- Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council. See Rio Economic Conference of 1954 .
- Fourth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 1951, 47, 117, 120, 278, 282–289, 589, 792, 1077
- Hemispheric defense, 9–10, 85–86, 109, 144–146, 168, 176–177, 336, 351, 788, 1212
- Inter-American Commission of Women, 275–276
- Inter-American Congress of Ministers and Directors of Education, 274
- Inter-American Convention for Arbitration of Pecuniary Claims, Buenos Aires, 1910, 517
- Inter-American Council of Jurists, 153, 274
- Inter-American Cultural Council, 274
- Inter-American Defense Board, 5n , 6, 9–10, 23, 39–40, 46, 61, 63, 85–86, 111, 114, 120, 121n , 123–127, 135, 157, 164, 183, 403, 938, 1015, 1235, 1658n
- Inter-American Bank, 354
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 237, 271, 310, 313, 317, 324, 327, 353, 357, 651
- Inter-American Highway. See Inter-American Highway.
- Inter-American Highway agreement, 1300, 1302
- Inter-American Juridical Committee, 274–275
- Inter-American Peace Committee. See under Organization of American States.
- Intraregional relations, 265, 288, 305, 381, 396–397
- Korean conflict. See Korean conflict.
- Latin American Economic Information Project, 106
- Nationalization as a trend, 1634
- Ninth International Conference of American Republics. See Ninth International Conference of American Republics, Bogotá, Mar. 30 and May 2, 1948 .
- Political situation, 6, 20, 384
- Private investments, 3, 214, 226–229
- Regional grouping, possibility of, 365–366
- Standard of living, 324, 332, 336
- Tariff unions, 76
- United States, attitude toward, 1212
- U.S. economic assistance (see also under individual countries), 186–188, 259–262, 306–307, 336
- U.S. economic policy, 66, 90–91, 231–232, 314–364
- Agricultural surplus disposal, 55–56, 77, 236, 242, 298, 308–310, 315
- Criticism of, 89, 94, 98
- Development assistance loans, 336, 340
- Export credit facilities, 319
- Grant-aid, 71, 206–207, 308, 320, 331
- Investment in raw material production, 359–360
- Price stabilization for raw materials and commodities, 324, 329, 331, 342, 346, 349
- Private investment, 190, 319, 323, 328, 333, 336, 346
- Taxation, 319, 346, 356, 367
- U.S. military assistance (see also under individual countries), 9, 85, 91, 96, 116–118, 120–121, 128, 131, 137, 154, 182–185, 199
- U.S. military missions, 24, 40, 60–62, 111–112, 140, 154–155, 184–185
- U.S. military training schools, 78, 131–132
- U.S. policy toward dictatorships, 1450
- U.S. technical assistance programs, 71, 84, 186–191, 199, 209, 214–215, 221–224, 258–260, 316, 320, 324, 338, 341, 346
- U.S. trade restrictions, 55, 65, 71–72, 83, 99, 231–233, 307–308, 330,
- Cotton, 233
- Dairy products, 233
- Flaxseed, 233
- Lead, 18, 89, 99, 211, 240–241, 332–333
- Linseed oil, 472
- Meat products, 233, 245, 296, 472
- Oats, 56, 94, 211, 233, 296, 453, 472
- Panamanian products, 1424
- Peruvian products, 1507–1508, 1511
- Petroleum, 18, 92, 211, 232, 1162, 1676
- Rye, 56
- Sugar, 73, 901–903, 906, 911–912, 917, 921, 925–926, 964–965, 1162, 1263
- Tung nuts and oil, 56, 94, 99, 233, 247, 333, 472, 483
- Wool, 211, 232, 244–246, 409, 444, 1558–1561
- Wool tops, 233, 1537–1542, 1545–1547, 1549, 1563, 1570, 1573
- Zinc, 18, 89, 99, 211, 240–241, 332–333, 1162
- American Smelting and Refining Company, 104–105, 241, 886, 1504, 1516–1517, 1520, 1531
- American Treaty of Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogotá), 268
- Ammott, John C., 494
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 865n
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 678, 684, 708, 717, 724, 727–730, 737–739, 741, 1531
- Anderson, Robert B., 67, 73, 75, 78, 178, 195, 206, 224, 294, 344, 652n , 654n , 1112, 1122, 1124, 1132
- Anderson, Samuel W., 352–353, 355–357, 703–707, 723, 945, 1532
- Anding, Col. James G., 994
- Andrade, Víctor, 496–501, 508, 510–514, 516–517, 519–520, 522–524, 526n , 537, 540, 542, 559n , 1170
- Andrews, Stanley, 601, 1293
- Angel de la Campa y Caraveda, Miguel, 868–873, 897–898
- Anschuetz, Norbert L., 1118n
- Anslinger, Harry J., 1345
- Antarctica, 11, 403, 476
- Apold, Raúl A., 443
- Appropriations Act (P.L. 428), Mar. 3, 1933, 296n , 418, 1457
- Aramayo, Carlos Victor, 493
- Aramburú Lecaros, Germán, 1500
- Arana, Col. Francisco Javier, 385, 1033
- Aranha, Oswaldo, 17, 35, 249, 334, 622n , 624, 626, 637, 647
- Araujo, Antonio Martin, 1598
- Arbenz, Maria Cristina Vilanova de, 1091–1092
Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo:
- Communism in Guatemala, 840, 1040–1041, 1061, 1063–1067, 1070–1071, 1080, 1082, 1087, 1092–1093, 1095n , 1099–1100, 1137, 1140, 1162, 1198, 1212–1214, 1217
- Communism in Latin America, 97, 398
- El Salvador, Guatemalan relations with, 1024, 1308
- Honduras, Guatemalan relations with, 1296
- Inter-American Highway, 1039, 1044, 1047
- Mexico, Guatemalan relations with, 1450
- Nationalization of foreign-owned property, 226, 394
- Nicaragua, Guatemalan relations with, 1373, 1384
- Political opposition to, 1043n , 1062, 1070, 1081, 1100, 1214
- Political support for, 368, 388, 1032–1035, 1037, 1062–1063, 1067
- Revolution against, 93, 108, 380, 385, 389, 399, 846, 858, 1171, 1173–1175, 1186, 1188–1192, 1451
- Soviet Union, Guatemalan relations with, 1120n
- United States, Guatemalan relations with, 381, 396–397, 1050, 1053, 1082, 1085, 1154–1156, 1180
- U.S. economic interests in Guatemala, 1032, 1036, 1056, 1069, 1091, 1098n
- U.S. military assistance to Guatemala, 1038n
- U.S. plans to overthrow, 1083–1084
- Venezuela, Guatemalan relations with, 375
- Arends, Leslie C., 1101
- Arévalo Bermejo, Juan José, 385, 898, 1033, 1063, 1066–1067, 1080, 1193
- Arey, Hawthorne, 352, 354, 356, 447–449
- Argentina:
- “Act of Santiago”, 463
- Agencia Latina, 426
- Agreements with the United States:
- Agricultural products:
- American and Foreign Power Company, nationalization of, 253, 439, 443, 472
- Antarctic issue, 403, 476
- Atomic Energy Commission, 27
- Bolivia, relations with, 416, 486, 1538
- Braniff International Airways, entry situation, 431
- Brazil, relations with, 463, 634, 643, 645
- Chile:
- Coal production, 449
- Compañia Argentina de Electricidad, 253
- Congress of, 440n , 455, 457–458
- East-West trade, 464, 466
- Economic situation, 212, 245–246, 305, 407–408, 410, 412, 413, 416–418, 455, 457–460, 464–465, 1541
- Ecuador:
- Export-Import Bank:
- Exporter credits, 252
- Falkland Island issue, 403
- Guatemala, relations with, 468, 475, 1069
- Haiti, relations with, 1258
- Hemispheric defense role, 122, 144, 441–442, 444–445, 447, 470–471
- Hemispheric leadership, 401, 425, 428–429, 461–464, 466, 482
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 415
- International Packers, 430, 469–470, 1564–1567
- Japan, trade with, 465
- Korean conflict, 415
- La Prensa, 433, 450–452
- Mathison Chemical Company fertilizer project, 448
- Meatpackers situation, 430, 443, 472
- Military equipment production, 445
- Military equipment purchases:
- Military situation, 456, 460–461
- Minerales y Metales (MINMET), 479–481
- National Broadcasting Company, 443
- Panama, relations with, 426
- Paraguay:
- Peru, relations with, 1507–1508, 1526
- Petroleum production, 444–446, 472
- Political situation, 123, 159, 176,
245, 410–415, 432, 439,
- Army revolt attempt, 1951, 408, 457
- Communist activities, 31, 97, 401, 408, 413, 425, 432–433, 438, 439, 445, 456, 459, 463, 465, 474, 482, 1170
- Communist Party (PCA) membership, 455, 458–459
- Confederation of Latin American Workers, 408, 410, 412–413, 418, 426, 433, 457–459, 464
- Confederation of Professional Workers, 458
- General Confederation of Workers (CGT), 412, 415, 433, 457, 459
- Government actions against Communists, 246, 474
- Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers, 405, 416, 420
- Nationalist Liberating Alliance, 457
- Roman Catholic Church, 414, 457
- Unión Civica Radical (UCR), 414, 458
- Preparation for World War III, 444, 476
- Press, treatment of, 440, 443, 449, 451–452, 455, 465
- Private investments, 32, 46, 52, 103, 403, 434, 439, 441, 443–446, 448, 450–452, 455, 462–463, 465–466, 469–470, 472, 482, 484, 1634
- Propaganda program, 400, 404–406, 415–416, 419, 423–427, 431, 438, 451, 462
- St. Joseph Lead Company, 448
- Shipyard development, 445–446, 472
- Smithfield Packing House, 434
- Social Aid Foundation, 414
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 15, 30, 98, 434, 438, 455, 463–464, 466
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey situation, 431, 443
- Steel mill purchase, 246, 253, 445–446, 452–453, 467, 469, 483–484
- Strategic materials, U.S. access to, 402, 478–481
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, U.S.-Argentine relations, 480–481
- “Third Position”, 400, 405, 410–411, 415, 418, 420–421, 462
- United Kingdom, relations with, 11
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 402, 415, 452, 463
- United States, attitude toward, 162, 245–246, 367, 400–403, 405, 411, 415, 418–419, 427–437, 446, 451, 455, 459, 462, 471
- United States, policy toward, 20, 26, 29, 37
- U.S agricultural surplus disposal, 93, 233, 245–247, 296, 309–310, 401, 468, 472
- U.S. citizens, travel restrictions for, 449, 451
- U.S. economic assistance, 94, 438, 445, 475–476, 482
- U.S. economic policy, 403, 405, 416, 421, 462, 467, 472, 479–480
- U.S. exports to, 429–430
- U.S. information activities, 435
- U.S. military assistance, 112, 116, 122–123, 144, 183, 185, 403, 404, 438, 441, 445–446, 455, 463, 469, 471, 477–478
- U.S. motion pictures, reentry of, 431, 451
- U.S. policy toward, 402, 404, 419–421, 425, 436, 438, 1569
- U.S. public opinion toward, 246, 404, 438, 483–484
- U.S. shipping, discrimination against, 472
- U.S. technical assistance, 334, 445–446
- Uranium and beryl production, 27, 445, 472
- Uruguay, relations with, 451, 463, 1538, 1544, 1563–1564, 1568–1570, 1577, 1582
- West Germany, trade with, 465
- Western Europe, trade with, 465
- Westinghouse International, electrical plant, 448
- Wool situation, 444, 1538–1542, 1546
- Arías, Arnulfo, 1393–1394, 1397, 1399–1400, 1406
- Arías, Harmodio, 1394, 1396–1397, 1409–1410, 1412, 1415n , 1416, 1420, 1459–1466
- Armour, Norman, 1230n , 1232–1234, 1272
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 807–808, 865–866
- Armstrong, Willis C., 664
- Army, Department of the:
- Argentina, 409n
- Bolivia, 547n , 557–559, 561–562
- Brazil, 657
- Caribbean Demonstration Teams, 115
- Colombia, 796
- Costa Rica, 823–825, 856, 863
- Cuba, 915
- Ecuador, 969, 977–980, 985–986
- El Salvador, 42, 1010–1012, 1018, 1020, 1022
- Guatemala, 42, 165, 1031n , 1061n , 1108, 1237
- Historical relations with Latin America, 167
- Hosting foreign officials, 51
- Inter-American Geodetic Survey Group, 920, 953, 956–959
- Latin Americans in U.S. military schools, 78, 113
- Mexico, 1339
- Military Assistance Advisory Groups, 139–140
- Military decorations for Latin Americans, 114
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 170
- Panama, 1392n , 1427, 1448
- Paraguay, 1475–1476, 1478, 1480
- Standardization of the armed forces, 172
- U.S. Mapping Program, 164
- Uruguay, 1585
- Venezuela, 95, 1588, 1619n
- Arnall, Ellis G., 684
- Arosamena, Alcibíades, 1397n
- Arosemena Monroy, Carlos Julio, 156, 976n , 982, 986
- Arriaga, Maj., 1207
- Arroyo Torres, Ledo, 1575–1576, 1581
- Aruba, 127
- Atomic Energy Commission, 182n , 208n , 472, 628, 735, 1061n , 1506
- Atterberry, Phil R., 175n , 1270, 1278n
Atwood, Rollin S., 299n
, 353–354,
- Argentina, 419, 447–448, 484
- Bolivia, 494, 498–501, 513, 519, 522n , 528, 530, 559n
- Brazil, 611, 613n , 615, 647n , 662n
- Chile, 675–677, 693, 697–700, 702, 706–707, 724–728, 730, 733, 740n , 747, 754, 755n , 757–758, 763–765
- Colombia, 788, 792–793
- Ecuador, 972, 982–983, 987–988
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan revolution, 1178, 1186
- Paraguay, 1489n
- Peru, 1504n , 1514, 1516n , 1529n
- Uruguay, 1536, 1558n , 1561n
- Venezuela, 1635n , 1636, 1652n , 1673–1674, 1676n
- Ávila Camacho, Manuel, 1328
- Ayala, Capt. Julio C., 791
- Azucar Chavez, Carlos, 1206
- Baggett, Sam, 838, 841, 844–845
- Bahama Islands, North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement, 1950, 53
- Baisley, Col. Herbert K., 977n
- Baker, George P., 1331, 1333–1337
- Baker, Josephine, 431
- Balbino, Antonio, 625
- Ball, Max, 1226
- Ballivián Rojas, Brig. Gen. Hugo, 485, 490
- Barall, Milton, 498–503, 559n , 666, 675–679, 682, 685, 693–697, 699–703, 705n , 727–733, 743n , 746n , 747n , 753n , 1285–1286, 1514
- Baranson, Stanley, 1284–1285, 1291
- Barber, Lt. Col. Rex T., 154
- Barber, Willard F., 805, 812–816
- Barnes, Stanley, 224–225, 262
- Barrett, Frank A., 910
- Barringer, J. Paul, 1331n , 1333–1336
- Barrios Ortiz, Tobias, 692, 733–737, 746
- Barrios Peña, Col. Roberto, 1043n
- Barrios Tirado, Gen. Guillermo, 669
- Basdevant, Jules, 571
Batista y Zaldivar, Gen. Fulgencia:
- Communism in Cuba, 389, 869, 871, 896–897, 899–900
- Costa Rican Government, opposition to, 367, 396, 866
- Cuban armed forces, relations with, 870, 876
- Cuban elections, 896, 916
- Cuban exiles in the United States, 897–898
- Guatemalan Government, opposition to, 368
- Nicaro nickel project, 887n
- Political support for, 381, 384, 399, 871, 874, 893
- Private investment in Cuba, 869
- Seizure of power, 867–869, 871–873, 876, 882, 932
- Soviet Union, Cuban relations with, 871
- Sugar:
- Trade unions, 871
- United States, Cuban relations with, 871, 873–875, 897, 918
- Batlle Berres, Luis, 1544, 1585–1586
- Batten, Col. Earl, 1202
- Battle, Laurie C., 31n , 124n , 471n
- Battle, Lucius D., 1391, 1603–1604
- Battle Act. See Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 .
- Batzell, Elmer, 1239
- Bauer, Walter, 321
- Beall, J. Glenn, 665
- Beam, Jacob, D., 1176
- Beaulac, Willard L., 361, 733, 735–739, 741, 745–746, 755–756, 760–761, 763–764, 867–877, 881–882, 887n , 888–889, 892–895, 1042, 1104, 1161
- Begoügne de Juniac, Gontran, 1184n
- Behns, Col. Sosthenes, 453
- Behrendt, Richard, 1467n
- Beiderlinden, Maj. Gen. William A., 605, 606, 655
- Belize (British Honduras), 97, 1063, 1068, 1124
- Bell, Bernard, 1248
- Belton, William, 755n , 1338, 1347–1348, 1349n , 1353, 1358n , 1359n , 1489n , 1522
- Beltrán, Pedro, 1524
- Bennett, W. Tapley, Jr., 197, 229–250, 419, 469, 471n , 508, 651n , 772–774, 776, 782, 1382n , 1506n , 1536n , 1547–1548, 1641–1642, 1648
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 49, 237, 300, 363, 889, 892, 900, 902n , 1352, 1571–1572
- Berckemeyer, Fernando, 1506–1514, 1522, 1524, 1527, 1529
- Berenhauser, 583
- Bermúdez, 1545–1546
- Bernal, José Maria, 767–768, 773–778, 788, 795
- Bernardes, Carlos Alfredo, 615
- Bernardino, Gen. Felix, 948–950, 954
- Bernbaum, Maurice M., 142n , 144, 366–368, 372–373, 767–770, 772n , 774–777, 780n , 782, 783n , 790, 795–796, 982–983, 987, 1103, 1497, 1596–1599, 1642, 1666–1667
- Bernini, Federico A., 484
- Berrio Muñoz, Brig. Gen. Gustavo, 51
- Betancourt, Rómulo, 95, 366, 372–377, 396, 840–841, 846–847, 851, 854n , 1043, 1056, 1373, 1379, 1381–1382, 1385, 1388–1389, 1668–1674
- Bethlehem Steel, 1626, 1637
- Biesanz, John, 1439
- Billiton Company, 886–887
- Birgfeld, Clarence E., 782
- Bishop, Max W., 342n , 763–765
- Blanchard, Louis R., 1353
- Black, Eugene R., 57, 249, 356, 581–584, 588, 591, 597–598, 602–603, 667, 837, 838, 876, 987–988, 1023, 1229
- Blackman, Herbert N., 195, 224
- Blankinship, Byron E., 996–999, 1301
- Boettner, Luís Oscar, 1474, 1489
- Boggs, Marion W., 67
- Bogotá Conference. See Ninth International Conference of American Republics.
- Bohan, Merwin L., 95, 313–314, 576–580, 582–583, 588, 600, 602, 611, 616–621
- Bohlen, Charles E., 408, 1603
- Bolaños, Lt. Col. Oscar A., 29, 1001, 1003, 1010, 1024
- Bolivia:
- Agrarian reform, 308, 310–311, 550
- Agreements with the United States, Army Mission Agreement extension, 1954, 557–562, 568
- Argentina, relations with, 416, 486, 556, 1508, 1538
- Asbestos, 495
- Banco Minero, 494–496, 501, 519, 524, 527
- Bolivian Development Corporation, construction equipment, 34
- Brazil, relations with, 643
- Brazilian economic assistance, 486
- Chaco War, 1932–1935, 549
- Chile, relations with, 542–543, 556
- Cochabamba–Santa Cruz Highway, 95, 242, 537, 566
- Columbium, U.S. purchases, 495
- Council of Ministers, 544
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 15, 31
- “Definitive Agreement on Retentions”, Patiño and Bolivian Government, June 13, 1953, 526, 569
- Economic situation, 18, 19, 27, 46, 49, 64, 159, 210, 242, 489, 501, 511, 514–515, 524, 527, 529–531, 534, 547–549, 553–554, 556, 561, 566–567
- Export-Import Bank loans, 95, 242, 495, 501, 531, 537, 541, 566
- Exports, 553–554, 563
- Food supply programs, 34, 49, 84, 88, 201–202, 216, 236, 241, 529–530, 535–536, 541, 546, 554–555, 566
- Guatemala, relations with, 1069
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 541
- International Monetary Fund loans, 105, 541, 554
- International Tin Agreement, 296
- Military situation, 491
- Ministry of Defense, 558
- Pacific port situation, 542–543, 556
- Panama, tax claims against, 538–539, 544
- Peru, relations with, 556, 1505, 1507–1508
- Petroleum development, 16, 210, 554, 556
- U.S. investments, 539, 554
- Political prisoners, treatment of, 545–546
- Political situation, 130, 216, 240,
490, 511, 529, 535, 541, 543, 561,
- Bolivian Communist Party (PCB), 551
- Bolivian Labor Central, 550
- Communist activities, 50, 90, 97, 475, 541, 543, 555, 567
- Falange Socialista Bolivia (FSB), 545, 548, 552, 555
- La Razon after 1952 revolution, 493
- Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario, 490–491, 547–557
- Overthrow of junta, April 1952, 490–491, 513
- Revolutionary Workers Party (POR), 551
- Press, treatment of, 539, 545
- Private investments, 15, 540, 554, 566–567
- Recognition of new government, 493
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans, 1163
- Texas City Smelter, continued operation of, 56, 486–487, 500, 531–533, 559–560
- Tin (see also Tin industry, nationalization of, below):
- Tin industry, nationalization of, Oct. 31, 1952, 16, 50, 492, 494, 496,
505, 509–510, 513, 549–550, 568–569, 1634
- Aramayo, negotiations with, 493, 505, 507–508, 510, 513, 515, 526, 528, 539, 545
- Bolivia Tin Corporation, negotiations with, 538–539
- Compensation issue, 505–509, 512–513, 520–521, 524, 526, 528, 538, 550, 568–569
- Corporacíon Minera de Bolivia (COMIBOL), negotiations with tin owners, 523, 526, 545, 569
- Effect on production, 509
- Hochschild, negotiations with, 492, 505, 507–508, 510, 513, 515, 526, 528, 539, 545
- Legal ownership of the ores, 498
- Patiño Mines and Enterprises, negotiations with, 492, 494–497, 500, 505, 508, 510, 513, 515–517, 521–522, 526, 528, 538–539, 545, 568–569
- U.S. stockholders, interests of, 497, 509–510, 515–516, 569
- U.S. tin purchase issue, 490, 492, 496, 503, 511, 517, 521
- Tungsten, 495, 501, 506, 562–565
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 543, 557
- United States:
- U.S. citizens killed by mine workers, 491
- U.S. economic assistance, 27, 29, 34, 46, 55, 84, 88, 102, 200–201, 219, 222, 236, 241–242, 261, 534–538, 540, 546, 561, 566–568
- U.S. military assistance, 40, 62, 112, 122, 144, 183, 557–562, 568
- U.S. technical assistance, 16, 485
- Bolté, Gen. Charles L., 114, 120, 648–649, 769, 779–780, 785, 788, 792, 1547
- Bonbright, James C. H., 147n , 148n
- Bonnet, Henri, 1184
- Bos, Commodore H., 178–181
- Bosch, Juan, 1379–1382
- Boucas, Valentim, 581–583
- Bow, Frank, 837
- Bowdler, William G., 6, 10n , 26n , 279n , 1446n
- Bowers, Claude G., 508, 666, 669, 670n , 679–680, 686–687, 689n , 691–692, 695n
- Bowie, Robert R., 65, 67, 344, 1074, 1118n , 1129n , 1130n , 1139, 1176
- Boza, Héctor, 1506
- Braden, Spruille, 429, 435, 885, 948, 951–952, 954n , 956, 1058–1059, 1072
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 2–3, 149, 150n , 151–152, 793–795
- Bramble, Harlan P., 494, 528, 562–565
- Braniff International Airways, 431, 781, 783, 1330–1332
- Brannan, Charles F., 1632
- Brazil:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Lend-Lease Settlement Arrangement of Apr. 15, 1948, 652
- Military Assistance Agreement, Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 15, 1952, 20, 38, 123, 570–571, 605, 624, 632, 638
- Military Plan Between Brazil and the United States for Their Common Defense, 570–571, 606
- Navy Mission Agreement, Rio de Janeiro, June 29 and Oct. 9, 1954, 112
- Amazon Credit Bank of Brazil, 646
- American and Foreign Power Company, 579, 581, 596
- Argentina, relations with, 463, 634, 645
- Atomic energy, raw materials for, 635
- Banco de Brasil, 586
- Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Economico (National Economic Development Bank), 585, 599, 614–615, 617, 622
- Beryl ore, 635
- Bethlehem Steel Company, 214
- Bolivia, relations with, 643
- Brazilian Electric Power Company, 584
- Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company, 586
- Castor oil, 635
- Central do Brasil Railway, 574, 579–581, 583, 585–586
- Cocoa export rates, 647
- Coffee exports, 35, 591, 635, 643, 647, 650, 658, 663–665
- Colombia, relations with, 643
- Comissao Estadual de Energia Electrica, 584
- Companhia Brasileira de Estireno, 585
- Companhia Metalurgica Barbara, 585, 599
- Companhia Vale de Rio Doce, S.A., 585
- Compañía Rio Doce, 31
- Congress of, 53, 125, 133, 190, 622, 624, 627n , 632, 637, 644, 652, 1634
- Costeira shipping services, 619–620
- Czechoslovakia:
- Economic situation, 49, 92, 212, 248–249, 598, 600n , 606–607, 610–611, 614, 618, 622, 627, 633–637, 640–647, 658–660, 662–664
- Ecuador, relations with, 973–974
- Executive Board for Railway Rehabilitation, 619
- Export-Import Bank loans, 4, 17, 33, 55, 100, 236, 249–251, 254, 255, 573n , 575n , 579–582, 584–586, 592, 595–597, 599, 601, 607–608, 615, 620, 623, 627, 641–642, 650, 659
- Export-Import Bank policy, 598, 661
- Federal Reserve Board loans, 658–660, 662–663
- Fongra Productos Quimicos, S.A., 586
- Foreign Office of, 40, 625, 631–632, 638, 647–649, 651, 654n , 655, 664
- Foreign policy, 642–643
- Free exchange market, 606
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 572n
- Hemispheric defense role, 635, 639, 645
- Hemispheric solidarity, 643
- Import policy, 32, 606–607, 609, 627
- Industria e Comercio de Minerios, 585
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 33, 54, 215, 248, 573n , 575n , 579–586, 592, 597, 615, 617–618, 620, 627, 636, 641–642, 650
- International Monetary Fund loans, 105, 578n , 606–607
- Iron ore shipments to Poland, 31
- Joint Brazil-U.S. Defense Board, 61, 111, 632, 648, 651
- Joint Brazil-U.S. Defense Commission, 61, 125–126, 134–135, 235
- Joint Brazil-U.S. defense organizations, 39–40, 165, 631–633, 648–649, 651–654
- Joint Brazil-U.S. Economic Board, formation of, 650
- Joint Brazil-U.S. Economic Development Commission (JBUSEDC), 17, 248, 571–573, 581, 587–596, 602–605, 609–613, 615–622, 624, 641, 650–651, 1481
- Joint Brazil-U.S. Military Commission (JBUSMC) in Rio, 61, 624, 653–656
- Joint Brazil-U.S. Technical Commission, 188n
- Korean conflict, 593–594
- Lend-Lease settlement arrangement, 652
- Lloyd Brasileiro shipping services, 32, 619–620
- Manganes development, 214, 597, 635
- Mica, 635
- Military equipment purchases:
- Military situation, 638–640
- Monazite, 628–629, 647, 657
- Nationalism, 635–636
- Organization of American States, role in, 634–635
- Paraguay, relations with, 643, 1476–1480
- Parana-Santa Catarina Railroad, 581, 584
- Paulista Railway, 579–581, 584
- Peru, relations with, 643, 1493
- Petrobraz Government Petroleum Corporation, 32, 249, 1634
- Petroleum development, 32, 228, 248, 627, 642, 644, 660, 663–664
- Poland, relations with, 37, 643
- Political situation, 64, 398–399, 571, 576, 589, 595, 613, 633, 638, 640, 643–645
- Private investments, 213, 596–598, 633–634, 644
- Quartz crystals, 635
- Railroad development, 602–603
- Rare earth compounds, 628–629
- Rio Economic Conference, 651, 664
- Shipping situation, 593, 623
- Shipping vessels, U.S. sale of, 32–33, 114, 622–623
- Soviet bloc, diplomatic relations with, 645
- Soviet Union, diplomatic relations with, 634, 645
- Steel mill financing, 253
- Strategic location, 635
- Strategic materials, 20, 635
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, Resolution XCIII, 1103, 1106
- Thorium compounds, 628–630, 647, 657
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 643
- United States:
- U.S. base facilities in, 39, 92, 111, 653, 656–657
- U.S. economic assistance, 4, 17, 575–586, 590, 595–603, 607–610, 612–615, 627, 633–634, 643–644, 650, 660–664
- U.S. export interest in, 592, 599
- U.S. information activities, 108
- U.S. military assistance, 20–23, 141, 176–177, 183–185, 638–639
- U.S. military forces in, 655–658
- U.S. military grant assistance, 109–110, 122, 134, 144
- U.S. public opinion toward, 601
- U.S. shipping and aviation interests in, 16, 53
- U.S. technical assistance, 14, 612, 615, 625–626, 643
- Uranium, U.S. purchases, 628–631
- Uruguay, relations with, 643, 1544, 1582
- Usinas Eletricas de Parapanema, S.A., 586
- Venezuela, relations with, 643
- Volta Redonda, 254
- Wheat:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Breuer, Carl, 154
- Bricker, John W., 28n
- Bridges, Styles, 1101
- Bridgett, Charles, 1524
- Briggs, Ellis, 951, 954n , 956
- Brister, William C., 1028
- British Bondholders Committee, 1510–1511
- British colonies, 58, 97
- British Guiana:
- British Honduras. See Belize.
- Brossard, Edgar B., 1610n
- Brown, Emerson, 630, 683–685
- Brown, Willard O., 889n , 890
- Brown, Winthrop G., 485n , 669–672, 675–676, 682
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 41, 194–196, 224–226, 251, 262–263, 300, 304, 363, 803–804, 811–812, 1132–1133, 1340, 1346–1347, 1668, 1669n
- Brownell, Kenneth, 1517, 1521
- Bruce, David K. E., 132–135, 137–139, 190–191, 513, 516, 519, 769n , 770n , 1055, 1468, 1619n , 1628–1629, 1633
- Bruce, James, 429–430
- Bryde, Lt. Col. Walter J., 1642
- Buck, Ellsworth B., 321–322
- Budd, Ralph, 602n
- Budget, Bureau of the, 49, 63, 73, 88n , 119, 175, 201, 203, 218, 293, 298–299, 302–303, 812, 902, 942, 1360, 1419, 1427, 1528
- Bull, Lt. Gen. Harold R., 195
- Bunau-Varilla, 1416
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 400–409, 419–420, 422
- Burgess, Carter L., 344
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 243n , 253, 1532
- Burnett, John G., 221–222
- Burnett, Philip M., 1253n
- Burns, Arthur F., 363
- Burr, Jorgé, 677, 682, 686
- Burrows, Charles R., 829–831, 852, 939–942, 1102, 1149n , 1160–1161, 1163, 1178–1179, 1186, 1220n , 1274–1275, 1304n , 1434n
- Bursley, Herbert S., 1301
- Burton, Ralph, 293
- Butler, George, 1004
- Butler, Robert, 887
- Butrón, German, 492
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 1112
- Buy American Act (Title III of the Appropriations Act), 296, 1418, 1457
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 67, 195, 648n , 1120
Cabot, John M.:
- Antitrust proceedings against United Fruit Company, 191n ,
- Argentina, 436n , 440n , 467n
- Bolivia, 526n , 528–529, 531, 534, 535n , 537–542
- Brazil, 613n , 615, 621–622
- Chile, 697, 699–703, 705–708, 721n , 733, 735–736, 739–740, 753
- Colombia, 803–807, 811
- Communism, 151, 158–159, 279–280, 369–370
- Costa Rica, 827, 830–833, 835
- Cuba, 885, 892n
- Dominican Republic, 939n , 945–950, 955–956
- Economic assistance, 197–201, 203–205, 1405
- Eisenhower, Milton, 13, 159, 950
- El Salvador, 166, 371, 1003, 1007–1010
- Export-Import Bank, 198, 206–207, 299
- Factfinding mission to Central America, 13, 19
- Guatemala, 42, 1057–1061, 1071, 1088, 1090–1091, 1095–1097, 1112
- Haiti, 1262–1268, 1269n
- Inter-American Highway and Rama Road, 201–203
- Mexico, U.S. relations with, 1339–1340, 1346–1349, 1354–1359
- Nicaragua, 161
- Organization of Central American States, 369–370
- Panama, 1409–1410, 1414, 1416, 1420–1421, 1423, 1427n , 1433
- Peru, 1509–1512
- Technical assistance programs, 187
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 158, 217, 264, 266–267, 278–280, 290, 299
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 29, 293–298
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 151–153, 157–162, 164–167, 171n
- Uruguay, 1562, 1564–1567, 1569–1574
- Venezuela, 160, 1648, 1672
- Cáceres Lehnhoff, Eduardo, 1207
- Cadet, Georges, 1250, 1251n
- Cady, John C., 321, 327–330
- Café Filho, João, 248–249, 645, 658, 660, 663–664
- Cafiero, Antonio Francisco, 453–454, 484
- Cahill, Bernard, 1046
- Caiado de Castro, Gen. Aguinaldo, 587
- Cain, Leighton, 1486–1487
- Calderón Guardia, Rafael, 367–368, 387, 828n , 858, 1384
- Cale, Edward G., 65n , 197–201, 221–224, 314, 352, 354, 355n , 358–359, 481n , 602, 878n , 911n , 938n , 964, 1088–1091, 1102, 1284n , 1538n , 1558n , 1560–1561
- Callahan, Paul E., 900
- Camara Souza, Egydio de, 664
- Cambronero, 1380, 1382
- Campbell, T. A., 727, 729
- Campos, Roberto, 334, 587
- Canada, 8, 71
- Canessa, Roberto, 365, 371, 1008n , 1009, 1013
- Capdevilla, Bishop, 1307
- Capehart, Homer E., 28, 51, 234n , 255, 482, 665
- Capehart Bill. See Export-Import Bank Management Act, P.L. 570 .
- Capehart Mission, 51
- Cárdenas, General Lázaro, 368, 1140, 1328, 1450
- CARE, 103, 751
- Carias Andino, Tiburcio, 386, 866, 1296–1299, 1313–1314, 1316–1317, 1320–1321
- Caribbean area. See under American Republics.
- Caribbean Legion, 375, 395–396, 852, 1056, 1063, 1068, 1071
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 224, 304, 648n , 649, 656, 808–809, 1120, 1165
- Carroll, Col. Paul T., 2, 146, 149, 195, 224, 344
- Carroll, Peter, 1173
- Carter, Prescott, 873
- Carusi, Ugo, 321
- Castañeda Castro, Salvador, 1001
- Castellanos, Daniel, 1543–1544
Castillo Armas, Col. Carlos:
- Assassination attempt, 1165
- Assumption of presidency, 1224n , 1225
- Economic policies, 1233
- Ecuadoran recognition of, 999
- Figueres, plan to overthrow, 858, 866
- Guatemalan armed forces, 391
- Guatemalan asylees, 1220, 1227
- Guatemalan ceasefire negotiations, 1020–1023, 1199–1208
- Guatemalan Government, plans to overthrow, 367–368, 1128
- Guatemalan junta, 1209–1210, 1218, 1223–1224, 1308
- Guatemalan revolution, 1173, 1175–1177, 1180–1181, 1186, 1189–1191, 1193–1195, 1196n , 1197, 1449
- Political support for, 385–386, 399, 1195, 1219
- United States, Guatemalan relations with, 1217, 1226, 1232, 1234
- Castillo Gega, Antonio, 1323
- Castro, Héctor David, 94, 371, 1010–1012, 1025, 1196n
- Castro Cervantes, Fernando, 827–828, 858
- Celanese Corporation, 1617
- Central America (see also American Republics and individual countries), 365–399
- Central Intelligence Agency (see also U.S. information activities under individual countries), 46, 63, 151n , 182n , 208n , 279, 343, 409n , 547n , 709n , 755, 764, 861, 1031n , 1061n , 1094n , 1104n , 1118n , 1120, 1168–1169, 1171–1172, 1213, 1215, 1223n , 1392n , 1619n
- Chadwell, Marshall, 195
- Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 873
- Chamorro Vargas, Emiliano, 1379
- Chapin, Selden, 1430–1433, 1437–1440, 1444–1445, 1448–1455, 1458–1459, 1464–1466
- Chateaubriand, 435–436
- Cháves, Federico, 1471–1472, 1484–1485, 1487–1488
- Chaves, Jose, 810–811
- Cháves, Juan R., 1471
- Chennault, Claire L., 1308
- Cherry, Francis, 1650–1651
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 1569
- Chiari, Roberto, 1392–1393, 1396, 1401n
- Chile:
- Agreements with the United States (see also
- Air Force Mission agreements, Feb. 15, 1951, Sept. 9, 1953, and Mar. 15, 1954, 40, 61, 694
- General Military Plan, approval of, 39
- Military Assistance Agreement, 1952, 38, 123, 133–134, 144, 155, 669, 686–687, 691, 695, 712, 718
- Naval Mission agreements, Feb. 15, 1950 and July 7, Sept. 21, and Oct. 13, 1953, 40, 61, 694
- Agricultural production, 751, 759
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), 754–757, 760
- American and Foreign Power Company, 668, 750
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 708, 717, 724, 727–730, 737–739, 741
- Anaconda mine strike, 678, 684
- Argentina:
- Armed forces, 711, 715, 721
- Banco Central, 676
- Bolivia, relations with, 542–543, 556
- CARE food distribution, 751
- Coal miners unions, threat of strike by, 761, 764
- Congress of, 50, 103, 243, 666, 676, 679, 682, 687n , 692–693, 695, 703, 710, 714, 716, 718–720, 731–732, 736–740, 742–744, 748, 750, 754, 764
- Copper (see also
Copper industry, nationalization of, below), 671, 676, 697–699
- Agreement with the United States, 1951, 677, 680–682, 683n , 694, 698
- Exports, 16, 36, 50, 55, 57, 63–64, 489, 717
- Market in Europe, 701
- Pricing, 666–667, 670–674, 676, 677n , 678–687, 690, 694, 697–701, 703–705, 708, 717, 722, 725, 730–731, 738, 740, 743, 749, 754
- Sales to the Soviet bloc, prevention of, 15, 31, 36, 52, 58, 243, 308, 698, 701–702, 706, 708, 723–725, 727, 735, 742–746, 750, 753
- Tax on, 32, 57, 675, 696, 705
- U.S. companies, 667–668, 678, 695, 722, 729, 749, 753
- U.S. negotiations, 672–675, 677n , 678, 724–733, 735
- U.S. purchases, 34, 46, 50, 52, 297, 667–668, 703–704, 708–709, 711, 721–724, 729–731, 739–746, 749, 753–754, 756
- U.S. stockpile purchases, 211, 233, 243, 684, 699–706, 709, 722, 725–726, 728, 735–739, 742, 753–754
- U.S. supply deficit, 669–673
- Unsold, 679, 697, 699–700, 703, 707–708, 717, 723–724, 727, 735, 745, 749–750
- Copper industry, nationalization of, 492, 502, 678, 689–690, 698, 720, 1634
- Council of University Presidents, 762
- Drake Passage, strategic importance of, 694
- Economic situation, 18, 46, 49–50, 92, 103, 159, 200–201, 210, 212, 243, 679–680, 693–694, 698, 700, 703–705, 707–711, 714, 716–719, 721–722, 730, 735, 741, 748–754, 756, 759, 761, 763–765
- Export-Import Bank loans, 55, 667, 691, 694–695, 717, 750–752, 756, 758, 760
- Foreign Office of, 52n , 681, 733
- Foreign policy, 697, 718–719
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 694, 696
- Guatemala, relations with, 1069
- Hemispheric defense role, 144
- Huachipato steel mill, 695
- Import Certificate and Delivery Verification System (ICDV), 52, 98, 725, 742, 746, 750, 753
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 718
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 33, 252, 687, 691, 695, 751–752, 760
- International Monetary Fund loans, 105, 684, 751–752, 756–758, 760
- Iodine production, 693, 750
- Kennecott Copper Corporation, 708, 717, 724, 728–730, 737, 739, 741
- Korean conflict, 668
- La Nación, 676
- Military situation, 715
- Military equipment purchases:
- Mineral production, 693
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951, 718
- National City Bank loans, 57, 752
- Nitrate production, 211, 676, 693, 750
- Peru, relations with, 1508, 1519
- Petroleum production, 667, 756–757
- Political situation, 134, 672, 676–677, 679, 688–691, 693, 695, 709–715, 719–721, 724, 737–738, 741, 747–748, 758, 763–765
- Private investments, 309, 678, 701, 750, 752
- Pulp-paper, loans to develop, 17
- Soviet bloc (see also Sales to the Soviet bloc under Copper, above):
- Soviet Union, diplomatic relations with, 689–690, 692, 726–727, 735
- Steel mills, 667, 694, 695
- Technical Cooperation Program, 761–762
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 734, 736
- United Kingdom, relations with, 11
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 667–668, 696, 710, 718, 720
- United States, attitude toward, 36, 667–668, 677, 679–680, 685–687, 692–693, 695–696, 701, 712–714, 718, 720, 726, 733–736, 741, 752
- U.S. cargo shipments, 33
- U.S. economic assistance, 236, 361, 667, 678, 687–688, 695–698, 710, 720, 725, 734, 737, 751–752, 754–760
- U.S. exports, discrimination against, 696
- U.S. information and cultural programs, 19, 90, 108, 762–763
- U.S. military assistance, 38, 61, 109, 112, 116, 131, 141, 170, 183–185, 694–695, 698, 715, 718
- U.S. military grant assistance, 110, 122–123, 131, 183, 667
- U.S. public opinion toward, 685
- U.S. shipping and aviation interests in, 16, 53
- U.S. technical assistance, 694, 698
- Venezuela, relations with, 1675
- World Bank loans, 717
- Agreements with the United States (see also
- Chinese representation in the United Nations, 12
- Chiriboga Villagómez, José Ricardo, 972–975, 981–983, 987–990, 996–999
- Chocano Becerra, Alfredo, 1029–1030, 1057–1059, 1180, 1187n , 1188
- Christensen, Keld, 147n
- Churchill, Winston S., 1092
- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, Section 802, 1332–1333
- Civil Aeronautics Authority, 64
- Civil Aeronautics Board, 781–783, 1059, 1331–1336, 1639
- Clark, Col., 1170, 1178, 1186
- Clark, David, 1027, 1046
- Clark, Edward W., 1027–1030, 1037–1038, 1043n , 1044–1049, 1055n , 1400–1402
- Clay, Eugene, 1285, 1287–1291
- Cleofas do Oliveira, João, 625
- Cochabamba–Santa Cruz Highway, 34, 95
- Cochrane, Vice Adm. E. L., 602
- Coerr, Wymberley DeR., 1142
- Colimon, René, 1250
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 13, 21, 150n , 151–152, 195
- Colombia:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Air Force Mission Agreement, Feb. 21, 1949, 40, 62, 111n , 144
- Army Mission Agreement, Oct. 6 and Nov. 17, 1954, 40, 62, 111, 144
- Bilateral Aviation Agreement, 780, 782–783
- Kellogg-Olaya Pact of 1929, 781–782
- Military assistance agreement, Apr. 17, 1952, 38, 122–123, 133, 177, 766, 774, 795–796
- Navy Mission Agreement, Oct. 14, 1946, 40, 62, 111n , 144
- Treaty of peace, amity, navigation, and commerce, 1846, 799, 807
- Braniff International Airways, authorization of, 781, 783
- Brazil, relations with, 643
- Congress of, 782–783, 799
- Costa Rica, relations with, 365
- Defense Ministry of, 155
- Economic development program, 785, 814
- Economic situation, 785, 808, 814–816
- Export-Import Bank loans, 55, 766, 809
- Fourth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of American States, 792
- Guatemala, possibility of military action against, 1042–1043, 1069–1071, 1081
- Hemispheric defense role, 177, 767, 775, 779, 788, 816
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 33, 252, 766–767, 785
- Joint Western Hemisphere defense effort, 788
- Korean conflict, participation in, 3–4, 11, 25, 41, 62–63, 109, 114, 118, 177, 239, 303, 768–774, 778–779, 784–785, 789–796, 816
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 38, 141
- Military equipment purchases:
- Military equipment requirements, 768
- Military expenses, 814–816
- Netherlands, 148–149, 800
- Nicaragua, relations with, 1375
- Peru, relations with, 1511
- Political situation, 365–367, 398, 775–776, 778–780, 797, 807–808
- Protestant situation, 776–777, 796–803, 805–807
- Recognition of new government by the United States, 12, 803
- Spain, relations with, 797–798
- Steel mill financing, 253
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 808–809
- United Fruit Company, 393
- United Kingdom, relations with, 800
- United States, attitude toward, 295, 798, 800, 815
- U.S. aviation problems, 53
- U.S. economic assistance, 802, 815–816
- U.S. intervention, request for, 798
- U.S. military assistance, 38, 109, 141, 183–185, 769–774, 788, 812–813, 815–817
- U.S. military grant assistance, 110, 122–123, 127, 131, 134, 177, 183, 779
- U.S. technical assistance, 260, 802
- Venezuelan guerrillas, military equipment for, 775
- Agreements with the United States:
- Colombo Plan for Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia, 317
- Commerce, Department of, 46, 63–64, 92, 201, 202n , 218–219, 226–227, 302–303, 319, 326, 599, 709, 913, 1046–1048, 1629
- Committee for Cultural Action, 273–275
- Commodities Exchange Authority, 664–665
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 883, 889, 923
- Common Defense Scheme for the American Continent, 23n , 123n , 135, 1075n , 1658n
- Communism, U.S., 97, 288
- Conant, James B., 1126n , 1163
- Confederation of Latin American Workers, 408, 410, 412–413, 418, 426, 433, 457–459, 464, 1033, 1035, 1065–1066, 1072
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts and bills (see also
National security policy of the United
- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, 1573–1574
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), 76, 80, 84, 88, 103–104, 341–342, 338, 358, 361–362, 754–757, 760
- An act to promote the defense of the United States (P.L. 11), 1522
- An act to protect the rights of vessels of the U.S. on the high seas and in territorial waters of foreign countries (P.L. 680), 1518
- Appropriations Act (Buy American Act, P.L. 428), Mar. 3, 1933, 296, 1418, 1457
- Capehart Bill. See Export-Import Bank Management Act, below.
- Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, 1332–1333
- Customs Simplification Act, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1561
- Defense Production Act of 1950 (P.L. 774), 75, 1504
- Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 (Title I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948), 15n –16n , 1266
- Export-Import Bank Management Act (Capehart Bill, P.L. 570), 234, 296n , 1418, 1457
- Famine Relief Act of 1953 (P.L. 216), 535–537
- Federal Aid and Highway Act of 1952 (P.L. 413), 202, 1370
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1948, Title I (P.L. 472), 15n , 16n , 1266
- Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950 (P.L. 535), 1481n
- Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (P.L. 414), 1325, 1514–1515, 1669
- Mexican migrant labor bill (Title V of the Agricultural Act of 1949) (P.L. 309), 1358–1360
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act. See Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949 .
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 (Battle Act, P.L. 213), 31, 98, 124, 471, 718, 969
- Mutual Security Acts. See Mutual Security Acts.
- Reciprocal Trade Act of 1934 (P.L. 316), 72
- Simpson Bill, 1342, 1558–1560, 1649, 1652–1653
- Smith Act, 1072
- Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act of 1946 (“Stock Piling Act”, P.L. 520), 76
- Sugar Act of 1948 (P.L. 388), 99, 901–903, 910–913, 921, 925–926, 1267, 1510–1511
- Sugar Act of 1951, 92, 902, 910, 913–914, 917, 922, 925
- Tariff Act of 1930 (P.L. 361), 72, 1538, 1560
- Trade Agreements Act of 1934, 1560, 1628–1629
- Trade Agreement Extension Act of 1951, 1590, 1601, 1605–1606, 1609, 1629, 1631–1632, 1649, 1652–1653
- Trading with the Enemy Act, 1114–1115
- Walter Bill (P.L. 283), 1324–1326
- Western Hemisphere Trading Act, 234
- Bolivia, 487, 497, 523, 561
- Brazil, 622–623, 664–665
- Brazilian shipping program (P.L. 496), 32, 53, 623–624
- Chile, 685
- Coffee, importation of, 295, 298, 664–665
- Colombia, 799, 810
- Costa Rica, 837
- Cuba, 896, 902, 910–911, 913–914, 916–917, 919, 922, 925
- Debt limit extension, 700
- Dominican Republic, 950
- Economic assistance, 55, 70
- Exchange of Persons Program, 108
- Foreign aid legislation, 35, 49, 55, 70, 215, 236–237, 242
- Guatemala:
- Haiti, 1280–1281
- Honduras, 1309–1311
- House of Representatives:
- Inter-American Highway and Rama Road, 3, 18, 49, 55, 102, 202–203, 837, 1045, 1049–1050
- International Finance Corporation, 100
- Mexico, 1325, 1332, 1342, 1358–1360
- Military assistance legislation, 20, 38, 60, 62, 117, 122, 132, 145, 199–200, 929, 1020, 1280–1281, 1309–1311
- Nicaragua, 1370
- Panama, 1412, 1427
- Panama Canal Zone negotiations, 1412, 1427
- Peru, 1499, 1518
- Private investments in Latin America, 190, 234, 342
- Rama Road construction grants, 55, 102, 213
- Senate:
- Uruguay, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1546, 1558–1561
- Venezuela, 1590, 1605, 1609, 1632–1633, 1649, 1652–1653, 1655
- Acts and bills (see also
National security policy of the United
- Conn, Stetson, 167n
- Connell, John G., Jr., 304
- Connett, William B., Jr., 914–916, 918, 942n , 943n , 945n , 1240–1242, 1247n , 1248–1253, 1270–1273, 1274n
- Coolidge, T. Jefferson, 263, 829–830, 832, 842
- Cooperative Fiber Commission, 885, 890, 892
- Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere (CARE), 103, 751
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM), 187, 329
- Corbett, Jack C., 255n , 294, 528, 595n , 613n , 662–664, 974n , 989n , 1231n , 1278–1279, 1489, 1530n , 1545
- Corcoran, Thomas, 841–842
- Cordova, Lt. Col. Manuel de J., 1001
- Cordóva Cerna, Juan, 1200, 1204, 1207, 1209–1210, 1218–1219, 1223–1224
- Corliss, James C., 1522
- Coronado Lira, Luis Alberto, 1204, 1207
- Corse, Carl D., 1600, 1605–1613, 1628n , 1629–1633
- Costa Rica:
- Acción Democratica exiles in, 366, 376–377, 395
- Agreements with the United States:
- Agriculture Cooperative Service, 825
- American and Foreign Power Company, 827
- Betancourt case, 1669–1670, 1672–1674
- Colombia, relations with, 365
- Congress of, 824, 827, 834
- Cuba, relations with, 852–853, 866
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 398
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 96, 839, 852, 961
- Economic situation, 53, 392, 819–820, 825
- El Salvador, relations with, 365, 828, 1024–1025
- Electric power development, 819, 821, 837
- Foreign Office of, 822n , 846–847
- Guatemala, relations with, 14, 369, 858–862, 866, 1042, 1068
- Guatemalan Government, recognition of, 1211
- Guatemalan-sponsored Communist activities, 1055–1066
- Haiti, relations with, 852
- Hemispheric defense role, 822
- Honduras, relations with, 828
- Inter-American Highway, 202–203, 820, 822–823, 837
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance:
- Internal security, 377, 822
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 819, 821, 837–838
- Military equipment purchases from the United States, 376–377, 818–819, 822–825, 845–847, 851
- National Power and Light Company (Cía. Nacional Fuera y Luz), 820
- Nicaragua, relations with (see also Somoza assassination plot, below), 96, 365, 371, 374–379, 381, 828, 844, 846, 848, 852, 854–855, 858, 862, 1043, 1373–1374, 1376–1390
- Nicaraguan exiles in, 376, 1386–1387
- Nicaraguan invasion, July 9, 1954, 848–851, 864–866, 1385
- Panama, relations with, 365, 828, 852
- Political prisoners, 375
- Political situation, 366, 380, 384, 820, 827–828, 852–853, 858–862, 865–866
- Private investments, 46, 52, 393, 836–838
- Puerto Gonzáles strike, 390, 838
- Somoza assassination plot, complicity in, 371, 375, 379, 396, 857
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, boycott of, 865
- United Fruit Company, 53, 192, 377, 393–394, 821, 827, 829–836, 838, 841–842, 844–845, 1666
- United States, attitude toward, 821, 828, 836, 845
- U.S. economic assistance, 114
- Point IV program, 825–826
- U.S. military assistance, 376, 379, 825, 846, 848, 851, 854–856, 861–864, 1161
- U.S. technical assistance, 825–826
- Venezuela, relations with, 96, 266, 365, 372–378, 381, 839–841, 846, 851–853, 858–862, 866, 1666, 1669
- Venezuelan exiles in, 366, 376–377
- Cottrell, Sterling, 600n , 602, 612, 613n , 615, 621n , 753n , 654n , 662n , 664–665, 1564
- Courand, Claude, 494, 629, 732, 743
- Couse, Robert R., 221
- Cowen, Myron, 1499
- Craig, H. S., 1087n
- Craig, Lt. Gen. Howard A., 61, 1237
- Cravens, Kenton R., 528, 531, 534n , 559n
- Crawford, Col. Stuart F., 125, 136, 1547
- Crosby, Laurence, 873
- Cruz Salazar, Lt. Col. José Luis, 1197, 1203, 1210n , 1237
- Cruz Wer, Rogelio, 1191–1192
- Cuadros Sanchez, Augusto, 546
- Cuba:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Air Force Mission agreements, Dec. 22, 1950 and July 7, Sept. 21 and Oct. 13, 1953, 40
- Air Transport Agreement, May 26, 1953, 544, 907n , 908
- Army Mission agreements, Aug. 28, 1951 and June 2, Sept. 21 and Oct. 13, 1953, 40, 42
- Military Assistance Agreement, Mar. 7, 1952, 36, 38, 123, 133, 144, 391, 867, 872, 876
- Plan of the Governments of Cuba and the United States of America for Their Common Defense, 1952, 867
- American Smelting and Refining Company, 886
- Billiton Company, 886–887
- CMQ radio network broadcasts, 1216–1217
- Communism, attitude toward, 871–872
- Congress of, 869, 899
- Consolidated Railroads, 252
- Copper industry, 922
- Costa Rica, relations with, 852–853, 866
- Cuban exiles in the United States, 897–898
- Cuban Labor Confederation, 389
- Cuban National Cartographic Institute, 920
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 870
- Economic situation, 392, 875, 878–882, 893–895, 902–903, 905, 909, 918, 921–924
- Export-Import Bank loans, 55, 393
- Ferrocarriles Occidentales de Cuba, 909
- Foreign Office of, 909, 910n
- Foreign public accountants, 908
- Freeport Sulphur Company Nicaro plant, 885–889
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 904, 905n , 909, 910n , 922–923
- General Motors Acceptance Corporation, 905
- Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, 382, 872
- Hemispheric defense role, 177, 390–391
- Henequen industry, 907
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 393
- International Harvester Company, 907
- International Telephone and Telegraph, 906
- Isle of Pines Steamship Company, 904
- Kenaf cooperative fiber project, 881–885, 889–895, 920
- Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG), 141–142, 877, 920
- Military equipment purchases from the United States, 42, 60, 184–185, 914–916
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP), 109, 182–183, 920
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 892–895
- Point IV Agreement, 881, 893–894
- National Cartographic Institute, 920
- National Lead Company, 887
- Nickel Processing Corporation, 886
- Nickel production, 872, 885–889
- Passport and visa regulations, 97
- Political situation, 379–380, 384, 385, 867–875, 879, 882, 893, 895–896, 898–899, 902, 916–918
- Private investments, 309, 393, 869, 872, 881, 904, 923
- Recognition of new government, 868, 871–872
- Rice import quota, 905, 924
- Sajma cargo, 1124
- Seatrain services, 906
- Soviet Union, relations with, 871
- Spain, relations with, 870
- Strategic importance to the United States, 930
- Strategic mineral exports, 382
- Sugar Act of 1948, 901–903, 910–913, 921, 925–926
- Sugar situation, 392, 875, 878–881, 893, 914, 917
- Supreme Court of, 895
- Tobacco exports, 922
- Tobacco Workers Federation, 896
- Tourism, 923
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 879
- United States, attitude toward, 901
- U.S. aviation interests in, 16
- U.S. economic assistance, 94, 880–881, 904, 914, 921–924
- U.S. military assistance, 36, 60, 872, 893, 895
- U.S. military grant assistance, 110, 122–123, 134, 144, 177, 882, 894–895
- U.S. private industry, debts to, 924
- U.S. technical assistance, 884, 894, 919–920
- Venezuela, relations with, 1667
- Agreements with the United States:
- Cuevas, MacKenna, Francisco, 732
- Culbertson, Paul T., 1327n , 1328, 1336
- Cunningham, Fred, 819–821
- Curaçao (see also Netherlands Antilles), 127
- Customs Simplification Act, 1538, 1540, 1542, 1561
- Cutler, Gen. Robert, 2–4, 44, 67–68, 72–74, 76–79, 146–147, 149–150, 169, 175, 195, 224–225, 300, 304, 306, 344–351, 363, 765, 804, 812, 842, 1100–1101, 1122–1123, 1131–1132
- Czechoslovakia (see also under Guatemala: Military equipment purchases from), 15, 31, 398, 969, 1627, 1646
- Daniels, Paul C., 966n , 967–968, 970–973, 976n , 980, 986, 990n , 1198n , 1301
- Dantas, Joāo, 659
- Darton, Horace, 1240, 1248, 1268, 1271
- Dasso, Andrés F., 1525–1527
- Davis, Bainbridge C., 374n , 1635n , 1636–1642, 1652n , 1668n , 1672–1673
- Davis, John H., 892n
- Davis, Lt. Col. Craig C., 771n , 791n
- Davis, Roy T., 1274, 1282–1286, 1288, 1292
- Davis, Vice Adm. Arthur C., 169, 176, 178, 238n , 648n , 808, 1454, 1662, 1665, 1671
- de Aráujo, Vice Adm. Ernesto, 656
- de Arechaga, Jimenez, 1535
- de Diego, Mario, 1413
- de la Colina, Rafael, 5, 1330
- de la Torriente, Cosme, 895
- de Moya, Manuel A., 841, 964
- de Obarrio, Henrique, 1420
- Dearborn, Henry, 404n , 419–421, 436n , 447–449, 451n , 469, 471n , 478n , 1564–1567
- Debayle, Leon, 1389
- DeBeers, John S., 294, 528, 662, 1545
- Deception Island, 11
- Defense Production Act of 1950 (P.L. 774), 75, 1504
- Defense, Department of:
- Argentina, 176, 247, 478
- Bolivia, 242
- Brazil, 92, 111, 176–177, 249, 570, 605, 631–632, 651–652, 656
- Chile, 691
- Colombia, 62, 118, 177, 769–772, 778–780, 786–788, 791, 793, 810, 812
- Communism, 46, 279, 1122, 1124
- Costa Rica, 818–819, 844, 856
- Cuba, 42, 876–877, 914–916
- Dominican Republic, 133, 927, 929–931, 933–934, 938
- Ecuador, 142–144, 970–971, 973, 976n , 977–980, 985–987, 990n , 991, 993–995
- El Salvador, 168–169, 1002, 1009–1012, 1014, 1015n , 1020
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan revolution, 1181n , 1236–1237
- Haiti, 60, 162, 1275–1276, 1280–1282
- Honduras, 168–169, 1304, 1311
- Korean conflict, 119
- Latin American Coordinating Committee, 135–136
- Military Assistance Advisory Groups, 137–142
- Military assistance, 44, 91, 109–113, 124, 129, 131–132, 146–147, 150–153, 168–171, 176–177, 199–200
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 171n , 182n
- Nicaragua, 152, 161, 168–169
- Panama, 218, 1399, 1429, 1431–1432, 1437, 1441–1443, 1455n , 1463
- Paraguay, 247
- Peru, 240, 1491, 1495–1496, 1499–1501, 1530
- Rio Economic Conference, 339, 342n , 343
- Rubber research program, 220
- Standardization of the armed forces, 79, 114, 150, 171–175
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 63, 158, 278–279
- U.S. Mapping Program, 163, 164n
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 63–64, 79, 113–115, 125–129, 132–135, 137–142, 144–146, 157–169, 208n
- Venezuela, 166, 238, 1597, 1599, 1635n , 1641–1642, 1644, 1646, 1659–1665, 1672
- Defense Materials Board, 241
- Defense Materials Procurement Agency, 696, 704, 1504
- Defense Mobilization, Office of. See Office of Defense Mobilization.
- Defense Mobilization Board, 707–709, 721–723, 739–740, 742–745, 753, 1531
- Defense Production Administration, 683, 685, 704–705, 883–884, 890, 1249
- DeGaulle, Gen. Charles, 649
- del Pedregal Herrera, Guillermo, 693, 731–732, 746
- Delany, Walter S., 194, 224
- DeLarm, Jerry, 859
- Diaz, Col. Carlos Enrique, 1175, 1189–1194, 1197
- Díaz Ordóñez, Virgilio, 158, 935
- Ditisheim, Hans, 494–496, 498, 500
- Division of Research for American Republics, 1143, 1145, 1147
- Dixon, Pierson, 1178n , 1185
- Dodge, Joseph M., 2, 49, 149, 194, 200–201, 224, 300, 304, 344, 364, 534n , 536, 1534
- Doggett, Clinton L., 321, 323
- Domínguez Cámpora, Alberto, 133, 1535, 1536n , 1537, 1542–1544, 1567–1569, 1581
- Dominican Republic:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Antilles area defense, 927–929
- Cía. Electrica, 951–952
- Coffee and cacao exports, 961, 963
- Congress of, 950
- Costa Rica, relations with, 839, 852, 862, 866, 961
- Cuba, relations with, 870
- Dry-dock facilities, 104
- Economic situation, 944–945, 958–961, 963
- El Caribe, 948–951, 955
- El Salvador, relations with, 365
- Foreign Office of, 951
- Furfural production plant, 104
- Grenada Company, 951–952
- Guatemala:
- Gypsum plant, 104
- Haiti, relations with, 394, 961, 1258, 1262
- Hemispheric defense role, 390–391, 927, 933
- International Sugar Agreement, 961
- Korean conflict, involvement in, 25
- Military equipment purchases:
- Nicaragua, relations with, 365
- Petroleum companies, 952
- Political situation, 379–380, 384–385, 958, 960, 962–963
- Private investments, 46, 52–53, 393–394, 939, 943–946, 948, 951–952, 958, 960–963
- Rubber programs, 947, 953
- South Puerto Rico Sugar Company, 104, 948
- Spain, relations with, 961
- Sugar industry, 308–309, 392, 394, 961, 963, 964–965
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, Resolution XCIII, 940
- Trujillo:
- United Kingdom, relations with, 961
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 951, 953, 956–958
- United States:
- U.S. economic assistance, 929
- U.S. military assistance, 20, 31–32, 38, 42, 109–110, 122, 128–129, 133, 141–142, 144, 183, 185, 390–391, 931–935, 937, 946–948, 952–953, 955, 958, 965
- U.S. technical assistance, 939, 942, 947, 956
- Dominique, Alexandre, 1248, 1250, 1251n
- Donnelly, Walter, 1103, 1104n , 1117, 1154, 1168, 1170–1171
- Donovan, Andrew E., II, 1017–1019, 1202
- Dorr, Robert J., 1497, 1500n , 1506n
- Dorsinville, Roger, 1267
- Dreier, John C., 157–158, 264–265, 270, 278, 299n , 1102, 1105, 1117n , 1149n , 1153, 1157n , 1160–1162, 1178–1179, 1187
- Dubois, Juan Mauricio, 1197, 1210n
- Duke, Angier B., 365, 1004
- Dulles, Allen W., 146, 149, 195, 224, 226, 304, 344, 350, 1101n , 1122, 1132–1133, 1169, 1173–1174, 1177, 1181n , 1320
- Dulles, Eleanor Lansing, 1028
Dulles, John Foster:
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 194, 196, 224–225, 262
- Argentina, 434, 436–437, 440–441, 446–447, 449–452, 467–468, 477
- Bolivia, 49, 522–525, 532, 535–536, 568–569
- Brazil, 176, 362, 606–607, 608n , 609, 613–616, 622, 623n , 646, 650–651, 652n , 653, 655.
- Chile, 362, 723, 735, 744n , 746–747, 754, 755n , 764
- Coffee, importation of, 295n , 301
- Colombia, 239, 771n , 793, 803, 807–811
- Colonialism, 306
- Communism, 301, 303–304, 939–941, 1214
- Costa Rica, 373, 834n , 835, 850–851, 861, 863n
- Cuba, 900–903
- Dominican Republic, 937, 939–941, 943–945, 948
- Economic development, 217, 234, 261–262, 337, 482
- Ecuador, 976–980, 975–987
- Eisenhower Report, 197, 229–230
- El Salvador, 168, 1019n , 1022n
- Export-Import Bank, 198, 217, 234, 255
- Foreign aid, 197–200, 302–303, 362
- Guatemala:
- Communist shipments of military equipment to, 1111, 1116–1118, 1120, 1122–1123, 1125, 1132–1133, 1137–1139, 1144, 1163–1168, 1173
- U.S. relations with, 1097–1098, 1101n , 1102n , 1103, 1106–1107, 1110, 1119n , 1127, 1131, 1134, 1136, 1143, 1154, 1155n , 1157–1160, 1169n , 1171–1172, 1209, 1211, 1223–1224, 1228, 1230, 1234–1238
- Guatemalan asylees, 1221–1222, 1223n
- Guatemalan ceasefire negotiations, 1202–1203
- Guatemalan revolution, 1177, 1179, 1181n , 1182–1187, 1191n , 1198–1199, 1208–1209
- Haiti, 1275–1277, 1282, 1291–1292
- Honduras, 168, 1105, 1303–1307, 1311, 1315, 1321–1322
- Mexico, 1340, 1346n , 1349–1354, 1358, 1367–1368
- Netherlands, 148n , 178n
- Nicaragua, 166, 168, 379, 1383, 1385–1388
- Panama, 95, 1410, 1414–1415, 1417, 1420–1423, 1430, 1432–1433, 1437–1438, 1440–1442, 1445–1448, 1455–1459, 1462–1464
- Paraguay, 1486, 1489
- Peru, 1513n , 1516, 1517n , 1528
- Private investment, 229n
- Rio Economic Conference, 361, 363
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 48–49, 217, 265–271, 290, 295n , 300–306, 309, 337, 940
- U.S. policy toward, Central America, 378–379
- U.S. Mapping Program, 163
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 144–147, 153n , 1378
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 13, 89n
- Uruguay, 296, 1558–1562, 1567–1568
- Venezuela, 238, 1659, 1663n , 1664, 1668–1669, 1674
- Wool, importation of, 301
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 344
- Dunn, James Clement, 1252
- Dunning, Carroll W., 1028, 1030
- DuPont insecticides plant in Peru, 214
- Duque Estrada, Carlos, 1206
- Durant, Col. Edward W., 125, 136, 157
- Dutra, Gen. Eurico Gasper, 636
- DuVal, Clive L., II, 175
- Duviella, Maj. Alcide, 1266, 1283
- Duys, John, 873
- Dwyer, R. E., 727–729
- Eastern Airlines, 1330–1332
- Echandi Jiménez, Mario, 365, 819, 827, 858
- Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 (Title I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948), 15n –16n , 1266
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 1541
- Economic Defense and Trade Policy, Office of, 1542
- Ecuador:
- Abaca Contract with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 981n
- Agreements with the United States:
- Abaca agreement, 981
- Air Force Mission Agreement, 24, 40, 62, 112, 978–980
- Army Mission Agreement, 24, 40, 62, 112, 978–980
- Bilateral Military Assistance Agreement, Feb. 20, 1952, 38, 122–123, 133, 142–144, 161, 966–968, 972–973, 976–977, 985
- Navy Mission agreements, Dec. 12, 1940, Aug. 30 and Dec. 6, 1954, 24, 40, 112, 160, 978–980, 990–991
- Plan of the Governments of Ecuador and the United States of America for Their Common Defense, 1952, 142, 144, 966
- Argentina:
- Brazil, offer of military assistance, 973–974
- Congress of, 32, 143, 967
- Continental shelf sovereignty, 309, 311
- East-West trade, 969
- Economic situation, 975, 982–984
- Eleventh Inter-American Conference, 998
- Export-Import Bank loans:
- Foreign bondholders, 32
- Guatemalan asylees, 999
- Guatemalan Government, recognition of, 999
- Hemispheric defense role, 972, 979
- Hilton Hotels, 998
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, U.S. rights under, 142–143
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development:
- Lend-lease debt to the United States, 984–985
- Maritime zone claims, 999
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 134, 141–142, 977–980, 986
- Military equipment purchases:
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 (Battle Act, P.L 213), 969
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 109, 183, 969, 985–986, 991
- Peru, relations with, 11, 47–48, 158, 996–997, 1506–1509, 1511, 1519
- Political situation, 970
- Protocol of Peace, Friendship and Boundaries Between Peru and Ecuador, Jan. 29, 1942, 999
- Rio Boundary Protocol, 990
- United Fruit Company, 393
- United States, attitude toward, 996
- U.S. base rights in the Galapagos Islands, 23, 143
- U.S. economic assistance 982–984
- U.S. military assistance, 184–185, 967–970, 992–997
- U.S. military grant assistance, 110, 122–123, 134, 144, 161, 177, 183, 972, 977, 997
- U.S. shipping, discrimination against, 33, 998
- World Bank loan, 240
- Eden, Anthony, 378, 406, 1184n , 1208
- Edgerton, Maj. Gen. Glen E., 73, 174, 175n , 206, 252–253, 358, 447–449, 528, 531, 988–990, 1270, 1273–1274, 1276, 1489, 1520–1521, 1532–1534
- Edminster, Lynn R., 1609
- Edwards, Lt. Gen. Idwal H., 194
Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Address to the Pan American Union, 3, 12
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 194–196, 224–226
- Argentina, 246, 432–433, 437, 440, 441n , 446, 449–450, 452, 472n , 477, 483
- “Atoms for Peace” proposal, 90, 106, 108
- Bolivia, 27, 49, 532–534, 536, 567–568
- Brazil, 609, 615, 627
- Chile, 702, 736, 742n , 754
- Coffee, importation of, 294–295
- Colombia, 41, 804, 808, 811
- Costa Rica, 863
- Cuba, 902–903, 910–912
- Debt limit extension, 700
- Dominican Republic, 950–951, 955
- Economic development, 4–5, 74, 83n , 206, 302, 338, 347–348, 350–351
- Ecuador, 981n
- Eisenhower, Milton, 13, 950
- Eisenhower Report, 13n , 43n , 44, 49, 65, 158n , 196–197, 205n , 209, 217, 229, 232, 266, 440, 567–568
- El Salvador, 94–95, 169, 1013, 1022
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan revolution, 1177, 1184–1185, 1198
- Haiti, 1276–1277
- Honduras, 169, 1105, 1301, 1303, 1304n , 1305
- Mexico, 28, 69, 1341n , 1346, 1349, 1353–1357, 1359, 1363
- Nicaragua, 161, 168–169
- Panama, 28, 95, 218, 1405, 1408, 1410, 1417, 1420–1423, 1426, 1429–1432, 1441–1443, 1456, 1458–1464
- Paraguay, 1486, 1489
- Peru, 1506–1509, 1510n , 1534
- Private investment, 234
- Rio Economic Conference, 313, 331–344, 348–352, 362–364
- Stockpiling policy, 76
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 297, 300, 304
- Trade barriers and tariffs, 66, 72–73, 99, 232, 246, 331–333, 921, 1649, 1653
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 44, 80, 146–147, 149–150, 169, 1134, 1378
- U.S. policy toward Latin America, 2, 6, 13, 81n , 89, 293
- Uruguay, 1562, 1568–1569, 1571–1572, 1575
- Venezuela, 1649–1650, 1653, 1675
- Eisenhower, Mamie, 950
- Eisenhower, Milton S., 950
- Eisenhower Report (United States-Latin American Relations: Report to the President), 43–45, 49, 65–66, 68, 79, 90, 106, 158, 197, 205–206, 209, 214–215, 217–218, 229–232, 235, 237, 242, 247, 249, 265–266, 293–294, 298, 302–303, 324, 326, 567–568, 1510
- El Caribe, 948–951, 955
- El Salvador:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Alfhem cargo, 1016–1017
- Coffee exports, 1002, 1007, 1024, 1026
- Congress of, 1006
- Costa Rica, relations with, 365, 828, 1024–1025
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 365
- Economic situation, 1001–1002
- Export-Import Bank loans, 393, 1005
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan ceasefire, 1020, 1195–1197, 1199–1208
- Guatemalan coffee, embargo on, 1009
- Guatemalan Communist situation, 1081
- Guatemalan Government, recognition of, 1211
- Hemispheric defense role, 106, 168
- Honduras, relations with, 1005, 1017–1018, 1023–1024
- Hydroelectric power development, 1002, 1007, 1024
- Immigration Law of Salvador, U.S. policy toward, 1003
- Inter-American Highway construction, 1026
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 100, 393, 1023
- International Railways of Central America (IRCA), 1002
- Military Aviation Mission, 1947, 1014
- Military equipment purchases:
- Nicaragua, relations with, 1017–1018, 1024, 1376
- Political situation, 379–380, 384, 1001–1004, 1012, 1024
- Private investment, 393, 1003–1004
- Salvador Railway Company, 1002
- San Salvador, American historical interest in, 274
- United States, attitude toward, 94–95, 1001, 1007, 1023, 1207
- U.S. economic assistance, 1002, 1005, 1025
- U.S. military assistance, 21–22, 42, 60–61, 145–146, 151–152, 161, 166, 168–169, 183, 370–371, 391, 1002–1003, 1009–1020, 1022, 1025, 1073, 1123
- U.S. technical assistance, 1002, 1005–1007, 1025
- World Bank loans, 1002, 1005
- Electric Bond and Share Company, 1079
- Electric Light and Power Company (Empresas Electricas), 1066n , 1068, 1072–1074, 1079, 1086, 1105, 1141, 1226, 1233
- Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 1412, 1414
- Ellis, Havelock, 1537
- Ellis, Otis, 1592
- Elmore, Brig. Gen. John A., 154
- Emergency Procurement Service (EPS), 495, 629, 685
- Enciso Velloso, Guillermo, 1472–1473
- Enderton, Col. Herbert B., 154, 976n , 977n , 979, 986
- English, Benedict M., 1113–1116, 1144
- Erskine, Gen. G. B., 1315
- Erwin, John D., 1293–1295, 1300, 1302
- Escamilla, Col. Alberto, 1015, 1018
- Espíritu Santo Cardoso, Cyro de, 13
- Esquivel Arguedas, Mario, 833–834, 838–839, 849–851, 854–855, 1385, 1388–1389
- Estabrook and Company, Boston, 1278
- Estimé, Dumarsais, 1252–1253, 1265n
- Estrada Albornoz, Pedro, 372, 375, 377, 840, 858, 1666–1667, 1671
- Estrada de la Hoz, Julio, 1034
- Ethéart, Albert, 1242–1245
- European Affairs, Bureau of, 66
- Evans, Barbara, 1604n
- Evans, John W., 494, 506, 510, 519–520, 672n , 744–746, 889n , 1027, 1504n
- Evans, Luther, 953
- Export-Import Bank of Washington (Eximbank) (see also under individual countries):
- Export-Import Bank Management Act (Capehart Bill, P.L. 570), 234, 296n , 1418, 1457
- Expropriation (See also United Fruit Company under Guatemala), 5, 84
- Fabrega, Octavio, 1458
- Facio, Antonio A., 843–844, 846, 850–851, 855, 864, 1152, 1388
- Facio, Gonzalo, 1670
- Fairchild, Byron, 167n
- Falkland Islands, 403
- Famine Relief Act of 1953 (P.L. 216), 535–537
- Fanjul, Alfonso, 873
- Fechteler, Adm. William M., 150n , 152, 791
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, 454, 547n , 1061n
- Federal Civil Defense Administration, 182n , 208n
- Federal Communications Commission, 64
- Federal Highway Act of 1952 (P.L. 413), 204, 1370
- Federal Reserve Board, 63, 357, 658–660, 1469
- Federal Trade Commission, 192, 295
- Fenner Marín, Oscar, 726, 732
- Ferguson, Homer, 910, 1101
- Fernandes, Raúl, 664
- Fernandez Concheso, Aurelio, 895–900, 902–903, 913–914
Figueres Ferrer, José:
- Betancourt, relations with, 1373, 1379, 1385
- Communism in Costa Rica, 839–841
- Guatemala, Costa Rican relations with, 1055–1056
- Inter-American Highway, 837
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 837–838
- Latin American revolutionary movements, aid to, 372, 374–376, 395
- Latin American statesmanship, 839, 1445
- Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica, 376, 1386–1387
- Nicaraguan invasion of Costa Rica, July 9, 1954, 848–852, 855, 1385
- Opposition to, 92, 365–368, 373, 377, 381, 396, 399, 852–853, 1043, 1374, 1376, 1666, 1670
- Plot to overthrow, 1954, 92, 865, 1390
- Political support for, 387, 820, 827–828
- Private investment in Costa Rica, 836–837
- Somoza Garcia, Anastasio:
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 839, 841
- United Fruit Company in Costa Rica, 53, 192, 829–836, 838, 845
- United States, Costa Rican relations with, 51, 379, 846–847, 853, 857–858, 1383–1384
- U.S. military assistance to Costa Rica, 846, 851, 1161
- Figueroa, Ana, 668
- Financial and Development Policy, Office of, 1279, 1497–1498, 1542
- Fishburn, John T., 419, 832
- Fisher, John W., 1009, 1023, 1058–1061, 1094, 1099–1100, 1117n , 1172, 1218, 1221, 1230n , 1237n , 1239
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 258, 321–322, 352, 355, 358–359, 361n , 918, 1230–1232
- Fleischmann, Manly, 672, 676, 679
- Fleming, Philip B., 820–822, 825–826, 828
- Flemming, Arthur S., 67, 71, 75–77, 146, 149, 194, 224, 300, 304, 344, 363, 532, 534n , 703n , 706–707, 722–724, 740, 744–746, 889, 892
- Floete, Franklin G., 344
- Flota Grancolombiana, 33
- Floyd, John C., 221–222, 231
- Foley, Emilio, 1524, 1526
- Folsom, Robert S., 1242–1247, 1255–1268, 1270, 1288
- Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office of, 1039
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1948 (P.L. 472), Title I, 15n –16n , 1266
- Foreign Buildings Operations, Office of, 1497, 1525
- Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950 (P.L. 535), 1481n
- Foreign Economic Policy, Commission on, 72n , 214, 232, 256
- Foreign Economic Policy, Council on, 364
- Foreign Office, U.S., 48, 653–654, 657, 953, 998, 1112
- Foreign Operations Administration:
- Bolivia, 27, 34, 88n , 261, 546, 568
- Chile, 751, 754–755, 761–765
- Costa Rica, 57
- Cuba, 918, 920
- Dominican Republic, 943
- Economic development, 69–70, 74, 211–212, 223 302–303, 315–318, 321–323, 326, 328, 337, 339–341
- El Salvador, 1017
- Guatemala, 261, 1094, 1162n , 1221, 1228–1330, 1231n , 1232, 1234
- Haiti, 1283–1285, 1287–1288, 1291
- Intraregional economic actions, 76, 341
- Labor movements, 97
- Latin American Economic Information Project, 106–107
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 182n
- Mutual Security Programs, 208n , 209–212, 215–216, 222
- Panama, 1456
- Paraguay, 1487
- Peru, 1514, 1517
- Private investment, 226, 228, 229n , 319, 342
- Program development, 258–260
- Regional development bank for Latin America, 340
- Rio Economic Conference, 314–322, 325–328, 339–343, 350, 361
- Rubber research programs, 207–208, 219–221
- Standardization of the armed forces, 78n , 175
- Stockpiling policy, 66, 76, 325
- Strategic materials, shipment of, 64
- Technical cooperation programs, 64, 215, 218–219, 223, 236–237, 317, 320, 327, 341
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 63
- Uruguay, 1577–1578, 1585
- Venezuela, 1661
- World market prices for Latin American products, 342
- Fortuny Arana, José Manuel, 1054, 1091–1092, 1192, 1213
- Foster, Andrew B., 631n
- Foster, William C., 118–120, 129, 139–140, 790–791, 927–928, 931n
- Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social Council. See Rio Economic Conference of 1954 .
- Fourth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of American States, 1951, 117, 120, 278, 589, 792, 1077
- Fox, Mary Joan, 325
- France, 1178–1179, 1183–1185, 1258
- Francis, Clarence, 362n , 568n
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 433–434, 713, 963, 1054, 1569
- Frank, Isaiah, 221, 314, 352–353
- Frear, J. Allan, Jr., 28n
- Freeman, William, 629–630
- Freeport Sulphur Company, 885–889
- French West Indies, U.S. information program, 1213
- Frigorífico Anglo, 1556
- Frigorífico Artigas, S.A. (Armour), 1551, 1555, 1557, 1580
- Frigorífico Nacional, 1551–1557, 1580
- Frost, Dayton H., 321
- Fuentes, Robert Avarado, 1054
- Fulano de Tal, 820
- Fulton, Janus G., 364
- Funes, Col. J. Alberto, 1197, 1206–1207
- Galapagos Islands, 23, 142–143
- Galindo Pohl, Reinaldo, 1001
- Gálvez, Juan Manuel, 386, 1023
- Gálvez, Roberto, 1299
- Garcia, Arturo, 1524
- Garcia Galvez, 1180
- García Montes, Oscar, 888
- Gardner, Arthur, 904–909, 914–921
- Garner, Robert, 602–603
- Gaston, Herbert E., 501, 596, 598, 599, 601, 1248–1251
- Gavin, James M., 557–561
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 1947, 309, 329, 355n , 572, 904, 905n , 922–923, 1676
- General Federation of Womens’ Clubs, 542
- General Military Plan for the Defense of the American Continent, 23, 39, 61, 110–111, 120–124, 127, 135, 1015n , 1658n
- General Motors Acceptance Corporation, 905
- General Services Administration, 478–479, 487–488, 501, 504, 506, 562, 564, 565n , 681, 709, 723, 732, 742, 886–888
- General Tire and Rubber Company, 1617
- Gentil, Adolpho, 578n
- Gerberich, Albert H., 782–783, 788n , 789–790, 795–796, 805–807, 811–812
- Getzin, Edmund E., 494, 728, 730–731
- Gibson, Carlos, 1524
- Gilman, Robbins P., 631n
- Gilmer, Lt. Cmdr. Howard Campbell, 935
- Gilmore, Gene, 1505–1506, 1524
- Giron, Col. Felipe Antonio, 1038, 1189, 1191
- Glaessner, Philip J. W., 618
- Gleason, S. Everett, 2, 67, 81n , 146, 149, 194n , 195, 224, 304, 344, 648n , 1118n , 1131n , 1136n
- Glendinning, C. Dillon, 595–596, 1532
- Glover, R. H., 727, 729
- Góes Montiero, Gen. Pedro Auréliano, 125–126, 570
- Goethals, George Washington, 1453
- Goldstein, Mortimer D., 572n , 783n , 791n
- Gómez, Juan Vincente, 959, 1621, 1624
- Gómez, Laureano, 12, 802, 808
- Gómez, Manuel, 1380–1381
- Gómez Morales, Alfredo, 484
- Gómez Ruiz, Luís Emilio, 1590–1592, 1594, 1615–1616, 1618, 1636
- González, César, 372–373, 851, 1652–1653, 1670–1671
- Gonzalez Suarez, Humberto, 1054
- González Videla, Gabriel:
- Good Neighbor Policy, 398
- Goulart, João Belchior Marques, 625
- Grace Lines. See Pan American Grace Lines.
- Grau San Martin, Ramón, 384, 916
- Gray, William F., 984
- Greco, George J., 938n
- Gregg, John P., 1610n
- Gruson, Sydney, 1132, 1367
- Guatemala:
- Abaca, 1094
- Agrarian Reform Law, June 17, 1952, 1056–1058, 1060, 1062–1066, 1069–1070, 1072, 1080, 1095n , 1100, 1634
- Agreements with the United States:
- Development Assistance Agreement, Dec. 13, 1954, 1238
- General Agreement for Technical Cooperation, Sept. 1, 1954, 1225
- Inter-American Highway, July 28 and Aug. 28, 1954, 1048–1051, 1218
- Military equipment and matériel, July 27 and 30, 1954, 1217, 1234
- Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, July 15, 1944, 1039
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement, Apr. 24, 1936, 1094, 1156
- Rubber Agreement, June 1941, 1039
- Technical cooperation agreement, Feb. 13, 1952, 1027
- U.S.-Guatemalan Trade Agreement, renegotiation of, 1239
- Alfhem cargo (see also Military equipment shipments from the Soviet bloc, below), 1016–1017, 1112–1117, 1120–1125, 1137n , 1138, 1143–1144, 1150, 1153, 1159, 1165, 1167, 1365
- Argentina, relations with, 468, 475, 1069
- Atlantic Highway, 1045–1046, 1060, 1221
- Aviateca application, 1059
- Banana production, 1035
- Bank of Guatemala, 1040–1041
- Belize (British Honduras) restitution, 1063, 1068
- Bogotá Conference Resolution XXXII, 1077
- Bolivia, relations with, 1069
- Chile, relations with, 1069
- Coffee exports and pricing, 297, 1009, 1062, 1078, 1088–1091, 1094, 1156, 1233
- Colombia, possibility of military action by, 1042–1043, 1069–1071, 1081
- Communist activities (see under Political situation, below)
- Communist activities in neighboring countries, 47, 151–152, 1055, 1063, 1068–1069, 1086, 1108, 1148–1149, 1302
- Congress of, 1034, 1044, 1055–1056, 1064, 1066, 1072, 1081, 1100, 1109, 1137
- Costa Rica:
- Czechoslovakia (see also under Military equipment purchases, below), relations with, 398, 1155
- Diario de Centro America, 1053
- Dominican Republic:
- Economic situation, 392, 1032, 1062, 1070, 1140, 1221–1222, 1228–1229, 1231
- El Salvador:
- Empresas Electricas (Electric Light and Power Co.), 1066n , 1068, 1072–1074, 1079, 1086, 1105, 1141, 1226, 1233
- Entrerios Rubber Experiment Project, 1094
- Export-Import Bank policy, 1229, 1232
- Foreign Office of, 1053, 1156n , 1188, 1220
- Gasoline shipments to, U.S., 1095
- Hemispheric defense role, 1075, 1235
- Honduras (see also Guatemalan subheadings under Honduras):
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development advisers, 1222, 1228–1229, 1231–1232
- Inter-American Highway, 1044–1046, 1060, 1076, 1084, 1218, 1221, 1226, 1233–1234, 1239
- Inter-American Peace Committee, 1177–1185
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 1037–1038, 1068, 1071, 1107–1111, 1148, 1172, 1187, 1234, 1236
- International Communist movement, 1107–1110, 1117–1118, 1127–1128, 1132–1133, 1137, 1140–1141, 1146–1147, 1149–1150, 1152, 1158–1160, 1167
- International Railways of Central America (IRCA), 1032, 1035–1036, 1066n , 1068, 1072–1074, 1078–1079, 1086, 1105, 1140–1141, 1219, 1226
- Lake Amatitlan hydroelectric plant, 1221
- Mexican Embassy, asylees at, 1227, 1367
- Mexico, relations with, 1069, 1362–1366
- Military action by neighboring countries, U.S. position in the event of 1042–1043, 1073, 1076
- Military capabilities, 368, 1062, 1067–1068, 1081, 1098–1100, 1138, 1143, 1145–1146, 1225, 1235
- Military equipment purchases, 1055, 1098–1099, 1133, 1137–1139, 1144–1145, 1150
- Military equipment shipments from the Soviet bloc (see also “Alfhem” cargo, above), 1150, 1214–1215, 1362, 1667–1668
- Nicaragua:
- Organization of American States. See Guatemalan subheadings under Organization of American States.
- Organization of Central American States, withdrawal from, 14, 369, 1007, 1069, 1072
- Pan American Airways, 1079, 1233
- Pan American Highway construction, 1039
- Panama, position on Communist situation, 1444–1445, 1447, 1449–1452
- Peru, relations with, 1054
- Petroleum development, 1226, 1233, 1239
- Political situation, 161, 192, 216,
389, 399, 1031–1037, 1053–1058, 1070,
1074, 1083–1084, 1171
- Anti-Communist activities, 19, 22, 45–46, 90, 145, 1031, 1034, 1054, 1062, 1066–1067, 1087, 1099, 1110, 1173–1182, 1188–1191
- Anti-Communists, arrests of, 1169
- BPR, 1226
- Caribbean Legion, 1056
- Communist activities, 15, 29, 36, 46–47, 64, 279–280, 365–368, 381, 388, 1031–1034, 1040, 1051–1053, 1055, 1063–1066, 1070–1072, 1074–1083, 1087–1088, 1091–1093, 1096, 1099–1100, 1105–1106, 1108, 1137
- Communist Party membership, 387–388, 1033
- Communists in public office, 1054, 1059–1061, 1066, 1081, 1092, 1096, 1099, 1109
- Confederation of Latin American Workers, 1033, 1035, 1065–1066, 1072
- CTAL, 1033, 1065, 1072
- Cubans and Spanish Republicans, 1056
- Electoral Front, 1064–1065, 1067
- General Confederation of Guatemalan Workers (CGTG), 1034, 1065–1066, 1081, 1181
- Guardia Civil, 1067–1068, 1175
- Guatemalan Labor Party (PGT), 1064–1065
- Labor organizations, 97, 1059, 1063–1064, 1081 1219–1220, 1226
- Landholding and business interests, 1034–1035
- Military support of government, 1032, 1035, 1062
- National Confederation of Guatemalan Peasants (CNCG), 1066, 1081
- National Democratic Front, 1137
- OCI, 1056
- ORIT proposal for labor leader training institute, 1219–1220
- Railway workers union, 1035, 1219
- Revolution of 1944, 380–381, 384–385, 1031–1035, 1061, 1063, 1065–1068, 1079
- Revolution of 1954. See below.
- World Federation of Trade Unions, 1033, 1065, 1072, 1137
- Press, role of, 59, 1040, 1051, 1058, 1120, 1132, 1143, 1181
- Puerto Rican nationalism, support of, 1068
- Recognition of new government, 999, 1211
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation contract, 1094
- Revolution of 1954:
- Aerial bombardment of Chiquimula and Zacapa, 1189–1191
- Arbenz government, overthrow of, 89, 93, 95, 1056, 1217
- Army rebellion, Aug. 2, 1954, 1218
- Asylees, 1220–1223, 1227, 1367
- British position, 1208–1209
- Castillo Armas, assumption of presidency, Sept. 1, 1954, 1225
- Ceasefire, proposed, 1020, 1188–1191, 1195–1208
- Military junta, June 28, 1954, 385, 1176, 1192–1198, 1204–1206, 1210, 1223–1225
- New government established, July 2, 1954, 1211
- Peace observers proposal, 1177–1185, 1198
- U.N. position, 93, 378, 1174, 1178–1180, 1182–1185, 1187, 1198, 1208–1209, 1583
- U.S. involvement, charges of, 291
- U.S. reaction to, 398
- Roadbuilding equipment purchase, 1028–1030, 1045–1046
- Roman Catholic Church, 1034, 1066, 1077
- Roosevelt Hospital construction, 1094, 1221, 1231, 1233
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1082
- Spain, relations with, 1054
- Springsfjord cargo, 1188
- Steel mill, purchase of, 1155
- TGW radio, 1053–1054
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, Resolution XCIII, 279–280, 282, 285, 289–292, 309
- United Fruit Company:
- Abaca contract, 1094
- Communist influence on workers, 1032–1034
- Conflict with, 393, 1032–1033, 1035–1036, 1063, 1066n . 1068–1069, 1072–1074, 1079–1080, 1084, 1086, 1091–1092, 1095n , 1096–1097, 1105, 1109, 1127–1128, 1140–1142, 1147, 1151, 1155, 1165, 1171, 1212, 1215, 1226, 1233, 1666
- Expropriation of property, 16, 29, 32, 36, 192, 263, 290, 308, 389, 394, 1035, 1056–1058, 1060–1064
- Strike against, 1065
- U.N. Charter, Article LI, 1121
- United States, attitude toward, 59, 1050–1055, 1061, 1067–1068, 1082, 1141, 1177, 1190, 1192, 1212, 1215–1216
- U.S. agricultural experiment station, 1221
- U.S. citizens, safety of, 1180–1182, 1189
- U.S. detention of ships, 1112–1116, 1121–1125, 1132, 1139, 1144, 1150, 1163–1167, 1172–1174, 1177, 1209, 1215
- U.S. economic assistance, 103, 114, 216, 261, 1028–1030, 1044, 1076, 1221, 1228–1235, 1239
- U.S. export controls, 1046–1048
- U.S. information activities, 90, 108, 1077, 1094, 1212–1218
- U.S. military assistance, 14, 40, 42, 62, 95, 109, 112, 114, 165, 184, 1027, 1037, 1039, 1217, 1234–1238
- U.S. military assistance to neighboring nations, 1077, 1085–1086, 1119, 1123, 1125n , 1129–1134, 1143, 1145
- U.S. military missions, 40–41, 145, 183, 1078, 1082, 1084, 1086, 1094
- U.S. policy toward, 378, 1073–1078, 1083–1086, 1093–1095, 1103, 1110, 1113, 1129–1136, 1139–1149, 1154, 1157, 1203
- U.S. private economic interests, 29, 290–291, 309, 393, 1063, 1066–1068, 1074, 1077, 1097–1098, 1109, 1151, 1226
- U.S. security, threat to, 1078–1079
- U.S. technical assistance, 261, 1076, 1084, 1134, 1161–1162, 1230–1231, 1239
- Uruguay, relations with, 1582
- Venezuela:
- Washington Foreign Ministers Meeting, Resolution VII, 1077
- West European Maritime Countries, U.S. consultation with, 1161, 1164
- World Bank policy, 1233
- Guatemalan Group, 1104n , 1110n , 1160–1163, 1170–1172, 1178–1180, 1186–1188
- Gudin, Eugenio, 658–661, 663–665
- Guevara Arze, Wálter, 27, 31, 50, 491–492, 493n , 505–506, 524–525, 527–528, 537–542, 545–546
- Guggenheim, Robert, 1520
- Guizado Valdes, José Ramón, 1405–1410, 1416, 1430, 1433, 1444, 1446n , 1447, 1450, 1452–1453, 1458, 1466
- Gumbel, Irving, 703n , 728, 730, 732
- Gurgel Valente, Maury, 664
- Gustavo, Zavala, 1380–1381
- Gutierrez, Silvio, 1675
- Gutierrez Garbin, Victor Manuel, 1054, 1059, 1071, 1091, 1192, 1213
- Gutiérrez Granier, Federico, 492
- Habana Convention of 1928 on Duties and Rights of States in the Event of Civil Strife, 270
- Hadsel, Fred L., 129n
- Hagerty, James C., 1101–1102, 1116n , 1117, 1154, 1168–1169, 1173–1174, 1198
- Haiti:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Agricultural development, 1242, 1245, 1256–1257, 1260, 1267, 1271
- Argentina, relations with, 1258
- Artibonite Valley development program, 1243, 1257, 1260, 1262–1263, 1266–1267, 1268, 1270–1274, 1276, 1278, 1283, 1285–1287, 1289–1290
- Banana production, 1263, 1266, 1268
- Banque Nationale de la République d’Haiti, 1266
- Bauxite mining roadway by the Reynolds Metals Company, 104
- Coffee production, 1262, 1266, 1270, 1272, 1276, 1290
- Costa Rica, relations with, 852
- Cotton prices, 1262
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 398
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 394, 961, 1258, 1262, 1284
- Economic situation, 103, 241, 392, 1241, 1247, 1254, 1256–1257, 1259–1260, 1262, 1265, 1271, 1284, 1288–1289
- Electric Light Company of Port-au-Prince, 1275
- Estabrook and Company, 1278
- Export-Import Bank loans, 393, 1240–1245, 1247–1251, 1263, 1265–1266, 1268, 1274, 1276, 1278, 1283, 1285–1287, 1289–1290
- France, relations with, 1258
- Haitian-American Sugar Company, 1287
- Haitian National Bank, 1286
- Hydroelectric power development, 1266–1267, 1278, 1290
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development:
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 1263
- International Monetary Fund membership, 35
- Military situation, 1259, 1264–1265
- Mutual Security Program, 214, 1259
- Navassa Island sovereignty, 1284
- Petroleum industry, 1279–1280
- Political situation, 379–380, 384, 1252–1253, 1258
- Port-au-Prince–Aux Cayes road, 1286, 1290
- Private financing for public works, 15, 1274, 1287
- Private investments, 393
- Société Haitiane-Américaine de Développement Agricole (SHADA), 1240–1251, 1262, 1268, 1270–1272, 1274
- Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, 1258
- Sugar, 1262, 1263, 1268
- U.N. technical assistance, 1253–1255, 1257, 1259, 1262, 1268
- United States:
- U.S. Air Force Mission, 1257, 1264
- U.S. economic assistance, 1256–1257, 1261, 1263, 1268, 1286
- U.S. military assistance, 22, 38, 109, 162, 183, 185, 390–391, 1262, 1267–1268, 1275–1276, 1280
- U.S. Naval Mission, 1257
- Halaby, N. E., 1659
- Haley, Lt. Col. Charles L., III, 1650
- Hall, Carlos C., 691–692
- Hall, Edward, 1532
- Hall, Lt. Col. James M., 125, 127, 136, 164, 167, 938, 1547
- Halle, Louis J., 65, 1129n , 1130n , 1139–1149
- Halleck, Charles A., 1101
- Hamer, Walter M., 834, 838
- Hamilton, John B., 628n
- Hann, Elwood S., 728
- Hannah, John A., 224, 344, 1454
- Hansen, Kenneth R., 195
- Hardesty, Marion N., 221–224, 258–260, 321–322, 324–327, 339–342, 1287, 1513
- Harlow, Bryce, 224, 344
- Harris, Hugo, 1252n
- Harrison, John L., 1028
- Harrison, Lt. Gen. W. K., 178–181, 558, 863, 1399–1400, 1449, 1451, 1455, 1460
- Harvey, Williams, 517, 530
- Hauch, Charles C., 929, 1253n
- Hauge, Gabriel, 295, 300, 352–354, 363, 910–912
- Havemeyer, John K., 1170n , 1486–1487, 1535–1536, 1545–1546
- Haya de la Torre, Victor Raúl, 48, 158, 265–266, 268, 1220, 1514–1516
- Hazera, Jorge, 1153n ,
- Health, Education and Welfare, Department of, 63
- Heap, Samuel, 800
- Hebbard, 1545–1546
- Heliodoro Valle, Rafael, 371
- Hembra, Alton W., 993n
- Hemispheric defense. See under National security policy of the United States.
- Henderson, Leon, 494–498, 500
- Henriquez, 1360–1361
- Hensel, H. Struve, 44, 169–171, 174–176, 654–655, 1311, 1315–1316
- Hermida, General, 948–949
- Hernández Martinez, Maximiliano, 1000
- Herrera, Felipe, 1379
- Herrera, Pedro Emilio, 1638
- Herrera Pinto, Col. Rodolfo, 1380–1382
- Herres, Arthur, 1250
- Herron, Francis W., 1160, 1170, 1178, 1186–1188
- Hershey, Maj. Gen. Lewis B., 344
- Hertzog Garaizabal, Enrique, 545
- Heurtelou, Daniel, 1267
- Hibbert, Lucien, 1265–1266, 1270–1274, 1276
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 95, 919
- Hickerson, John, 774, 776, 793
- Hill, Col. Francis, 136, 154, 167
- Hill, John C., Jr., 1103–1104, 1106n , 1137n , 1139n , 1152–1154, 1161, 1163n , 1172n
- Hill, John L., 782–783
- Hill, Rey M., 221–222
- Hill, Robert C., 832–839, 842, 845, 847–850, 853–855, 857–858, 1385
- Hirsch, Richard, 1087
- Hitler, Adolph, 963
- Hobby, Oveta Culp, 300, 363
- Hochschild, Mauricio, 486, 499, 564
- Hoey, Robert E., 1118n
Holland, Henry F.:
- Argentina, 469–471, 473, 477, 479–484
- Bolivia, 559–562, 566–567, 568n
- Brazil, 248, 648–657, 658n , 664–665
- Chile, 747, 753–757
- Colombia, 811–812
- Communism, 370, 1214
- Costa Rica, 840–852, 853n , 855–856, 858, 860, 862–863, 865n
- Cuba, 903, 911, 913, 916–918
- Dominican Republic, 964
- Economic development, 66, 73, 75, 262, 330–332
- Eisenhower Report, 229
- El Salvador, 1015n , 1016, 1019–1020, 1023, 1026
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan asylees, 1220n , 1221–1223
- Guatemalan ceasefire negotiations, 1202, 1206–1207
- Guatemalan revolution, 1177–1180, 1186–1187, 1195–1197, 1198n , 1199, 1208
- Haiti, 1277, 1279n , 1284, 1287n
- Honduras, 1304, 1307–1311, 1316–1317, 1319
- Inter-American relations, 374
- Intraregional trade, 341
- Nicaragua, 854–855, 1379, 1383–1384, 1385n , 1387–1389
- Panama, 1448–1449, 1452, 1454, 1463–1465
- Peru, 1514, 1516–1517, 1520, 1522, 1527, 1529n , 1530–1533
- Private investment, 226–229
- Regional development bank, 340
- Rio Economic Conference, 313–314, 325, 335, 339, 345, 352–358, 360–361, 470n , 859
- Technical cooperation programs, 221, 224, 267, 341
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 93, 303n
- Trade barriers and tariffs, 65–66, 72, 330–332
- U.S. policies toward Central America, 378–379
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 45n , 65–66, 68, 325
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 1119n
- Uruguay, 1585, 1586n
- Venezuela, 95, 1669–1671, 1673–1675
- World market prices for Latin American products, 342
- Hollis, Walter, 1572
- Holmgreen, E. N., 321
- Honduras:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Air Force Mission agreements, Mar. 6, 1950 and Oct. 5 and Nov. 23, 1953, 40, 61
- Army Mission agreements, Mar. 6, 1950 and Oct. 5 and Nov. 23, 1953, 40, 60
- Bilateral Military Assistance Agreement, May 20, 1954, 60, 90, 109, 1085, 1301, 1304, 1311
- Convention for the avoidance of double taxation, June 25, 1956 and Feb. 6, 1957, 103
- Military Air Transit Agreement, Apr. 23, 1952, 1293
- Plan of the Government of Honduras and the United States of America for Their Common Defense, May 20, 1954, 1301
- Agricultural development, 1298
- American Federation of Labor visit, 1294
- Banana production, 1303
- Costa Rica, relations with, 828, 862, 866
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 398
- Economic situation, 1294, 1296, 1298
- El Salvador, relations with, 1005, 1017–1018, 1023–1024
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan military units on border, 1146–1147
- Guatemalan role in strikes, 1055, 1105–1120, 1139, 1141–1142, 1153, 1165
- Hemispheric defense role, 106, 168, 1310
- Inter-American Highway Agreement, 1300, 1302
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, invocation of, 1105, 1106
- Labor standards, 1293–1295, 1303–1304, 1306–1307, 1312
- Military situation, 1296, 1299, 1310, 1312
- New York and Honduras Rosario Mining Company, 1294, 1296
- Nicaragua, relations with, 1119, 1376
- Nicaraguan troops, as alternative to U.S. troops, possible use of, 1119
- Pan American Airways, 1294
- Plantation workers strike, 389
- Political situation, 96, 380, 384,
386, 1296–1297, 1301, 1303,
1307, 1312
- Anti-Communist activities, 1300
- Communist activities, 380, 1312
- Communist Party membership, 387–388
- Electoral crisis, 381, 399, 1313–1314, 1316–1323
- Liberal Party, 1298, 1313, 1316, 1318, 1320
- National Reform Party (Reformists), 1297–1298, 1317, 1320
- Nationalist Party (Galvezistas), 1297, 1317, 1320
- Reformist-Liberal merger, 1315
- Private investments, 393, 1293–1296, 1298
- Standard Fruit Company strike, 1118, 1139, 1141
- Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, 1294, 1296, 1307
- TACA Honduras, 1295
- United Fruit Company, 263, 393, 833, 1294, 1296
- U.N. technical assistance, 1298–1299
- United States, attitude toward, 1296, 1314
- U.S. citizens, preparation to evacuate, 1132
- U.S. economic assistance, 89, 103, 114, 1302–1303
- U.S. military assistance, 21–22, 40, 60–61, 90, 109–110, 112, 145–146, 151–152, 168–169, 183–184, 391, 1123, 1304, 1308–1312, 1315
- U.S. technical assistance, 1294, 1302
- Agreements with the United States:
- Hood, Amelia H., 1279
- Hood, Brig. Gen. Ruben C., Jr., 160
- Hook, Col. Fred G., Jr., 877
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 94, 250n , 252–254, 335n , 342, 344–345, 348, 350–353, 355, 358–362, 481n , 661, 755–757, 763–764, 860–861, 863n , 865, 1517, 1520–1521, 1530, 1532–1533, 1676
- Hoppenot, Henri, 1178n , 1182–1185
- Horn, Claud L., 891–892
- Horton, Donald, 125–129
- House of Representatives. See under Congress, U.S.
- Housing and Home Finance Administration, 63
- Hoyt, Henry A., 914, 918, 924–926, 1284n
- Hudson, William P., 494, 496–498, 503, 511–513, 521–522, 525, 526n , 528–532, 535n , 537–542
- Huertematte, Julio E., 1153, 1402, 1407, 1410, 1415
- Hughes, Rowland R., 67, 70, 74–75, 77, 363
- Hummel, John L., 1322
Humphrey, George M.:
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 194, 224
- Bolivia, 532–534
- Brazil, 661, 665
- Chile, 722, 744
- Economic development, 4–5, 199
- Export-Import Bank, 198, 205–206, 217, 235, 250–257
- Fiscal problems, 105
- Guatemala, 1115
- International Finance Corporation, 100
- Peru, 57n , 240n , 1517, 1520–1521, 1531–1534
- Rio Economic Conference, 94, 105, 343–356, 361n , 362–364, 482–484
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 304
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 2, 13
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 146, 149
- Uruguay, 1559
- Venezuela, 1675
- Hyde, Rosel H., 304
Ibáñez del Campo, Gen. Carlos:
- “Act of Santiago”, 463n
- Argentine-Chilean agreement, 719
- Armed forces, 711, 715, 721
- Bilateral military agreement, 690, 692, 695, 718
- Bolivia port problems, 543
- Communism, 695, 710, 714, 720, 734–735
- Copper industry, nationalization of, 720
- Copper negotiations, 730, 737–738, 742–743, 746n
- Economic policies, 705, 710, 713, 716, 717, 748, 754
- Foreign policy, 709
- Health of, 711, 721
- Political opposition to, 713–714
- Soviet Union, Chilean relations with, 692, 718, 726–727, 735
- Support for, 416, 688–689, 693, 695, 710–713, 747–748, 764
- United States, Chilean relations with, 134, 689, 691, 693, 695–696, 701–702, 710, 717, 720, 733n
- Ibarra, Juan, 1207
- Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (P.L. 414), 1325, 1514–1515, 1669
- Import Certificate and Delivery Verification Systems (ICDVs), 15, 52, 98, 186–187, 725, 742, 746, 750, 753
- Indochina, 1183–1184
- Information and cultural programs (see also U.S. information activities under individual countries), 9, 19, 22, 37, 58–59, 85, 106–108
- Inocente Alvarez, Alberto, 888–889
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 409n , 454, 547n , 709, 1031n , 1061n , 1392n
- Intelligence Research, Office of, 1143, 1145, 1147–1148
- Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal, 362
- Inter-Agency Committee on the Kenaf Fiber Purchase Program, 889
- Inter-American Affairs, Bureau of:
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 191n , 263
- Argentina, 400n , 406, 419, 421
- Bolivia, 487
- Brazil, 608, 612, 623n , 652, 657
- Chile, 297, 758
- Communism, 279, 289–292
- Costa Rica, 827, 830
- Cuba, 891–892, 924–926
- Dominican Republic, 943
- Economic development, 201
- Eisenhower Report, 232, 293
- Export-Import Bank, 198
- General Military Plan for the Defense of the American Continent, 120
- Guatemala:
- Haiti, 1277–1279
- Honduras, 1318–1320
- Mexico, 1346
- Peru, 1522
- Technical cooperation programs, 188
- Uruguay, 1542
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 1, 65
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 136, 157
- Venezuela, 1597, 1599, 1635n
- Inter-American Affairs, Institute of, 188, 221–222, 258, 821, 826, 892, 919, 956, 1250–1251, 1253, 1256–1257, 1260–1261, 1263, 1266, 1272, 1294, 1482, 1577, 1579
- Inter-American Bank, 354
- Inter-American Court of Justice proposal, 269, 272
- Inter-American Defense Board. See under American Republics.
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council. See under American Republics.
- Inter-American Highway (see also under individual countries), 87, 820, 822–823, 1044–1046, 1048–1049, 1060, 1076, 1085
- Inter-American Highway agreement, 1300, 1302
- Inter-American Peace Committee. See under Organization of American States.
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty), 1947, 83, 142–143, 145, 371, 396, 415, 690, 1263, 1374, 1375, 1628
- Interdepartmental Committee on Latin American Economic Affairs, 313, 327
- Interior, Department of the, 63
- Bureau of Mines, 919
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, International Bank) (see also under individual countries):
- International Court of Justice, 269
- International Finance Corporation, 89, 100
- International Harvester Company, 907
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) (see also under individual countries), 9, 85, 237, 357, 751–752, 756–758, 760, 1512–1523, 1541
- International Narcotics Control Committee, 1345
- International Packers, 1564–1567
- International Police Corporation, 1003
- International Railways of Central America (IRCA), 192, 1002, 1032, 1035–1036, 1066n , 1068, 1072–1074, 1078–1079, 1086, 1105, 1140–1141, 1219, 1226
- International Sugar Conference, 34
- International Telephone and Telegraph, 906
- International Trade, Office of, 1045–1047
- Isle of Pines Steamship Company, 904
- Jackson, C. D., 2, 146, 149, 195, 300, 304, 1087n
- Jackson, Donald L., 28, 831
- Jamaica, 393
- Jamison, Edward A., 116n , 120n , 125–128, 129n , 131n , 135–136, 144n , 153–157, 162, 164, 167, 370, 605n , 825n , 864, 932n , 971n , 982, 1013–1014, 1041n , 1102, 1107n , 1117n , 1129n , 1164n , 1170, 1178, 1186–1187, 1305n , 1446n , 1486–1488, 1495n , 1500n , 1535, 1547, 1567, 1650, 1673
- Jara, Anibal, 691, 699–702, 726, 730–735, 746, 753
- Jenkins, Maj. Gen. Reuben E., 128
- Johnson, Charles F., 221–223
- Johnson, Earl D., 14, 194, 1421, 1423, 1427n
- Johnson, Herschel V., 570–577, 579–580, 583–584, 587–588, 600, 605, 609–613, 629–630
- Johnson, Louis, 118n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 487n , 488, 685n
- Johnson, Richard A., 25, 934–935, 943n , 950, 959, 963
- Johnston, John W., 918
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Argentina, 409n , 478
- Bolivia, 547n
- Brazil, 631, 648–649, 651, 652n , 654–655
- Colombia, 793–795, 808, 817
- Costa Rica, 843, 863
- Cuba, 890
- Dominican Republic, 927, 929
- Ecuador, 985–986, 991
- El Salvador, 152–153, 168
- General Military Plan for the Defense of the American Continent, 120
- Guatemala, 1031n , 1061n , 1118, 1120, 1131, 1134
- Haiti, 1259, 1269, 1275–1276, 1282
- Historical relations with Latin America, 167
- Honduras, 152–153, 168, 1315–1316
- Information, cultural, and educational exchange programs, 77n
- Latin Americans in U.S. military schools, 78
- Netherlands, 127, 148, 178–179
- Nicaragua, 152–153, 166, 1373
- Panama, 1392n , 1404
- Standardization of the armed forces, 78, 184–185
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 23, 68, 79, 92, 146n , 150–153, 1119n , 1309–1311, 1315
- Uruguay, 1547
- Venezuela, 166, 1619n , 1649
- Jones, Gen. Albert, 1327–1328
- Jones, Raymond, 1248
- Jopson, R. Keith, 800–801, 806
- Jumelle, Clément, 1283
- Jumelle, Ducasse, 1264
- Justice, Department of, 63, 97, 191–192, 194–196, 202n , 225–226, 279, 847, 1133, 1339, 1359, 1633
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 197–200, 478–481, 536, 661, 744–745, 747, 758, 1489–1490, 1572–1574
- Karydakis, Mabel, 847n , 854n , 1387n
- Keany, Katherine, 26n , 423n
- Kellogg, Frank B., 781n
- Kelly, Cornelius, 741
- Kemp, Frank A., 910–912
- Kemper, James S., 361, 647, 658–660, 1186
- Kempter, Charles W., 652, 984–985, 1497–1499, 1521–1529
- Kendall, Charles, 723, 744
- Kennecott Copper Corporation, 708, 717, 724, 728–730, 737, 739, 741, 1520, 1531
- Kern, Paul J., 1486
- Kersten, Charles J., 1100–1101
- Key, David McK., 1182n , 1184n
- Kidder, Randolph A., 577, 587
- Kiel, Brig. Gen. Emil C., 1264
- Kirten, Capt. William, Jr., 1120
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 1334n
- Klein, Julius, 1525n
- Klemmer, Harvey J., 780–781
- Knapp, J. Burke, 577, 578–579, 602–603, 1229n
- Knowland, William F., 1101
- Koch, Osvaldo, 721
- Koegler, George, 1596
- Korean conflict (see also under Colombia):
- Korean Political Conference, U.S. consultation with other American Republics, 29
- Kramer, Irving, 224
- Kreps, Col. Kenneth R., 120
- Krieg, William, 1037, 1094, 1154, 1180–1181, 1189
- Kuppinger, Eldred D., 1423n , 1429n , 1433, 1445n , 1456n , 1462n
- Kyes, Roger M., 146, 166n , 168, 194, 300, 304, 809n , 1431–1432, 1441, 1443n
- Labor, Department of, 63, 339, 761, 1347–1349, 1359, 1611
- Labor organizations:
- American Federation of Labor, 1294, 1439
- Confederation of Professional Workers, 458
- Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers (ORIT), 8, 15, 83, 405, 416, 420
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), 15, 871
- International Labor Organization, 276, 402
- Latin American Confederation of Labor, 390, 416
- Leadership, training for, 15, 91, 97
- Tobacco Workers Federation, 896
- World Federation of Trade Unions, 37, 1033, 1065, 1072, 1137
- Ladd, William C., 618
- Láfer, Horacio, 191, 573–577, 579–584, 587–588, 590, 592–593, 598–601, 603, 610–611, 613, 618
- Lake Maracaibo-Aruba–Curaçao tanker route, 179–180
- Landon, Kenneth P., 1118n
- Lang, Elmer, 727
- Lara Bustamente, Fernando, 822
- Lark, Capt. Jacob A., 125
- Larson, Jess, 485n , 486, 494, 498, 501, 672–673, 676, 1504
- Lawrence, David, 1366–1367
- Lay, James S., Jr., 2, 6n , 10, 26, 44, 83n , 87n , 122, 132n , 146, 149, 169n , 191n , 194n , 195, 225, 304, 344, 352n , 812n , 1129n , 1135n , 1600, 1604, 1653n
- Layton, Colonel, 1379
- Leakey, Col. Frank N., 1494
- Leal, Pablo, 1380–1381
- Lechin Oquendo, Juan, 492, 502, 504, 527–528, 550–551, 678, 839
- Leddy, John M., 191n , 1558n , 1560, 1572
Leddy, Raymond G., 262n
, 370–371
- Costa Rica, 827–828, 840n , 844–845, 850n , 853n , 855n , 858–860, 861n
- El Salvador, 1000n , 1023
- Guatemala, 1057, 1071–1073, 1074n , 1097n , 1098n , 1102–1105, 1124n , 1125n , 1129n , 1139n , 1156–1157, 1160, 1163n , 1170–1172, 1178, 1218–1219, 1223n , 1228n
- Honduras, 1295n , 1302–1303, 1306n , 1307n , 1319n , 1320
- Panama, 1408n , 1409, 1412, 1446n
- Lee, Josh, 782–783
- Leeds, Capt. John R., 344
- Léger, Jacques, 1248, 1250–1252, 1262, 1268–1270, 1274, 1279–1280
- Lend-Lease and Surplus Property Staff, 984
- Lenz, Carl, 728
- Levelt, Gen. Antoine, 1264–1265
- Leverton, Capt. Joseph W., 157, 164
- Lewis, John L., 533
- Lewis, Col. Willis F., 136, 157, 158n , 160, 164–168
- Liautaud, Pierre, 1264, 1266–1267
- Libenson, Isaac, 432
- Lie, Trygve, 543
- Liebhafsky, Herbert H., 494–496
- Linder, Harold F., 516, 595n , 597, 599, 607, 609, 623n , 1338n , 1504, 1558n , 1560–1561
- Linebaugh, J. David, 1118n
- Linville, Francis A., 910–912
- Lira, Javier, 689, 691
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 277
- Llovera Páez, Col. Luis Felipe, 1621, 1636
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 300–301, 803–804, 808, 810, 840, 1178, 1180, 1184–1185
- Lodge, John Davis, 51
- Lopez Castro, Amadeo, 875, 925
- Lopez Herrarte, Enrique, 1228, 1229n
- Lourie, Donold B., 293, 1177
- Lovett, Robert A., 127n , 129, 137, 142, 144, 176, 570, 769–772, 793–795, 929, 931, 1604
- Lozano Diaz, Julio, 1299, 1320–1323
- Lyons, Eugene J., 363
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 1118n , 1121n
- McBride, General, 1399
- McCarthy, Glen, 539, 1283
- McClintock, John G., 832, 845
- McCloy, John J., 438
- McCormick, Col. Aloysius E., 1189, 1194
- McDermott, Michael J., 1003, 1005–1007, 1008, 1013–1017, 1019–1026, 1196, 1199–1202, 1204, 1206
- McDonald, Harry A., 485n , 516, 519–522, 523n , 981n
- MacDonald, Thomas H., 1028
- McGarr, Maj. Gen. Lionel C., 114
- McGarrigle, Lt. Col. Charles, 1486
- McGinnis, Edgar L., Jr., 970, 972, 974–975, 981–983, 987–990, 1509–1512, 1514n , 1521
- Machado, Luis, 876, 887
- Macheray, Col. Earl J., 1003, 1017, 1025
- McIntire, Clifford B., 95
- McIntosh, Dempster, 470–471, 1575–1586
- McJennett, John F., 1187
- McKay, Douglas, 300, 363
- Mackay, Duncan A.D., 122n , 125, 132n , 774n , 784n , 788n , 968n , 971n , 1495n , 1642
- MacKenna, Luis, 699–703, 724, 730–733
- McKiernan, John F., 1088, 1090
- McKinnon, Wylie F., 494, 519, 528, 531, 559n
- McLain, Lt. Gen. Raymond S., 344
- McMahan, K.W., 1174
- McMahon, Pat, 1101
- McNeil, W.J., 344, 793
- McNeill, Charles R., 1545
- Macone, A. J., 207n
- MacQueen, John, 1240, 1244, 1271
- McSherry, Gen. Frank J., 1418, 1440
- McWilliams, William J., 437n
- Magloire, Paul E.:
- Makins, Roger, 1112, 1184n
- Maleady, Thomas J., 491–492, 493n
- Mallory, Lester D., 409, 421
- Malone, George W., 917
- Mañas, Arturo, 875
Mann, Thomas C., 365–366, 368, 371
- Argentina, 419–420, 437n
- Bolivia, 502, 510–513, 516n , 519–522, 523n , 534n
- Brazil, 607–608, 622–623
- Colombia, 778–780, 788n
- Cuba, 878n , 885–889
- Dominican Republic, 928–929
- Ecuador, 974–975, 981
- Guatemala, 1041–1043, 1048–1049, 1057, 1088n , 1234n
- Haiti, 1240, 1248–1251, 1268n , 1269n
- Honduras, 1295
- Mexico, 1324–1326, 1331n , 1333n , 1335
- Nicaragua, 1372–1375, 1377–1378
- Panama, 1399–1400, 1404–1405
- Peru, 1497–1499, 1507n
- Uruguay, 1545–1547, 1558, 1560–1562
- Venezuela, 1591n , 1594–1599, 1635n , 1647, 1651, 1673
- Mansure, Edmund F., 478, 562, 706, 723
- Mara, Brig. Gen. Neil, 1042
- Margueirat, Raúl A., 442, 473
- Mariaca Pando, Alberto, 508
- Marine Corps, 112, 1181, 1258, 1341
- Marinello, Juan, 897
- Marshall, George C., 23n , 123n , 1075n , 1658n
- Martin, Charles D., 1038
- Martin, Edward J., 261, 1231
- Martin, Edwin M., 162n , 971–972, 1502
- Martin, I. Jack, 363
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 622–623, 1001
- Martin, Col. Vernon P., 1037–1038, 1189, 1194, 1197, 1207
- Martin, William McChesney, Jr., 254, 598
- Martindale, Robert C., 441n
- Martínez Vargas, Ricardo, 485
- Maschke Plan for an Inter-American Bank, 354
- Masello, Col. William, 157, 164, 166
- Mathison Chemical Company, 448
- Matte, 688, 695n
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 122–125, 150n , 153n , 163, 605–606, 876, 882–885, 927–928, 1603
- Maybank, Burnet R., 234n
- Maynard, David M., 1489
- Medina, R. A., 1088–1089
- Mejia, Gabriel, 1321, 1322n
- Meloy, Francis E., Jr., 1336n
- Memminger, Robert B., 1466
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 1182, 1184
- Méndez San Martin, Armando, 473
- Mendoza, Col. Miguel Angel, 1175
- Merchant, Livingston T., 1209
- Merrell, Mark, 1028–1029
- Messersmith, George, 422, 429
- Metzger, Herman, 443
- Metzger, Stanley D., 510, 572n , 1114n
- Mexican migrant labor bill (Title V of the Agricultural Act of 1949, P.L. 309), 1358–1360
- Mexico:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Anzalduas Diversion Dam, 1352
- Braniff Airlines, 1330–1332
- CMA, Mexican air carrier, 1335
- Copper production, informal agreements with the United States, 98
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 398
- Eastern Airlines, 1330–1332
- Economic situation, 58, 105, 210, 212, 332
- Export-Import Bank loans, 55
- Expropriation of foreign investments, guaranteed compensation for, 5
- Falcón Dam, 13, 28, 1341–1342, 1352–1353
- Foot-and-mouth disease, 1352
- Foreign Office of, 1338, 1362–1363, 1367
- Guatemala, relations with, 1069, 1104, 1221, 1223, 1361–1366
- Guatemalan asylees, 1227, 1367
- Guatemalan Government, reaction to attempted revolution, 368
- Hemispheric defense role, 1326–1328
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 1327
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 100, 332
- International Monetary Fund loans, 105–106
- Joint Mexico-U.S. Defense Committee (JMUSDC), 21, 23, 95, 111, 1329, 1351
- Migrant labor situation, 297, 1324–1326, 1339–1349, 1351, 1353–1360, 1367
- Nicaragua, relations with, 1381
- Pan American Airways, 1335
- Paper box plant, 105
- Petroleum production, 210
- Petroleum properties, expropriation of, 1381
- Poland, relations with, 398
- Political situation, 97, 134, 305, 331–332, 398–399, 1360–1361
- Private enterprise, 228, 252
- Simpson Bill, 1342
- Southern Pacific Railroad, 332
- Soviet activities, 19, 52
- Strategic materials, 15
- United States:
- U.S. economic assistance, 105
- U.S. military assistance, 26, 62, 122–123, 128–130, 133, 144, 183, 185, 1326–1330
- U.S. shrimping interests, 1352
- Uranium exploration, 1351
- Venezuela, relations with, 1599, 1601
- Western Airlines, 1330–1332
- Meyer, Joaquin, 925
- Michels, Rudolfo, 729
- Middle American Affairs, Office of, 420, 828, 926, 942, 1045n , 1401
- Miles, Rear Adm. Milton E., 157, 159–162, 164–168
Miller, Edward G., Jr., 120–121, 128n
, 189–190
- Argentina, 400n , 407, 419–423, 430, 470, 471n
- Bolivia, 485–490, 496–498, 502–503, 506–508
- Brazil, 571, 572n , 573, 575, 577–583, 587, 600–605, 875n
- Chile, 666–669, 676–691, 697
- Colombia, 767–770, 772–775, 777–780, 785, 788–790, 792–793
- Costa Rica, 822–823
- Cuba, 868, 871n , 873, 875–876
- Dominican Republic, 932–933, 948
- Ecuador, 970
- Guatemala, 1042–1049
- Haiti, 1248
- Hemispheric defense, 117
- Nicaragua, 1371, 1374–1375
- Panama, 1398–1400, 1402
- Peru, 1492, 1495–1496, 1500–1502
- Uruguay, 1535–1538, 1542
- Venezuela, 1589, 1594, 1599, 1603n , 1604, 1633–1636
- Milliken, Frank R., 728–729, 737, 739
- Millikin, Eugene D., 1101, 1561
- Mills, Sheldon T., 998
- Milne, Mathilde L., 1467n , 1468n , 1538n
- Milton, Hugh M., II, 224, 344
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 300, 302n , 363n , 534n , 744n
- Mitchell, James P., 300, 363
- Molina, Col. Marco Antonio, 370–371, 1009
- Molinari, 425
- Monge, Luis Alberto, 839
- Montenegro, 511–512
- Montgomery, Joseph W., 829, 841–842, 1219, 1307
- Monzón Aguirre, Col. Elfego Hernán, 385, 399, 1020–1022, 1192–1194, 1196n , 1197–1207, 1210, 1223–1225, 1232
- Mora, José A., 156, 1170n , 1535–1536, 1545–1546, 1563, 1565, 1568, 1570, 1576
- Morales Carrion, Arturo, 1673
- Morales Guillen, Carlos, 504
- Morales Melgar, Col. Jose Luis, 1192
- Morales Palacios, Luis Armando, 1380–1381
- Moreira Salles, Walther, 577, 579, 583, 607–609, 612–613, 615–616, 623
- Moreno, Col. Félix Román, 160, 1588–1589, 1641, 1643, 1664–1665
- Moreno González, José Antonio, 1484–1486
- Moreno, Miguel, 1636
- Morgan, Gerald D., 363, 890
- Morla Concha, Manuel, 1494
- Morris, Lt. Gen. William H.H., Jr., 1587–1588, 1641
- Morse, True D., 1573–1575
- Morton, Thruston B., 809, 1560
- Mosadeq, Mohammed, 666
- Moscoso, Alfonso, 419
- Muccio, John J., 1414, 1433–1434, 1440n , 1454
- Mujal, Eusebio, 871
- Muller, Lt. Col. Henry J., Jr., 1010, 1017
- Muller, Walter, 666, 670–672, 677n , 681
- Mulliken, Jean H., 10n , 26n
- Mullins, Maj. Gen. Charles L., 125–126, 570
- Munitions Board, 883–884, 886
- Muniz, João Carlos, 650, 651n , 653, 656, 664–665, 1103–1106, 1134, 1168
- Muñoz Marin, Luis, 1221, 1670, 1673
- Murchison, Clint, 1279
- Murphy, Francis T., 1497–1498, 1529
- Murphy, Robert D., 176–177, 178n , 260, 263, 567–568, 631–633, 648–649, 651, 653, 654n , 803–804, 808–810, 1118–1120, 1149–1151, 1208, 1237, 1277, 1311–1312, 1315, 1317, 1319–1320, 1321n , 1659–1661
- Murray, Thomas E., 149, 194
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949 (P.L. 329), 21–22, 26, 38, 118, 161, 171–172, 238, 991, 1037–1038
- Peru, 1493, 1496, 1499, 1502–1503
- Section 408(e), 1076–1077, 1086, 1329
- Venezuela, 1659, 1662, 1663n
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act of 1951 (Battle Act, P.L. 213), 31, 98, 124, 471, 718, 969
- Mutual Defense Assistance Programs (MDAP), 43, 90–91, 109, 115, 128, 169–171, 182–185, 478, 1280
- Mutual Security Acts (see also Military grant assistance programs under National security policy of the United States), 241, 1287
- Mutual Security Act of 1949, 1311
- Mutual Security Act of 1951
892–895, 967
- Grant military assistance programs under, 20, 122–123, 129–130, 137, 140, 144, 153–157, 535, 928–929, 938, 1275, 1378, 1468, 1471, 1473, 1493, 1535, 1536n , 1581, 1587, 1661
- Guatemala, 1027, 1039
- Haiti, 1255–1261
- Paraguay, 1468–1473
- Point IV Agreement, 881, 893–894
- Sections 401 and 501, 168, 1285, 1326
- Section 511(b) and 515, 1027
- Section 511(c), 1261
- Mutual Security Act of 1952, 132–133
- Mutual Security Act of 1954 (P.L. 665), 109, 114–115, 172, 174, 176–177, 1231, 1529–1530
- Mutual Security Agency, 895, 1609
- Mutual Security Programs, 125–126, 214, 223, 1005–1006, 1261
- Myers, L., 910–912
- Nash, Frank C., 152–153, 1275–1276, 1281–1282, 1311, 1659, 1661–1662, 1664–1665
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Fiscal Problems (NAC), 64, 207, 250–257, 267, 294, 323n , 585, 595–600, 608, 725, 760, 1520–1521, 1531–1534
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1277
- National Biscuit Company, 1617
- National Broadcasting Company, 443
- National City Bank loans to Chile, 57, 752
- National Coffee Association, 1088n .
- National Guard, U.S., 1339, 1341–1343, 1346
- National Gypsum Company, 104
- National Intelligence Estimates. See under National security policy of the United States.
- National Intelligence Estimates, Office of, 1031n
- National Lead Company, 887
- National Production Authority, 667, 1029
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 194–196, 224–226, 263
- Chile, 697, 707, 709n
- Colombia, 239, 803, 810
- Documents:
- NSC 29, 1948, 22
- NSC 56, 1950, 3, 20, 122–128, 132–135
- NSC 97, 1951, 1602
- NSC 144, 1953, 1–79, 164, 165n , 171–174, 193, 209, 294n , 325, 338, 1135n
- NSC 162, 1953, 76n , 77–78
- NSC 170, 1953, 4n
- NSC 5407, 208–217
- NSC 5509, 182–185
- NSC 5419, 1954, 67–80, 1129–1131, 1134–1136
- NSC 5422, 1954, 76–77
- NSC 5429, 1954, 78n
- NSC 5432, 1954, 65–115, 182–185, 335–338, 345–352, 758n , 1136n
- Eisenhower Report, 197
- Export-Import Bank, 294, 335n
- Guatemala, 1031n , 1074, 1111, 1119, 1129–1136, 1143
- Guatemalan revolution, 1181n
- Honduras, 1310–1311
- International Tin Agreement, 296
- Korean conflict, reimbursement policy, 119
- Meetings of, 2–6, 67–80, 146–147, 149–150, 194–196, 224–226, 304–306, 344–352, 1131–1136
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 169n , 182–184
- Panama, 1392n
- Peru, 1533
- Planning Board, 1, 65, 67, 72–79, 87n , 175, 191–194, 331, 347–348, 804, 1119, 1129n , 1131
- Rio Economic Conference, 342–353
- Senior Staff members, 1
- Standardization of the armed forces, 171n , 175
- Strategic materials, 23
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 294, 296, 304–306
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 5–6, 9–10, 44, 78–80, 82, 85–86, 146–147, 149–150
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 1–10, 26, 44, 65, 67–89, 257, 325, 347
- Venezuela, 165–166, 1600, 1603, 1605, 1611, 1619n , 1629, 1635n , 1639, 1653–1659
- National security policy of the United States (see also
Acts and bills
Congress, U.S.):
- An act to promote the defense of the United States (P.L. 11), 1522
- Defense Production Act, 75, 1504
- Estimated cost of, 10, 87, 396
- Goals of:
- Areas of strategic importance, 382, 396
- East-West trade in strategic materials, 8, 15, 31, 52, 64, 83, 98–99, 186–187, 329, 350–351, 397, 402, 1541
- Orderly political and economic development, 7–8, 81, 83–84, 203–204, 341, 366
- Stockpile purchases, 16, 66, 71, 76–77, 99, 209, 233, 313, 324–325, 329, 486, 489, 532–534, 922
- U.S. access to strategic materials, 7, 10, 23, 61, 111–112, 182, 186–187, 193, 548, 888, 1600–1613, 1625–1626, 1637, 1654–1656
- Hemispheric defense (see also under individual countries), 7, 81–83, 116–118, 122, 129, 150, 168, 176, 382, 515
- Intelligence Report No. 6185, Apr. 30, 1953, 1141
- Military Assistance Agreements (see also Agreements with the United States under individual countries), 38, 60, 117, 153–157, 161
- Military equipment purchases from non-U.S. sources, Latin American (see also Military equipment purchases: From Czechoslavakia under Guatemala), 25, 42–43, 63, 124–125, 128, 136, 147, 150, 167, 171–172, 174, 639
- Military equipment sales, 41–42, 44, 86, 109–110, 114, 146, 150, 174
- Military grant assistance programs (see also Mutual Security Acts), 38, 60, 109–110, 132–133, 140, 144–146, 168–169, 183
- Military standardization, 7, 43, 46, 62, 79–80, 82, 86, 114, 150, 171–174, 184, 813, 968–969, 1477
- Military training missions, 10, 86, 112–113, 127, 131, 138–140
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949 (P.L. 329). See Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949 .
- Mutual Security Acts. See Mutual Security Acts.
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- Non-U.S. military bases in Latin America, 9
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program, 1603
- Special Estimates, SE 21, 1392–1398
- “Standing Instructions for the Operation of United States Army Missions in Latin American Countries”, 1475–1477
- Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act of 1946 (Stock Piling Act, P.L. 520), 76
- Trading With the Enemy Act, Section 5(b), 1114–1115
- Nationalization Study Commission, 504–505
- Nato Jimenez, Captain, 1381
- Navy, Department of the:
- Argentina, 409n
- Bolivia, 547n
- Brazil, 656–657
- Ecuadar, 112, 143, 977–980, 985–986, 995
- Guatemala:
- Haiti, 38, 1269, 1275
- Honduras, 1306, 1309
- Latin Americans in U.S. military schools, 113
- Military Assistance Advisory Group, 139–140, 920
- Military installations, 39, 791
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 183
- Panama, 1392n
- Peru, 1500
- Shipping control stations, 161–162, 167
- Standardization of the armed forces, 172
- U.S. Mapping Program, 163–164
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 131–132, 152
- Uruguay, 1581, 1585
- Venezuela, 160, 1619n , 1645, 1672
- Neal, Jack D., 374–378, 834, 1000n , 1046, 1218, 1222, 1250, 1282, 1295, 1379–1380, 1383n
- Nebot Velasco, Jaime, 982–983, 987, 999
- Nehmer, Stanley, 207n
- Nelson, Phil, 1088, 1090
- Nes, David G., 935n
- Netherlands, 127, 148–149, 178–181, 800
- Netherlands Antilles, Netherlands and U.S. military assistance, 148–149, 178–181
- Netherlands colonies, 97
- Netherlands West Indies, 127, 148
- Neves da Fontura, João, 133, 571–575, 577, 579, 587–588, 591, 593–594, 602, 605, 609–614, 792
- New York and Honduras Rosario Mining Company, 1294, 1296
- Newbegin, Robert, 858n , 864, 916–918, 1229n , 1279, 1280n , 1282, 1284–1287, 1291n , 1316–1317, 1319, 1321n
- Newman, George S., 477n
- Nicaragua:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Air Force Mission Agreement, Nov. 19, 1952, 24
- Army Mission Agreement, 62
- Bilateral Military Assistance Agreement, Apr. 23, 1954, 60, 90, 109, 1085, 1378
- Bryan–Chamorro Treaty of 1914, 1370
- Double Taxation Treaty, 103
- Military Defense Agreement, Apr. 23, 1954, 1076
- Naval Mission Agreement, Nov. 19, 1953, 40
- Colombia, relations with, 1375
- Costa Rica, alleged invasion by, July 9, 1954, 848–855, 864–866, 1385
- Costa Rica, relations with, 96, 365, 371, 374–578, 379, 381, 396, 828, 844, 846, 852, 854–855, 857, 858, 862, 1043, 1373–1374, 1376–1390
- Cuba, relations with, 898
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 398
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 365
- Economic situation, 392, 1371–1372, 1375
- El Salvador, relations with, 1017–1018, 1024, 1376
- Export-Import Bank loans, 393, 1370, 1374
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan ceasefire, 1206
- Hemispheric defense role, 1375
- Honduras, relations with, 1119, 1376
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 1374
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development:
- Inter-American Highway, 1370
- Mexico, relations with, 1381
- Military equipment purchases, 1373
- Panama, relations with, 1377
- Panama Canal, cooperative defense of, 1373
- Peru, relations with, 1508
- Political situation, 380, 384, 387,
395, 1369–1370, 1375–1376,
- Presidential elections, 399
- Somoza assassination plot. See Assassination plot under Somoza Garcia, Anastasio.
- Private investments, 393
- Rama Road construction, 202–203, 1370
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 852, 1376, 1387
- United States, attitude toward, 1370, 1373, 1376
- U.S. Air Force Mission, 1375
- U.S. economic assistance, 1370–1371
- U.S. military assistance, 21–22, 24, 40, 60–62, 90, 100–110, 112, 145–146, 151–152, 161, 166, 168–169, 183–184, 390–391, 1073, 1077, 1123, 1372–1377
- U.S. policy toward, 1375–1377
- Venezuela, relations with, 371–378, 1373, 1377, 1385, 1667
- Agreements with the United States:
- Nichols, Clarence W., 746n
- Nickel Processing Corporation, 886
- Niergarth, Brig. Gen. Omer O., 1494
- Nieto del Rio, Félix, 116, 666, 670–672, 675–679
- Ninth International Conference of American Republics, Bogotá, Mar. 30 and May 2, 1948, 268, 1077
- Nixon, Richard M., 2, 51, 67–75, 77–78, 146, 149, 194, 224, 300, 304–305, 363, 622–623, 810, 1101, 1410
- Nolan, Charles P., 624, 782, 1651
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 197, 200, 293, 299, 477–478, 535–536, 990, 993–994, 1012–1013, 1041n , 1119n , 1234n , 1238, 1280–1282, 1529–1530, 1661–1663, 1672n
- Norell, Col. James A., 344
- Noriega Morales, Manuel, 1040
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 2, 39, 122, 124, 128, 136, 146, 161–162, 1113, 1126, 1588, 1597–1598
- Nufer, Albert F., 94, 245–246, 400n , 419, 421–422, 427–449, 452–454, 470–471, 476–477, 480, 484, 818–819, 874, 932n , 1027, 1104, 1565
- Nuñez, Padre, 1670
- Nuñez Rosales, José, 504
- Nyrop, Donald W., 780–781, 1330, 1333–1337
- Ocampos, Bernardo, 1471–1472, 1474, 1481–1484
- O’Connor, Lt. Col. George G., 125–126, 167
- O’Connor, James F., Jr., 446–447, 469
- O’Connor, Jim, 1088–1090
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 267n , 303n , 441, 449n , 939n , 1417n , 1448n
- Odría y Amoretti, Manuel A.:
- O’Dwyer, William, 1324, 1327–1328, 1332, 1335–1336
- Office of Defense Mobilization, 17, 46, 63, 66, 69, 74–76, 182n , 208n , 220, 647n , 704, 709, 723, 732–733, 742–743, 754, 889–892, 1517
- O’Hara, Robert E., 771n
- Ohmans, John L., 201n , 369–370, 374n , 821–825, 831n , 843–847, 850n , 1209n , 1303n , 1319, 1372, 1379n , 1384n , 1385n
- Olavarría Bravo, Arturo, 31, 693
- Olaya, Enrique, 781n , 782, 789, 800
- Old Colony Trust Company, 195
- Oliva Quintana, Maj. Enrique Trinidad, 1204–1205, 1207, 1210, 1224n , 1225
- Olmsted, Maj. Gen. George H., 128–129, 932, 933n , 971, 1499–1500, 1502–1503
- O’Mahoney, Joseph C., 1538, 1542
- Operations Coordinating Board, 44–45, 80, 81n , 89–115, 182, 208, 343–344, 361, 758–764, 1087, 1101n , 1135n , 1162n , 1212n , 1232, 1318
- Oreamuno, J. Rafael, 818–820, 822–824, 853
- Organization of American States:
- Bolivian tin negotiations, 486
- Brazilian role in, 634–635
- Canadian membership, 71–72
- Caribbean Legion, 395
- Chilean support of U.S. objectives in, 718
- Coffee situation, 665
- Communism in Guatemala, 1008–1009, 1076–1077, 1084, 1086, 1102–1105, 1107–1108, 1110–1111, 1116, 1118, 1123, 1127–1128, 1133, 1135, 1137, 1150–1153, 1155n , 1156n , 1157, 1160–1161, 1163–1164, 1168–1169, 1170n , 1172, 1214–1215, 1307
- Communism in Latin America, 30, 47, 83, 92–93, 279–280, 283–284, 290, 292, 299–300, 378, 937, 947, 1043, 1364, 1368
- Conference on the Continental Shelf, 91, 1518
- Costa Rica, relations with neighboring countries, 96, 850–851, 853
- Costa Rica-Nicaragua friendship pact, 1382, 1384, 1386n
- Costa Rican boycott of, 374
- Council of, 12–14, 30, 51, 92–93, 264n , 270, 274–277, 292, 1187
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan aggression, 1130–1131, 1135–1136
- Guatemalan ceasefire. See Organization of American States Conference.
- Guatemalan revolution, 1178–1179, 1182–1183, 1185–1188, 1195–1196, 1198, 1220, 1222
- Haiti, economic assistance to, 1257
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council. See under American Republics.
- Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Turrialba), 261
- Inter-American Juridical Committee, 274–275
- Inter-American Peace Committee (IAPC), 47–48, 92, 268, 1174, 1178–1180, 1185n , 1187, 1198, 1199n
- Latin American confidence in, 378, 396
- Latin American unity, 1465
- Panamanian security, 1452
- Regional economic groupings, 76
- Rio Economic Conference, 357
- Technical assistance, 919
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 271–273, 276–277
- U.S.-Argentine relations, 415, 463, 467, 690
- U.S.-Brazilian relations, 643
- U.S.-Costa Rican relations, 859, 862, 864
- U.S.-Cuban relations, 879
- U.S.-Guatemalan relations, 1028, 1073
- U.S.-Nicaraguan relations, 852
- U.S. economic assistance programs, 49, 55, 82, 88n , 89, 199, 201, 215, 237
- U.S. use of, 7–8, 10–11, 30, 46–47, 82, 89, 92–93, 96
- Uruguayan security, 1544
- Venezuelan support for U.S. policies, 1620, 1628
- Organization of American States Conference (“Montevideo Conference”, “Rio Conference”), 1152–1155, 1157, 1168
- Organization of Central American States, 14, 369, 371, 395, 1005, 1007, 1043, 1069, 1072, 1076, 1084, 1299, 1370, 1374
- Osegueda, Raúl, 828, 1053, 1072
Osorio, Lt. Col. Oscar:
- Communism in Latin America, 365, 1001, 1024
- Costa Rican Government, opposition to, 367, 1024–1025
- Coup d’état in El Salvador, 1001
- Guatemala, Salvadoran relations with, 367, 1002, 1020–1023, 1125
- Guatemalan ceasefire negotiations, 1196, 1199–1204, 1206–1207
- Guatemalans in El Salvador, 1008
- Military Assistance Agreement with the United States, 1016–1018, 1025
- Personal qualities, 1004
- Somoza Garcia, Anastasio, relations with, 1024
- Support for, 386, 1001
- U.S. military assistance to El Salvador, 1010, 1013, 1015, 1017–1018
- United States, Salvadoran relations with, 94–95, 371, 1013, 1016, 1023
- Osvaldo Olivieri, Rear Adm. Aníbal, 113
- Otáñez, Aureliano, 334, 372, 851, 858, 1103, 1598, 1652, 1666
- Overby, Andrew N., 54, 67, 72–77, 79, 206, 253, 294, 343, 352–360, 528–530, 597–598, 661–662, 703n , 706–707, 764, 1513n , 1532, 1545–1546
- Pacheco, Col. Humberto, 1380–1382
- Padilla Nervo, Luis, 305, 1153, 1341, 1344, 1347–1348, 1350, 1361–1364, 1367–1368
- Pan American Airways, 1079, 1294, 1335, 1638–1639, 1651
- Pan American Bank, 322
- Pan American Grace Lines, 443, 538–539, 544, 998, 1128, 1233
- Pan American Highway Congress, 54
- Pan American Highway construction, 1039
- Pan American Society, 314
- Pan American Union, 3n , 11, 82, 264n , 269n , 272–277, 282–283, 286–289
- Panama:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Canal Treaty of 1903 Convention, 1436, 1452–1453, 1455–1457, 1460–1466
- Canal Treaty of 1903 Convention, Executive Agreement of 1942, 1403, 1407, 1411, 1419–1420
- Canal Treaty of 1903 Convention, modification, Jan. 25, 1955, 27–28, 36, 46, 50, 995, 1466n
- Canal Treaty of 1903 Convention, Panamanian proposals for modifications, 1955, 1423–1426, 1430
- Canal Treaty of 1903 Convention, revisions, 1936, 1407–1408, 1411, 1414–1417, 1429
- General Relations Agreement of 1942, 1457
- Argentina, relations with, 426
- Bolivian tax claims against, 538–539, 544
- Canal Zone (see also
Canal Treaties
under Agreements with the United States, above), 1402–1403, 1405, 1407–1415
- Defense of, 1373
- Government, 1438–1439, 1454
- Sovereignty, 397, 1453, 1455
- Strategic importance, 151, 382, 396
- Taxation of employees, 1422, 1424, 1428–1429, 1435–1436, 1456, 1460
- U.S. military schools in, 24, 41, 90, 112
- U.S. treatment of Panamanian labor in, 1394, 1408, 1418–1419, 1429, 1433, 1434, 1437, 1440–1442, 1445
- U.S. troops in, 1451–1452
- Costa Rica, relations with, 365, 828, 852, 866
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 398
- Economic situation, 46, 52, 391, 1391–1396, 1403, 1405
- Export-Import Bank loans, 393
- Export-Import Bank policies, 1405
- Fuerza y Luz Utility Company, 1400–1401
- Guatemalan Communist situation, 1444–1445, 1447, 1449–1452
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 33, 57, 393
- Inter-American Highway construction, 202–203
- La Hora, 1407, 1409
- Nicaragua, relations with, 1377
- Panama Canal Company, 1419, 1422, 1423, 1427, 1438, 1445, 1446, 1448, 1454
- Panama Railroad Company, 1424, 1427
- Political situation, 380, 384, 387, 1391–1400, 1403, 1409, 1412–1413, 1436
- Private investments, 52–53, 309, 393
- Supreme Court of, 1401
- United Fruit Company, 103, 393, 1394
- United States, attitude toward, 1392, 1394, 1401–1403, 1407, 1409, 1416, 1419, 1426, 1430, 1436, 1449–1451, 1455, 1465
- U.S. commitments to, 1408, 1411, 1419, 1448
- U.S. competition with Panamanian business, 218, 296, 302, 1420, 1428, 1434
- U.S. economic assistance, 114, 218–219, 1391, 1396, 1401, 1404, 1406, 1418, 1433, 1435, 1450, 1453, 1454n , 1455, 1456, 1458, 1465
- U.S. military assistance, 183, 391
- U.S. military base in, 382
- U.S. tax on air, maritime, and land passages, 309–310
- Venezuela, relations with, 1667
- West Indian immigrants in, 1439
- World Bank:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Paraguaná, Octavio, 661–662, 665, 1545–1546
- Paraguay:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Argentina:
- Argentine military missions, 1467, 1479
- Asunción water system, 247, 1489–1490
- Brazil, relations with, 643, 1476–1480
- Economic situation, 210, 247–248, 1469–1472
- Export-Import Bank loans, 247, 1487, 1489–1490
- Foreign Office of, 1474, 1477, 1484
- Hemispheric defense role, 1469, 1475
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 1469, 1472, 1487
- International Monetary Fund, 105, 1467–1469
- Korean conflict, 1477
- Lend-lease payments, 1467
- Military equipment purchases from the United States, 1486–1488
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 1468–1473
- Peru, relations with, 1508
- Political situation, 1469, 1488
- Tung oil exports, 99
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 1477
- U.N. technical assistance, 1470, 1482
- United States, relations with, 1472, 1475–1476, 1478
- U.S. economic assistance, 1467–1472, 1480–1486
- Point IV programs, 1468–1473
- U.S. Federal Reserve Board, 1469
- U.S. military assistance, 24, 40, 62, 112, 183, 1471, 1473
- U.S.-Paraguayan Joint Commission for Economic Development, 1480–1486
- U.S. recognition of the new government, 1489
- U.S. technical assistance, 1469, 1481, 1485
- Uruguay, relations with, 1582
- Parker, Jameson, 358
- Parra Urzua, Col. Abdón, 29
- Parrinello, Col. Enrique, 1189, 1191–1192, 1194
- Pastrana, Misael, 767, 789
- Patterson, James T., 696
- Patterson, Richard C., Jr., 1072
- Paublini-Guevara, Dimas, 160
- Paulino Alvarez, Gen. Anselmo A., 954
- Pawley, William D., 1104n , 1117, 1154, 1160, 1170–1171, 1186
- Paz Estenssoro, Víctor:
- Paz Hipólito, Jesús, 27, 421, 423, 434, 453
- Pearson, Drew, 302
- Pearson, Norman M., 65n , 164n , 187–189, 650n , 1160, 1163, 1170, 1171n , 1178, 1180n , 1186, 1346n
- Pedersen, Alfred J., 1300
- Peixoto, Alzira Vargas de, 615n , 626
- Peixoto, Amaral, 615
- Pellecer, 1192
- Peña, Angel Florentin, 1471
- Peña, Pedro Hugo, 1471
- Pena Batlle, Manuel A., 935, 944
- Penzini Hernández, Juan, 1648–1649
- People’s Progressive Party, 29
- Peralta Azurdia, Col. Enrique, 42
- Peralta Salazar, José María, 1021, 1200, 1202, 1206
- Pereira, Tomás Romera, 1488
Pérez Jiménez, Col. Marcos:
- Air Agreement with the United States, 1651–1652
- Appointment to the presidency, 1635–1637, 1646
- Betancourt regime, overthrow of, 1373, 1621n
- Costa Rican Government, opposition to, 367, 374, 381, 387, 396, 399, 858, 861, 866, 1667, 1670
- Guatemalan Government, opposition to, 367
- Military assistance to Latin American countries, 1587–1589
- Opposition to, 377, 836, 839, 1636
- Petroleum exports to the United States, 1649–1650, 1652
- Support for, 1654
- United States, Venezuelan relations with, 95, 372, 1596, 1637, 1647–1650, 1670–1672, 1674–1675
- U.S. military assistance to Venezuela, 1596–1597, 1599, 1639–1642, 1650–1651, 1665
- U.S. technical assistance to Venezuela, 334
Perón, Juan Domingo:
- “Act of Santiago”, 463
- Argentine armed forces, relations with, 412, 414–415, 456–457, 461, 464
- Chile, economic agreement with, 719
- Communism in Argentina, 31, 401, 408, 413, 425, 432–433, 439, 445, 456, 458–459, 463, 465, 482, 1170
- Communism in Latin America, 441–442, 472
- Economic development, 445–446, 452–453, 465
- Economic policies, 416–418, 455, 456, 459–460, 476
- Foreign policy, 411, 415, 418, 461–462
- Influence in Latin America, 416, 424–425, 462, 466, 492–493, 643, 690, 713, 718–719, 808, 963, 1376, 1384, 1505, 1508
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 690
- Leadership qualities, 245, 412
- Military involvement outside Argentina, 401, 466
- Organized labor, 412–413, 457–459, 464
- Political opposition to, 414, 458, 464
- Political policies of, 412, 425–426, 473–474
- Political support for, 401; 410–412, 414, 455–457, 458
- Private investments in Argentina, 52, 434, 443–445, 450–452, 465–466, 469–470, 484
- Reelection of, 413n
- Rio Economic Conference, 481
- Roman Catholic Church, 414, 457
- Soviet Union, Argentine relations with, 434, 438, 466
- United States, Argentine relations with, 246, 405–406, 409, 411, 418–423, 426–428, 430–443, 449–451, 462, 465, 467–468, 470–471, 473, 481–482, 488, 1564, 1570
- U.S. import quotas, 453–454
- U.S. military assistance, 445–446, 477–478
- U.S. political recognition of, 403, 420, 422
- U.S. public opinion of, 404, 436, 438, 450
- U.S. technical assistance to Argentina, 334, 445–446
- Uruguay, Argentine relations with, 1563, 1569
- Wool situation, 444
- Perón, Maria Eva Duarte de, 403, 406, 408, 410, 412–415, 417, 421n , 422, 457
- Perry, Hart, 293
- Persons, Maj. Gen. Wilton B., 146, 224, 300, 344, 363
- Peru:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Army Mission agreements, June 20, 1949, Mar. 18, and Apr. 20, 1954, 40
- Military Assistance Agreement, 1952, 1491
- Military Aviation Mission Agreement of 1946, 1502
- Peru Settlement Arrangement, 1528
- Plan of the Governments of the United States of America and Peru for Their Common Defense, 1952, 1491
- Stabilization Fund, 1513
- Agricultural development, 1492
- American Bondholders Committee, 1510
- American Smelting and Refining Company, 104–105, 241, 1504, 1516–1517, 1520, 1531
- Anaconda Copper Company, 1531
- Argentina, relations with, 1507–1508, 1526
- Aymará Indians, 1507n
- Bolivia, relations with, 556, 1505, 1507–1508
- Brazil, relations with, 643, 1493
- British Bondholders Committee, 1510–1511
- Chase National Bank loan, 240, 1513
- Chile, relations with, 1508, 1519
- Colombia, relations with, 1511
- Haya de la Torre asylum case, 48, 158, 265–266, 268, 1514–1516
- Continental shelf, 1518
- Copper development, 17, 33, 99–100, 104–105, 206, 1504, 1508
- Cotton, 1508
- DuPont insecticides plant, 214
- Economic situation, 56–57, 210, 212, 1497, 1505–1509, 1511–1514, 1523
- Ecuador, relations with, 11, 47–48, 158, 996–997, 1506–1509, 1511, 1519
- Export-Import Bank loans, 33, 99–100, 241, 1492, 1516, 1520, 1525, 1531–1534
- Guatemala, relations with, 1054
- Hemispheric defense role, 1496
- Import Certificate and Delivery Verification System, 98
- Imports, 1508–1509, 1513
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 54, 100, 204, 1492, 1510
- International Monetary Fund loans, 57, 106, 240, 1512–1513
- International Sugar Agreement of 1954, 1510
- Iron ore development loans, 33
- Kennecott Copper Corporation, 1520, 1531
- Klein Mission, 1525
- Lead, 240, 1507, 1508, 1511
- Lend-lease settlement, 1497–1499, 1521–1530
- Marcona Mining Company, 1492
- Maritime zones, 1518–1519
- Military equipment purchases from the United States, 1499, 1502–1503
- Mexico, relations with, 398
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 1493, 1496, 1499, 1502–1503
- Mutual Security Acts, 1493, 1529–1530
- Nicaragua, relations with, 1508
- Paraguay, relations with, 1508
- Petroleum development, 210, 1493, 1508
- Political situation, 398, 1508, 1515
- Private investments, 309
- Protocol of Peace, Friendship and Boundaries Between Peru and Ecuador, Jan. 29, 1942, 1507
- Sea transportation, 1508
- Southern Peru Copper Corporation, 1534n
- Sugar, 1510
- Toquepala mine project, 17, 33, 99–100, 206, 241, 296, 1504, 1510, 1516–1517, 1520, 1530–1534
- Tuna fish, 1507
- United Kingdom, debt to, 204, 240
- United States, attitude toward, 13, 1493, 1508, 1515, 1527
- U.S. contractual obligations to, 103
- U.S. Defense Production Act, 1504
- U.S. economic assistance, 210, 1497, 1509,
1511–1514, 1516–1517, 1521–1530
- Point IV programs, 1506
- U.S. fishing interests, 1518
- U.S. military assistance, 26, 38, 40, 42, 62, 109–110, 112, 114, 116, 122–123, 127, 131, 133–134, 141–142, 144, 177, 183–185, 1491–1496, 1499–1503, 1505, 1529–1530
- U.S. surplus food aid, 236
- U.S. technical assistance, 1505
- U.S. trade restrictions on lead and zinc, 240, 1508
- Uranium program 1506
- Wheat transaction, 1529
- World Bank loans, 1525
- Zinc, 240, 1507, 1508, 1511
- Agreements with the United States:
- Peterson, Robert R., 891
- Peurifoy, John E., 1021–1022, 1091–1095, 1098n , 1100, 1104, 1127–1128, 1152, 1155–1156, 1162, 1180–1182, 1188–1199, 1202–1211, 1213, 1218–1221, 1222n , 1223, 1224n , 1225–1227
- Pheiffer, William T., 944–946, 950–952, 954–955, 960–963
- Phelan, George, 1647–1648, 1651
- Phelps, Phelps, 949–950
- Philipp, Cedric C., 878n , 938n
- Phillips, Ruby Hart, 876
- Phleger, Herman, 1209, 1572–1573
- Picado Michalski, Teodoro, 387, 396, 858
- Piper, John Drake, 1233
- Pittaluga, Fructuoso, 1548–1549, 1559n , 1560–1561
- Plaza Lasso, Galo, 689, 970
- Poland, 31, 92, 398
- Pollard, George M., 1027
- Ponce, L. Neftalí, 966–968, 976n
- Popper, David H., 1182n
- Popular Socialist Party, 389
- Porter, Brig. Gen. Robert W., Jr., 304, 325
- Potter, Margaret Hardy, 1538n
- Prado Velez, Martín, 1222, 1225
- Prat Echaurren, Jorgé, 306, 755–757, 759, 761, 763–764
- Pratt, Albert, 344
- Prebisch, Raul, 307
- Price, Leonard H., 1281n
- Price Stabilization, Office of, 685
- Prio Soccarás, Carlos, 867–868, 871, 873, 876, 886–888, 898–899
- Program Plan for Technical Cooperation in Latin America 1955, 259–262
- Proudfit, Arthur, 1592–1593, 1594n , 1595–1597, 1599
- Public Roads, Bureau of, 1045, 1234
- Puerto Rico, 108, 1068
- Puiggros, Rodolfo, 413, 432
- Quiroz, Col. Rodolfo, 1380, 1382
- Rabasa, Oscar, 1327–1328, 1338
- Rabb, Maxwell M., 300, 303n
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 67, 68n , 78–79, 632, 648–649, 655, 808–809, 863, 1120, 1122
- Radkins, Walter, 45n , 342
- Rafferty, William A., 1028–1029, 1046
- Rama Road, 3, 8, 18, 34, 49, 55, 84, 87, 88, 102, 201–203, 213, 218–219, 237, 302, 1370
- Ramey, Maj. Gen. R. M., 1013
- Ramos Santos, Gen. Matias, 21
- Rand, William M., 149, 300, 1162
- Randall, Col. Carey A., 344
- Randall, Clarence B., 72n , 214n , 300, 482, 736n
- Randall Commission Report, 72, 214, 232, 256
- Randolph, Archibald R., 419
- Rankin, J. Lee, 1348–1349, 1354–1355
- Ráo, Vicente, 334, 624, 626–627, 650, 1106, 1170–1171
- Ravndal, Christian M., 1549
- Reciprocal Trade Act of 1934 (P.L. 316), 72
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) (see also under Bolivia), 193, 646n , 981n
- Redmond, Kenneth H., 829
- Reed, Daniel A., 696
- Regional American Affairs, Office of, 1160
- Reid, Gordon S., 1000, 1295–1301
- Remón, Sra., 1409, 1416, 1433, 1437
Remón Cantera, José Antonio:
- Communism in Latin America, 390, 1444–1445, 1447
- Costa Rican Government, opposition to, 367, 866
- Guatemalan Government, opposition to, 367, 1153
- Inauguration of, 1043
- Opposition to, 1393, 1455, 1459
- Panama Canal, 397–398, 1407–1409, 1412, 1415, 1417, 1420–1422, 1426, 1428, 1430, 1432, 1436, 1456, 1458–1459
- Panama Canal Zone, U.S. labor policy in, 295, 1422, 1429, 1433, 1441, 1443
- Presidential election, 1392–1393, 1396–1397
- Support for, 387, 1392–1393, 1396, 1436
- United States, Panamanian relations with, 28, 36, 1401, 1405–1406, 1409–1410, 1412–1413, 1430, 1433, 1459, 1462, 1466
- Remorino, Jerónimo, 15, 407, 422, 428, 433–435, 439, 452–454, 467–468, 484
- Renner, Captain, 473, 484
- Requeña, Andres, 948
- Research for American Republics, Division of, 1143, 1145, 1147
- Restrepo-Jaramillo, Cipriano, 767–777, 780, 782–786, 789–790, 795–796, 800–801
- Reyna, Manuel, 1592, 1594, 1615–1616, 1618
- Reynolds Metals Company, 104
- Rhee, Syngman, 1569
- Ribeiro de Carvalho, Sylvia, 615
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 178, 648n , 769, 785, 792, 808–809, 1119, 1237–1238
- Rio Economic Conference of 1954
(Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter-American Economic and Social
Council) (see also under individual countries), 45, 57, 70, 89, 93, 313–364, 651, 664, 1283, 1674–1675
- Colombian resolution, 357
- Ecuadoran resolution, 359
- Impact on U.S. policy, 90
- News coverage of, 107
- Regional trade arrangements, 337, 349, 353
- Sub-Cabinet Committee for, 313, 315, 319, 321–328, 332n , 335, 337–342
- Taxation and tax treaties, Resolution 69/54, 91
- Tourism and transportation, 356
- U.S. positions, 94, 99, 103–104, 314–364
- Rio Protocol of 1942 (Protocol of Peace, Friendship, and Boundaries Between Peru and Ecuador, Jan. 29, 1942), 990, 1507
- Rio Treaty of 1954. See Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.
- Rivas, Joublanc, 1327
- Rivas Montesa, 1380–1381
- Robbins, Laurence B., 646–647
- Robinson, Hamlin, 1229n
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 300, 765, 1593
- Roddan, Edward L., 1536n , 1537, 1542–1544, 1548–1550, 1558, 1559n , 1562–1564, 1577
- Roderick, George H., 562, 1434, 1454
- Rodriguez, Mario, 677, 682, 685, 699
- Rodriguez Capote, Pedro, 868
- Rogers, Col., 1379
- Rogers, William P., 67
- Roijen, Jan Herman van, 148
- Rojas Pinilla, Lt. Gen. Gustavo:
- Romero Padilla, Emilio, 1526–1527
- Romualdi, Serafino, 1040, 1294
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 695
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 588, 617, 1092, 1370, 1406–1407
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1409, 1453
- Roosevelt , U.S.S., visit to Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, and Peru, 51
- Root, Elihu, 617
- Rosa, Joseph, 314n
- Rose, H. Chapman, 1558n
- Roseman, Alvin, 321, 323
- Rosenberg Rivera, Maj. Jaime, 1191–1192
- Ross, Emerson A., 602, 1278
- Ross, Stanley, 1072
- Rossbach, J. Howard, 596–597
- Rosseti, Juan B., 697–698
- Rossi, Jorge, 838, 1389
- Rovensky, Joseph C., 508
- Rowntree, R. Henry, 494
- Rubber research in Latin America (see also Rubber programs under Haiti: Société Haitiane-Américaine de Développement Agricole), 207–208, 219–221, 947, 953
- Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., 878n , 1041n , 1048–1049, 1240n , 1268n , 1325–1326, 1338, 1613–1619
- Ruiz Cortines, Adolfo:
- Russell, Gerald W., 622n
- Russell, William F., 323
- Ryno, Brooks, 1046
- Ryss, Murray, 783n
- St. Joseph Lead Company, 448
- Sajma, S.S., 1124–1125
- Saladrigas y Zayas, Carlos, 869, 873–874, 908
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 713
- Salazar, Carlos, 1204
- Salazar, Mario Héctor, 370, 1004, 1009
- Salazar Gática, Carlos, 1227
- Saldias, Roque A., 1500, 1506–1511
- Salinas Carranza, Brig. Gen. Alberto, 1327–1328
- Sanchez, Col. José Angel, 1112, 1189–1194, 1197
- Sánchez, Arango, Aureliano, 867, 874
- Sanchez, Taboada, Gen. Rodolfo, 113
- Sanders, 1160, 1162, 1170, 1178, 1186
- Sandifer, Durward V., 467–468
- Santa Cruz, Hernán, 668
- Santos, Eduardo, 815
- Saona, Col. Mario, 28
- Saravia, Lt. Col. J. Antonio G., 1192
- Sarmanho, Walter, 587, 601, 626–627
- Sarti, Lt. Col. Carlos, 1189, 1191
- Sauer, Walter C., 528
- Sawyer, Charles, 576
- Sayre, Robert M., 10n , 26n , 45n , 136, 157, 162n , 164–165, 168, 560, 1009–1012, 1013n , 1234n , 1486, 1662n , 1671n
- Schael, Lt. Col. Federico, 1597–1598
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 1333n , 1335
- Schneider, J. Thomas, 599
- Schoenfeld, H. F. Arthur, 966n
- Schoenfeld, Rudolf E., 1039–1041, 1046–1048, 1052–1054, 1059, 1087, 1104
- Schuweiler, Melvin L., 321
- Scott, Walter K., 294n , 1094n , 1177, 1208–1209
- Seaton, Fred A., 344
- Second Congress of Latin American Universities, attempted Communist infiltration of, 59
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 596–597
- Senate. See under Congress, U.S.
- Servicios, 215, 236–237
- Sevilla-Sacasa, Guillermo, 369–370, 846, 850–851, 862, 898, 1042–1043, 1179, 1369, 1372–1374, 1377–1378, 1383–1384, 1386
- Sevilla-Sacasa, Oscar, 854, 1382, 1388
- Seybold, Brig. Gen. John S., 1434, 1440, 1460–1463
- Shanley, Bernard M., 300, 363
- Shannon, Spencer S., 494
- Sharkey, Col. Thomas W., 120, 404n
- Shaw, George P., 1468–1486
- Shaw, Col. Lawrence E., 1587–1589, 1641
- Shaw, William, 1285
- Shea, Andrew B., 538
- Shepard, John, 1046
- Shepherd, Gen. Lemuel C., Jr., 344
- Shields, Robert H., 911
- Shillock, John C., Jr., 1467n , 1468n , 1486n
- Siciliano, Rocco C., 224
- Sikes, Robert L. F., 847
- Siles Zuazo, Hermán, 492, 507–509, 550
- Simmons, John F., 936–937, 1507, 1568–1569
- Simpson, Richard M., 1342n , 1560, 1649n , 1652n
- Simpson Bill, 1342, 1558–1560, 1649, 1652–1653
- Siracusa, Ernest V., 365–366, 441n , 818–819, 823, 1027, 1037–1038, 1043n , 1044, 1088n , 1371–1372, 1399
- Sisco, Joseph J., 803n , 809n , 810–811
- Slezak, John, 1454
- Smathers, George A., 236, 364
- Smith, Margaret Chase, 297, 1091n
- Smith, Marshall, 253
- Smith, Raymond C., 1288
- Smith, Col. Sydney T., 1486–1488
- Smith, Col. Valentine, 1262, 1264–1265
Smith, Walter Bedell:
- Argentina, 436n , 437–440
- Bolivia, 243n , 529, 534, 543, 559–560
- Brazil, 4, 607, 608n , 621, 628–631, 647, 650, 651n
- Canada, 71
- Chile, 721–722, 739–742, 744–746
- Colombia, 808, 809n
- Communism, 279, 299–300, 303, 367
- Costa Rica, 829–830, 831n , 841, 853, 862–863
- Cuba, 899–900
- Dominican Republic, 938–939, 942n
- Economic development, 68–71, 74–76, 203, 302, 366
- Ecuador, 142–144
- El Salvador, 169
- Export-Import Bank, 74, 206, 250n , 251–254, 299
- Guatemala, 1055–1056, 1094n , 1095n , 1098–1100, 1101n , 1228–1230
- Guatemalan revolution, 1186
- Honduras, 169, 1313
- Mexico, 69, 1346, 1353–1354, 1359–1360
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 171n
- Nicaragua, 1377–1378, 1384, 1389
- Panama, 1402, 1404, 1408, 1410, 1426–1427, 1429n , 1441
- Peru, 1506–1507, 1518–1519, 1531
- Private investment in Latin America, 5
- Rio Economic Conference, 71, 330
- Standardization of the armed forces, 79
- Stockpiling policy, 76–77
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 230, 266n , 267n , 271–277, 279, 299–300
- Trade barriers and tariffs, 72–73, 330
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 149–150
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 2–5, 10–43, 65, 67–68, 293, 303
- Uruguay, 1571–1572, 1574
- Venezuela, 1603–1604, 1652n –1653n
- Smith Act, 1072
- Smithfield Packing House, 434
- Snyder, John W., 119, 600n , 770–772, 1539–1540
- Sol Castellanos, Jorge Arturo, 370, 1009n
- Solera, Jaime, 852, 1389
- Solórzano, Alfonso, 688, 695n , 1059
- Somoza, Salvadora De Bayle de, 1369
- Somoza De Bayle, Anastasio, 853, 1043, 1369, 1375
- Somoza De Bayle, Luis, 1369
Somoza Garcia, Anastasio:
- Assassination plot, April 1954, 371, 375, 379, 396, 571, 844n , 852n , 857, 865, 1099, 1378–1385, 1389–1390
- Communism in Latin America, 365, 1377
- Costa Rica, threatened invasion of, 848, 850–852, 854
- Costa Rican Government, opposition to, 96, 367, 372, 376–377, 379, 381, 396, 399, 828, 853, 858, 861, 865–866, 1043, 1376, 1386–1388
- Cuba, Nicaraguan relations with, 898
- Economic development in Nicaragua, 1370, 1372
- El Salvador, Nicaraguan relations with, 1017–1018, 1024, 1376
- Guatemalan Government, opposition to 367, 1042
- Guatemalan ceasefire negotiations, 1206
- Honduras, military support for, 1119
- Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica, 376, 1386–1389
- Opposition to, 395, 852
- Personal qualities of, 1369–1370, 1376
- Support for, 387, 1375
- United States, Nicaraguan relations with, 373, 433, 854, 1369–1370, 1376–1377, 1383–1384, 1387–1389
- U.S. military assistance to Nicaragua, 1375–1376
- Sorenson, William F., 363
- Sosa Molina, José Humberto, 407, 453
- Sourdis, Evaristo, 806, 809n , 811–812
- South American Affairs, Office of, 420, 498, 602, 1516, 1527
- South Puerto Rico Sugar Company, 104, 948
- Southard, Frank A., Jr., 528–531, 600n , 760, 1468, 1545–1546
- Soviet Union:
- Argentina, relations with, 15
- Brazil, relations with, 634, 635
- Chile, relations with, 689–690, 692, 726–727, 735
- Cuba, relations with, 871
- Guatemala, relations with, 1082
- Strategic materials, interest in, 98
- Trade offensive in Latin America, 98
- U.N. Security Council Resolution S/3236, 1178, 1182–1184, 1214
- Uruguay, trade with, 1541, 1582
- Venezuela, relations with, 1627, 1646
- Sowash, William B., 1408n , 1409n , 1410n , 1414–1416, 1418n , 1434n , 1452–1453
- Spain, 797–798, 870, 961, 1054
- Spalding, Hobart A., 120n , 419, 818, 823
- Spanel, A. N., 505, 517
- Sparks, Edward J., 27, 89n , 260–263, 502–504, 506, 510, 517, 522, 524–525, 527–528, 531, 542–546, 569n , 757, 763, 816–817, 858n , 861–862, 864, 924, 997–999, 1170, 1178, 1186, 1317–1320, 1321n , 1596, 1676
- Special Inter-Agency Committee on Vulnerability of Foreign Sources of Strategically Important Materials, 23
- Spence, Brent, 28n
- Spencer, George O., 125–126, 131n , 132n , 136, 137n , 142n , 144n , 157, 162, 176n , 557n , 560, 605n , 631n , 816–817, 823n , 938, 972–974, 976n , 982, 985n , 1013, 1019n , 1237n , 1268–1269, 1281n , 1308n , 1311n , 1529n , 1659n
- Springsfjord, S. S., 1188
- Staats, Elmer B., 45n , 335n , 758n , 764, 1212n
- Stalin, Joseph V., 1072, 1092
- Stambaugh, Lynn U., 447, 528, 1532
- Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, 1258, 1294, 1296, 1307
- Standard Fruit Company, Honduran strikes, 1118
- Standard Oil of New Jersey, 431, 443, 1634, 1640
- Stark, Adm. Harold R., 649
Stassen, Harold E.:
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 194, 224
- Bolivia, 49, 200, 242, 534–536, 567–568
- Chile, 754–755, 763–765
- Economic development, 3, 69–70, 73, 75–76, 223, 237, 261
- Export-Import Bank, 74, 251–252, 254
- Guatemala, 1133–1134, 1161, 1162n , 1228, 1230n , 1237, 1238n
- Investment opportunities, 226, 228–229, 323
- Peru, 1529
- Program development, 258, 260
- Rio Economic Conference, 321–325, 327, 339, 344, 349–351, 361, 363
- Rubber research programs, 207, 219–221
- Stockpiling policy, 77, 324–325
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 304
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 146, 168–169, 1019n , 1378
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 2, 67, 303n
- Uruguay, 1575
- Venezuela, 238, 1661–1662, 1663n
- Steelman, John R., 448, 684, 1593, 1599
- Stenger, Jerome J., 595n
- Stevens, Robert T., 13, 344, 557–562, 855, 860
- Stewart, Charles Allan, 155, 162, 691, 831, 834–839, 858–859, 1673
- Stewart, Maj. Gen. George C., 779, 788, 990–991, 993–995, 1012, 1280–1282
- Stohl, Ralph N., 304
- Stowe, David, 1325–1326, 1334n , 1335–1338
- Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act of 1946 (Stock Piling Act, P.L. 520), 76
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 149, 195, 1132
- Streibert, Theodore C., 344, 764
- Stroessner, Gen. Alfredo, 13, 334, 1474, 1478, 1487–1488
- Stroh, Claire, 1502
- Strong, Thomas S., 186n , 187n
- Stuart, Douglas, 632, 1550–1558
- Stull, Lee Thompson, 935
- Suárez Flamerich, Germán, 1621n
- Sugar Act of 1948 (P.L. 388), 99, 901–903, 910–913, 921, 925–926, 1267, 1510–1511
- Sugar Act of 1951, 92, 902, 910, 913–914, 917, 922, 925
- Sullivan & Cromwell, 1097
- Sulzberger, Arthur, 1132
- Summerfield, Arthur, E., 298, 300, 363
- Swensrud, Sidney A., 1593
- Swift International (International Packers), 430, 469
- Taft, Robert A., 955
- Taft, William Howard, 1409, 1453
- Talbott, Harold E., 344
- Tariff Act of 1930 (P.L. 361), 72, 1538, 1560
- Tariff Commission, 63, 1590, 1592, 1594, 1599, 1601, 1605–1606, 1609–1611, 1629–1630, 1632, 1639
- Tate, Jack B., 190, 510
- Taylor, A. Thomas, 469–470, 1564–1566
- Taylor, James H., 344
- Technical Cooperation Administration, 17, 626, 825–826, 884–886, 1004–1005, 1249–1251, 1253–1254, 1256–1257, 1260–1261, 1293, 1302–1303
- Technical Cooperation Program, 101–102, 105
- Tello, Manuel, 1324, 1336, 1348, 1354–1356
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, Caracas, 1954, 45, 46, 158, 205n
, 264–292,
367, 734, 736, 808–809, 865, 1356, 1660
- Agency for tin, lead, zinc, copper, and tungsten, 308
- Colonies and Occupied Territories resolution 269, 306
- Committee for Cultural Action, 273, 275
- Diplomatic and territorial asylum, 270, 312
- Guatemalan-Venezuelan relations, 1054
- Inter-American Institute of Technological Research, proposed, 309
- Latin American economic situation, 306–311
- Military cooperation, 278
- Preparatory committee, 270
- Protocol to the convention on duties and rights of states in the event of civil strife, 270
- Resolution XXIII, Inter-American Commission of Women, 275–276
- Resolution LXVIII, Reduction of Barriers to Inter-American Trade, 310
- Resolution LXXIV, Agrarian Reform and Economic Development, 308, 310–311
- Resolution LXXV, 239
- Resolution XCIII, Declaration of Solidarity for the Preservation of the Political Integrity of the American States Against the Intervention of International Communism, 47–48, 51, 60, 83, 265, 270–271, 279–292, 299–301, 303, 308, 309, 397–398, 468, 475–476, 1133–1134, 1137, 1183, 1363
- Taxation treaties, 53, 265–266
- U.S.-Argentine relations, 480–481
- U.S. position on economic matters, 306–312
- Venezuelan release of political prisoners as criterion for location of, 375
- Theard, Daniel, 1267
- Thomas, Charles S., 1165
- Thomen, Luis Francisco, 936–937, 939–941, 942n , 944, 948, 1042
- Thorp, Willard L., 190, 407n , 485–490, 623n , 669, 769n , 1331, 1333n , 1335, 1337, 1538–1542, 1559, 1603–1604
- Thurston, Walter, 1352
- Tinoco, Roberto, 858
- Tito, Marshal Josip Broz, 433–434, 1569
- Tittmann, Harold H., Jr., 1104, 1491–1495, 1497, 1499–1500, 1505, 1512, 1524, 1526
- Tolerund, Otto, 480–481
- Tomlinson, Edward, 431
- Tompkins, William F., 67
- Toner, Cmdr. R. J., 978–979, 990n , 993
- Topping, John L., 559n , 562, 567–568, 889n , 899–900, 918
- Toriello Garrido, Guillermo, 32n , 290, 569, 1044–1055, 1057–1061, 1072, 1095–1098, 1102, 1127–1128, 1155–1156, 1180–1182, 1186, 1188–1189
- Toriello Garrido, Jorge, 1188
- Torreblanca, Edecio, 691–692
- Torres, Ary F., 601, 613, 615
- Torres, Mario, 512
- Trade Agreements Act of 1934, 1560, 1628–1629
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951, 1590, 1601, 1605–1606, 1609, 1629, 1631–1632, 1649, 1652–1653
- Trading with the Enemy Act, 1114–1115
- Treasury, Department of the:
- Argentina, 452n , 453, 467
- Bolivia, 243
- Brazil, 249, 614, 658
- Chile, 244, 758, 764
- Colombia, 769–770, 772, 786–787
- Cuba, 879, 923
- Economic development, 66, 294, 326
- Export-Import Bank, 74, 255–257, 1249
- Fiscal problems in Latin America, 105
- Haiti, 1249
- International Finance Corporation, 89n
- Korean conflict, 119
- Panama, U.S. relations with, 1404
- Paraguay, 247, 1467
- Peru, 56, 210, 240–241, 1497, 1513, 1517, 1521, 1527–1528
- Private investment in Latin America, 228, 923
- Regional trade arrangements, 353
- Rio Economic Conference, 319, 342–343, 350, 357
- Stabilization Fund Agreement, 18n
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 297, 299, 320
- Trade barriers and tariffs, 56, 73, 879
- Trading with the Enemy Act, 1115
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 175
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 4, 46, 63, 92
- Uruguay, 56, 1537–1542, 1545, 1559, 1560–1561, 1574
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also
Agreements with the United States under individual
- American Treaty of Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogotá), 268, 1077
- Armistice Agreement between the U.N. Commander in Korea and the Commanders of Communist Forces in Korea, 1953, 11
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1947, 94, 244–245, 296, 309, 329, 355n , 572, 694, 696, 904, 905n , 909, 910n , 922–923, 1571–1572, 1575, 1676
- General Agreement on Technical Assistance, 1584
- General Agreement on Technical Cooperation, 1000, 1225, 1638n
- Habana Convention of 1928 on Duties and Rights of States in the Event of Civil Strife, 270
- Inter-American Convention for Arbitration of Pecuniary Claims, 1910, 517
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 1947 (Rio Treaty). See Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.
- International Sugar Agreement of 1954, 961, 1510
- International Tin Agreement, 296
- North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement, 1950, 53
- Protocol of Peace, Friendship and Boundaries Between Peru and Ecuador, Jan. 29, 1942, 11, 990, 1507
- U.S. Stabilization Agreement with Mexico, 58
- Trinidad-British Guiana-Barbados area, U.S. information program in, 1213
- Trippe, Juan, 1265
- Trisko, Ralph L., 321, 324–325
- Troncoso, Jesús María, 957, 964
- Tropical Radio Company, 192
- Trueba, Martinez, 1585
- Trueblood, Edward G., 1538, 1548–1569
- Trujillo Molina, Generalissimo Héctor B., 96, 385, 395, 1042
Trujillo Molina, Generalissimo Rafael
- Communism in Latin America, 159, 936–937, 956
- Costa Rican Government, opposition to, 367–368, 396, 839, 858, 866, 1667
- Guatemala, Dominican relations with, 1221
- Guatemalan Government, opposition to, 367–368, 1042, 1072
- Haiti, Dominican relations with, 1284
- Hemispheric defense role, 928–931, 935
- Korean conflict, Dominican involvement in, 25
- Military Assistance Agreement with the United States, 937
- Personality and policies, 385, 946n , 958–963
- Private investment in Dominican Republic, 939, 943n , 944–945
- Rubber programs in the Dominican Republic, 947, 953
- Support for, 965
- United States:
Truman, Harry S.:
- Argentina, 407
- Bolivia, 485–486, 488, 490, 493
- Brazil, 188n , 588, 592–594, 598
- Chile, 677, 679–681, 684, 686
- Colombia, 769, 787, 791
- Cuba, 871, 872n , 886–887
- Dominican Republic, 935–937
- Guatemala, 1045, 1047, 1114
- Mexico, 1324–1325, 1330–1339
- Nicaragua, 1042, 1369
- Panama, 1391, 1427
- Strategic materials, 22n
- Trading with the Enemy Act, 1114
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 3n , 122–123, 129, 144
- Uruguay, 1539–1540
- Venezuela, 1593, 1599–1606, 1609, 1613n , 1628–1629, 1633n , 1635n
- Turnbull, Walter E., 1307
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 224, 344, 648n , 649, 808–809
- Tydings, Millard, 507, 515
- Ubico Casteñeda, Jorge, 959
- Ulate Blanco, Otilio, 96, 387, 820, 822, 824, 827, 858, 865
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Fruit Company (see also under
Guatemala and Honduras),
32, 193, 393–394
- Antitrust proceedings against, 191–196, 225–226, 262–263
- Colombia, 393
- Communications and transport network, 192, 393
- Costa Rica, 53, 192, 377, 393–394, 821, 827, 829–836, 838, 841–842, 844–845, 1666
- Ecuador, 393
- Jamaica, 393
- Panama, 103, 393, 1394
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation abaca contract, 193
- United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom and British subheadings), 1178–1179, 1184–1185, 1208–1209, 1518–1519
- United Nations (see also
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations Security Council):
- “Atoms for Peace” proposal, 90n
- Bolivia, Technical Assistance Mission to, 18
- Chinese representation question, 12
- Coastal sovereignty issue, 91
- Colonial issue, 269, 1068
- El Salvador, assistance for, 1002, 1006
- Expenditures, 88
- Food and Agriculture Organization, 734n , 1578–1579
- Guatemala:
- Guatemalan revolution, 93, 378, 1174, 1178–1180, 1182–1185, 1187, 1198, 1208–1209, 1583
- Haiti, technical assistance for, 1253–1255, 1257, 1259, 1262, 1268
- Hemispheric solidarity, 7, 10, 81, 396, 1465
- Honduras, technical assistance for, 1298–1299
- International Law Commission, 1518–1519
- Korean conflict. See Korean conflict.
- Latin America, technical assistance for, 320, 625–626, 919
- Paraguay, technical assistance for, 1470, 1482
- Sugar, world market for, 34
- Trujillo’s appearance before, 947
- U.S.-Latin American consultations, 48, 93
- U.S. proposals, support of, 48, 301, 382
- U.N. Advisory Committee on International Commodity Trade, 355
- U.N. Administrative Tribunal, 543
- United Nations Affairs, Bureau of, 810, 1209
- United Nations Charter, Article LI, 1121
- U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America, 307–308, 310, 359, 361n , 625
- U.N. Economic and Social Council, 402, 953, 957, 1514
- United Nations General Assembly:
- United Nations Security Council:
- U.N. Technical Assistance Administration, 1255, 1482
- U.S. Gypsum Company, 104
- U.S. Information Agency, 46, 63–64, 106–108, 182n , 208n , 218–219, 223, 762, 1212–1217
- U.S. Information Service, 106–107, 1213, 1217
- U.S. Information Office, 62
- U.S.-Latin America Mapping Program, 163–164
- U.S.-Netherlands joint defense of the Caribbean, 110, 127, 147–149, 178–181
- U.S. Rubber Company, 1617
- U.S. Steel, 1626, 1637–1638
- Urdañeta Arbelaez, Roberto, 366, 768, 773, 792, 798
- Uriolagoitia, Mamerto, 491
- Urist, Harold E., 1202–1203, 1207
- Urrutia, 803–804
- Uruguay:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Agricultural exports, 98
- Argentina, relations with, 451, 463, 1538, 1544, 1563–1564, 1568–1570, 1577, 1582
- Bank of the Republic, foreign exchange earned by the American meat-packers, 1554
- Brazil, relations with, 643, 1544, 1582
- Compañia Swift de Montevideo, 1551, 1555, 1557
- Congress of, 244
- Economic situation, 244–245, 1537–1547, 1557, 1571, 1582, 1584
- Exchange Differential Fund, 1554–1555
- Export-Import Bank loans, 55, 1566
- Foreign Office of, 1545, 1548, 1550, 1576
- Frigorífico Anglo, 1556–1557
- Frigorífico Artigas, S.A. (Armour), 1551, 1555, 1557, 1580
- Frigorifico Nacional, 1551–1558, 1580
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1571–1572, 1575
- Guatemala, relations with, 1582
- Industrial Productivity Program, 1579, 1584
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loans, 252, 1566
- International Monetary Fund, 1545–1546
- International Packers, 1564–1567
- Meat purchases, Soviet, 1582
- Meatpackers situation, 1548–1558, 1564–1567, 1571, 1579–1580
- Military equipment purchases from the United States, 60
- Military situation, 1582
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 1535, 1536n , 1581
- National Executive Council (NEC), 1552, 1556–1557, 1565
- Paraguay, relations with, 1582
- Political situation, 398, 1537, 1544, 1583
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, 1573, 1582
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 1570, 1583
- United States, attitude toward, 1538, 1564, 1569, 1582
- U.S. agricultural surplus disposal, 93, 233, 244–245, 309–310
- U.S. Air Force Mission, 1583
- U.S. commitment of nonintervention, 1569–1571
- U.S. economic assistance, 1535–1536
- U.S. military assistance, 20, 38, 60, 109–110, 122–123, 133, 141–142, 144, 183–185, 1536–1537, 1542, 1547, 1567, 1575–1578, 1581, 1583, 1585
- U.S. technical assistance, 1578–1579, 1584–1585
- Wool purchases, Soviet, 1541
- Wool situation, 1537–1547, 1549, 1558–1559, 1560–1561, 1570, 1573–1575
- Wool tops, U.S. tariff on, 18, 56, 156, 211, 244, 296, 1570, 1577
- Utah Construction International, 1278
- Valdez, Juan, 793
- Valenzuela, J. Edgardo, 1179, 1301, 1314
- Vallenilla Lanz, Laureano, 1636n
- Vallon, Edwin E., 1219
- Van Hollen, Christopher, 217n
- Vance, Harold, 722
- Vandenburg, Gen. Hoyt S., 13, 21, 146–147, 150n , 1184
- Vaquero-Davila, Col. Angel, 970, 983
- Varea Donóso, Maj. Reinaldo, 113
- Vargas, Alvaro, 1552
Vargas, Getúlio Dornelles:
- Brazilian armed forces, relations with, 640
- Communism in Latin America, 97, 638, 1106
- Economic policies, 35, 626–627, 633–634, 644
- Foreign policy, 589
- Joint Brazil–U.S. Economic Board, formation of, 650
- Joint Brazil–U.S. Economic Development Commission, termination of, 609–610, 613, 621–622
- Military Assistance Agreement with the United States, 20
- Nationalization of resources, 644
- Political support for, 635–637, 643–645, 688
- Railroad development, 602–603
- Remittance decree on foreign capital, 571–572, 574–577, 579, 600–601
- Suicide of, 658
- United States, Brazilian relations with, 248, 579–580, 587–588, 590–592, 594, 642, 644
- Uruguay, Brazilian relations with, 1582
- Vaughn, Joseph E., 708n
- Velasco Ibarra, José María:
- Velilla, Carlos R., 334
- Venezuela:
- Agreements with the United States:
- Air Transport Agreement of 1953, 1637–1638, 1650–1652
- Civil Aviation Agreement of 1948, 1591, 1639
- Civil Aviation Agreement of 1953, 33, 53
- General Agreement on Technical Cooperation, 1638n
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement of 1939, 1590
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement of 1939, renegotiation of (see also Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951 , under Congress, U.S.: Acts and bills), 1590–1593, 1599–1619, 1628–1632
- Supplementary Trade Agreement of 1952, 1633n , 1638–1639, 1649, 1652–1653, 1655
- Trade Agreements Act of 1934, 1628–1629
- Trade Agreement Extension Act of 1951 (P.L. 50), 1590, 1601, 1605–1609, 1629, 1631–1632, 1652n
- Agricultural development, 1624
- “Arkansas Traveler” document, 1650–1651
- Bethlehem Steel, 1626, 1637
- Brazil, relations with, 643
- CAVN freight line, 1638
- Celanese Corporation, 1617
- Chile, relations with, 1675
- Congress of, 1636
- Costa Rica, relations with, 96, 266, 365, 372–378, 381, 839–841, 846, 852–853, 858–862, 866, 1666, 1669
- Creole Petroleum Corporation, 1592, 1595, 1640
- Cuba, relations with, 1667
- Czechoslavakia, relations with, 1627, 1646
- Economic situation, 210, 1620, 1624–1625, 1636–1641, 1654–1657, 1663
- Export-Import Bank loans, 1658
- Foreign investment, 309, 1654–1655, 1657
- Foreign Office of, 1589, 1648, 1651, 1660
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1676
- General Tire and Rubber Company, 1617
- Guatemala:
- Hemispheric defense role, 1620, 1625, 1628, 1640–1641
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 378, 1628
- Iron ore, 1596, 1611, 1624–1627, 1637, 1654–1656
- LAV airlines, 1638–1639, 1651
- Mexico, relations with, 1599, 1601
- Military equipment purchases, 1625
- Military situation, 22, 133, 1596–1599, 1625, 1637–1641, 1656, 1672
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 1659, 1662, 1663n
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 1587, 1661
- National Biscuit Company, 1617
- Netherlands military presence in the Caribbean, 148–149
- Nicaragua, relations with, 371–378, 1373, 1377, 1385, 1667
- Ninth International Conference of American States, Bogotá, 1948, Resolution 35, 1636
- Orinoco Mining Company, 1638
- Pan American Airways, 1638–1639, 1651
- Panama, relations with, 1667
- Petroleum (see also Petroleum industry, below):
- Petroleum industry, 492, 1596, 1599–1600, 1625, 1637, 1654
- Political prisoners, release of, 265
- Political situation, 365–366, 398,
1590, 1594, 1595, 1635–1636,
1646, 1654–1656, 1666, 1668–1669, 1671, 1674–1675
- Acción Democrática, 1594–1595, 1620–1624, 1627, 1636, 1668
- Comité Organización Politica Electoral Independiente, 1594, 1622–1623, 1636
- Communist activities, 1657, 1666
- Communist Party, 1622–1623
- Elections, 1620, 1635
- FEI (government party), 1635
- General strike, Dec. 4, 1952, 1636
- Junta, 1591, 1596, 1620–1621, 1635
- Partido Revolucionario del Proletariado, 1622
- Revolution of 1948, 395, 1636
- Unión Republicana Democrática, 1594, 1623, 1635–1636
- Press reports on, U.S., 1648
- Private investments, 213, 228
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1627, 1646
- Standard Oil of New Jersey, 1634, 1640
- Strategic resources, U.S. access to, 22, 133, 1600–1613, 1625–1626, 1637, 1654–1656
- United Nations, support of U.S. proposals in, 1620, 1628, 1655–1656
- United States, attitude toward, 1596, 1620, 1627, 1636, 1647–1649, 1655, 1670, 1675
- U.S. Air Force Missile Test Center siting, 39
- U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board, 1639
- U.S. economic assistance, Point IV programs, 1638
- U.S. exports to, 1608, 1614, 1616–1618, 1631, 1656
- U.S. information and cultural programs, 1658
- U.S. military assistance, 22, 38, 42, 95, 109, 122–123, 130, 133, 165–167, 183, 185, 1587–1588, 1596–1597, 1599, 1639–1642, 1650–1651, 1658–1659, 1665
- U.S. military missions, 1643–1644
- U.S. Rubber Company, 1617
- U.S. Steel, 1626, 1637–1638
- U.S technical assistance, 14, 334, 1658
- Venezuelan exiles abroad, 374
- Agreements with the United States:
- Ventura, Col. Manuel, 822–824, 853
- Vergara, Roberto, 687
- Vernon, Raymond, 1538
- Verolino, Genaro, 1194–1195, 1205–1207
- Villalba, Jovito, 775
- Villarroel, Gualberto, 549
- Villeda Morales, Ramón, 386, 1313–1314, 1316, 1318, 1321–1323
- Vinson, Fred M., 955
- Vittrup, Brig. Gen. Russell L., 855–856
- Voice of America, 35
- Wade, Maj. Gen. Leigh, 655
- Wadsworth, James J., 1161
- Wailes, Edward T., 293
- Wainhouse, David W., 789–790, 809–810
- Waldron, Sherwood, 1308n
- Wallace, Henry, 1181
- Walmsley, Walter N., 622, 624–626, 627n
- Walsh, A.J., 494, 562
- Walsh, Maj. Gen. Robert L., 120, 121n , 126, 779, 788, 932–934, 1373, 1547
- Walter Bill (P.L. 283), 1324–1326
- Warner, Norman E., 964
- Warren, Fletcher, 95n , 265, 1042, 1170, 1178, 1180, 1186, 1385, 1477, 1587–1594, 1599n , 1614–1615, 1618, 1633, 1635n , 1636, 1641, 1643–1652, 1665, 1667, 1674–1676
- Waugh, Samuel C., 195, 206–208, 217, 219, 238n , 250n , 251, 255–258, 309, 314, 352–354, 358, 528, 534n , 562–565, 647, 661–662, 664–665, 703n , 706–708, 810, 910–912, 974n , 989n , 1176, 1229n , 1231n , 1278, 1279n , 1516n , 1517n , 1530–1532
- Waynick, Capus M., 768, 778, 788, 796–802
- Webb, James E., 116–118, 1328–1329
- Weber, George, 344
- Webster, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 157–158, 164–166, 278
- Weeks, Sinclair, 2, 4, 206, 235, 237, 252–254, 300, 363, 1532–1533
- Welch, Leo, 582
- Welch, Rolland, 1375n
- Wellman, Harvey R., 885n , 889–892, 895–898, 900n , 910–914, 918, 932n , 942–943, 1240n , 1250, 1252–1253
- Wells, Milton K., 1050–1055
- Welsch, Col. Harry A., 848
- Western Air Lines, 1330–1332
- Western Arms Corporation, 1373
- Western Hemisphere Trading Act, 234
- Westinghouse International, 448
- Wheeless, Leon L., 1454
- Whelen, Thomas E., 378, 846, 848, 852–855, 1196n , 1198, 1375–1385, 1387–1388
- Whitaker, Charles H., 965, 1279–1280, 1282–1284
- White, Francis, 21, 918, 1104, 1153, 1227, 1339–1348, 1353, 1356–1367
- White, H. Lee, 194
- White, Nancy, 1344
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 150n , 151, 344
- Whitehead, Rear Adm. Richard F., 655–656
- Whiteman, Marjorie M., 1107n , 1305n , 1667n
- Whitney, Guy, 1564–1567
- Wieland, William A., 587, 1160, 1170, 1178, 1186–1187
- Wiggins, Warren W., 321
- Wiley, Alexander, 59
- Wiley, John C., 1391, 1398–1399, 1402–1409, 1412–1417, 1420, 1430n
- Willauer, Whiting, 1142, 1164n , 1179, 1196, 1198, 1308, 1312–1323
- Williams, Langbourne, 885
- Williams, Philip P., 821
- Williams, Walter, 194
- Williams Calderón, Abraham, 386, 1313–1314, 1316–1317, 1321, 1322n
- Williamson, Maj. George W., 136, 157, 164
- Willis, George H., 352, 354, 356–357, 1545
- Wilson, Charles Edward, 669–672, 676
Wilson, Charles Erwin:
- Antitrust proceedings against the United Fruit Company, 224–225
- Brazil, 631, 652n , 653, 654n , 655
- Colombia, 239, 809n , 812–813, 816
- Costa Rica, 860, 863
- Ecuador, 142, 985
- Guatemala, 1131n , 1234, 1236–1237
- Honduras, 1315
- Netherlands, 148n
- Nicaragua, 166, 1378
- Panama, 1421, 1426–1429, 1431n , 1440, 1442–1443, 1445, 1454
- Rio Economic Conference, 344, 363
- Standardization of the armed forces, 78n
- U.S. Mapping Program, 163–164
- U.S. military relations with Latin America, 68n , 144, 147, 149, 153, 169n , 1378
- U.S. policies toward Latin America, 2–4, 77n , 96
- Venezuela, 238, 1663
- Wilson, Col. James K., Jr., 1672n
- Winchell, Walter, 297
- Wisner, Frank, 1094n , 1319–1320
- Wolf, Franklin W., 1592–1594
- Wood, C. Tyler, 190–191
- Woodson, Bill, 1595
Woodward, Robert F., 153n
, 157, 217–219, 230n
, 250n
, 302n
, 332, 335n
, 374n
, 1118n
- Argentina, 450n , 452n
- Brazil, 623, 650, 661–662
- Chile, 730–732, 740
- Colombia, 807n
- Costa Rica, 832, 844n , 858n , 859, 860n
- Cuba, 913
- Dominican Republic, 942, 943n
- Ecuador, 989–990, 996–997, 999
- El Salvador, 1000
- Guatemala, 1074, 1100n , 1118–1119, 1160–1161, 1163n , 1171, 1178, 1186, 1209n , 1220n , 1229n
- Haiti, 1274, 1277n
- Honduras, 1295n , 1313, 1317n
- Mexico, 1360–1361
- Nicaragua, 1385n , 1389
- Panama, 1414, 1434n
- Peru, 1513–1514, 1520–1521, 1529n
- Uruguay, 1567n
- Venezuela, 1652–1653, 1667–1668, 1671–1672
- World Bank (see also under Brazil; Chile; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Panama; Peru), 239–240, 1401–1402, 1405
- World Court, 1465
- World Health Organization, 1260
- Wormser, Felix K., 744–746
- Wythe, George, 1028–1029, 1046
- Yingling, Raymund T., 1518n
- Young, John P., 662n , 708n
- Young, Philip, 300, 304, 363
- Yrarrázaval Concha, Eduardo, 686, 690
- Yriart, Juan, 1559, 1571
- Zamudio, Lt. Gen. Armando, 1503
- Zaydin, Ramón, 896
- Zephirin, 1283–1284
- Zuleta Angel, Eduardo, 278, 365–368, 788, 792, 799, 804, 807n , 811, 816–817, 1042–1043, 1152, 1162, 1375