Political, economic, and military relations of the United States and Uruguay 1

1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. ii, pp. 1611 ff.

[695] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Uruguay

733.5 MSP/3–1952:Telegram

[701] The Ambassador in Uruguay (Roddan) to the Department of State


[703] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Uruguay

411.3331/4–2753: Telegram

[705] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Uruguay

411.3331/5–553: Telegram

[708] The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Uruguay

733.5 MSP/8–1153: Instruction

[709] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of Protocol (Simmons)

Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file

[711] The Secretary of Agriculture (Benson) to the President


[716] The Ambassador in Uruguay (McIntosh) to the Department of State

733.5 MSP/1–1954

[718] The Ambassador in Uruguay (McIntosh) to the Department of State

733.5 MSP/9–2454