S/PNSC files, lot 61 D 167, NSC 144 series

Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Hensel) to the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (Cutler)1



  • Acceleration of Deliveries to Latin America Under the MDA Program
You will recall that Action 980–c2 notes the President’s desire that the Department of Defense investigate the feasibility of accelerating deliveries of military equipment to the Latin Republics.
The Military Departments have taken steps to accelerate the delivery of military equipment to Latin America.
A detailed report of delivery estimates, revised in the light of the President’s request that deliveries to South America be accelerated, is attached.
For the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA):
A. C. Davis

Vice Admiral, USN
Director, Office of Foreign Military Affairs
[Page 170]


Report Prepared in the Department of Defense


Estimates of Deliveries to Latin America Under the MDA Program

1. The Department of the Army estimates that all items in the FY 1952–53 MDA Programs scheduled for Latin American countries will be shipped by June 30, 1954 with the following exceptions:

144 Mounts, Trailer, Multi, Cal .50 MG, M55. (Will be shipped by September 1954)
24 Howitzers, 105mm, M2A1, with Carriage. (Will be shipped by December 1954)
5 Directors, AA, British No. 11, or similar type. (Will be shipped by June 1955)
5 Radars, British No. 3 MK VII. (Will be shipped by June 1955)

This latest forecast indicates that the shipment of items to Latin American countries will be completed six months earlier than had formerly been estimated.

2. The Department of the Air Force formerly estimated that the shipment of all items in the FY 1952–53 MDA Programs to Latin American countries would be completed by December 1954. The shipment of Air Force items is being accelerated and it is now estimated that all items except those listed below will be shipped by June 1954:

5 PBY–5A Aircraft for Chile. (Will be shipped by September 1954)
35 Radio Compasses, AN/ARN–6 for Brazil. (Will be shipped by September 1955)

3. The current Navy MDA Matériel Programs for Latin America do not include any major items (i.e. ships or aircraft), other than those vessels furnished under Lend Lease for which title has already been transferred under authority of MDA legislation. The matériel programmed consists of a large number of small items and for this reason itemized information on shipment forecasts is not readily available. Naval supply activities processing MDA matériel have been directed to review all supply requisitions in process and to take aggressive follow-up action in any case in which it appeared that the desired delivery dates might not be met.

[Page 171]

4. The items listed in paragraphs 1–a through d and 2–a and b above, based on the best current estimates of availabilities, will not be delivered by June 1954 for the reason that MDA requirements for these items in other geographical areas have a higher priority.

5. The value of the FY 1952–54 MDA Programs for Latin American countries is $67.8 million. As of November 30, 1953, $18.7 million or 27% of the programs had been shipped.3

  1. NSC Executive Secretary Lay, under cover of a memorandum dated Feb. 4, 1954, not printed, transmitted this memorandum and its attached report to the NSC for information.
  2. Action taken at the 174th meeting of the National Security Council, held in Washington, Thursday, Dec. 10, 1953, and subsequently transmitted to the Secretary of Defense for implementation. (S/PNSC files, lot 62 D 1)
  3. A memorandum to Acting Secretary of State Smith from Mr. Cabot, dated Feb. 9, 1954, reads in part as follows: [Paragraph 5 of this report] “appears to be in error in stating the value of the program as $67.8 millions for FY 1952–54 inclusive. (This error has been called to Defense’s attention, and Defense will make the correction.) Some $101.9 millions have been appropriated for those 3 fiscal years, and it is our understanding $93.3 millions of this is for end-items, etc. As of Nov. 30, 1953, therefore, the value of equipment shipped ($18.7 millions) was less than half of the $38,150,000 appropriated for FY 1952 alone.” (S/PNSC files, lot 61 D 167, NSC 144/1)