Editorial Note
In a letter to Secretary Dulles, dated November 17, 1953, not printed, Acting Secretary of Defense Kyes stated that the Department of Defense recommended the initiation of a program of grant military assistance to Nicaragua and proposed that President Eisenhower be requested to make the necessary finding required by the provisions of section 401 of the Mutual Security Act of 1951, as amended. The Acting Secretary further stated that although the Department of Defense continued to believe that neither El Salvador nor Honduras was in a position to make substantial contributions to hemispheric defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recognized that the interests of the United States would be served by their inclusion in the grant military assistance program. (717.5 MSP/11–1753) In a letter to Mr. Stassen, dated November 24, 1953, Secretary Dulles indicated his concurrence with the Department of Defense’s recommendation concerning Nicaragua. (717.5 MSP/11–1753)
In a letter to Secretary Dulles, dated November 25, 1953, not printed, Assistant Secretary of Defense Nash informed the Department of State that the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended that El Salvador and Honduras be included in the grant military assistance program, and proposed [Page 169] that the Department of State initiate a request to the President to make the necessary finding. (716.5 MSP/11–2553) In a letter to Mr. Stassen, dated December 2, 1953, not printed, Acting Secretary of State Smith indicated the Department’s concurrence in Defense’s recommendation concerning El Salvador and Honduras. (716.5 MSP/11–2553)
In a memorandum for the President, dated December 8, 1953, not printed, Mr. Stassen concurred in and transmitted the recommendations of the Departments of State and Defense requesting the President to make the findings required by law as a prerequisite to the furnishing of limited military assistance to Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras. (717.5 MSP/12–1453) On December 9, 1953, the President authorized the initiation of negotiations for the purpose of concluding bilateral military assistance agreements with Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Honduras.