Foreign assistance policies under the Mutual Security Program1

1. For previous documentation on this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. i, pp. 266 ff. For documentation on economic development policy and technical aid, see pp. 227 ff.

[144] Memorandum by the Executive Assistant to the Director for Mutual Security (Sheppard) to the Director of Mutual Security (Harriman)

EUR/EX files, lot 57 D 694, “Mutual Security Agency (General)”

[149] Memorandum by Theodore Tannenwald, Jr., of the Office of the Director of Mutual Security to the Director of Mutual Security (Harriman)

ECAMSA Executive Assistant’s files, FRC 55 A 79, box 186, “W. Averell Harriman”

[154] Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Personal Secretary to the Secretary of State (Evans)

A/MS files, lot 54 D 291, “Org. and Admin, of For. Aid Program”

[158] Current Economic Developments

Current Economic Developments, lot 70 D 467

[159] Notes on the Secretary’s Staff Meeting, Held at the Department of State, 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 24, 1952

Secretary’s Staff Meetings, lot 63 D 75, “Documents Jan–Aug 1952”

[161] Current Economic Developments

Current Economic Developments, lot 70 D 467

[162] Report Prepared by the Office of the Director of Mutual Security (Harriman)

S/SNSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 135 Series

[164] The Director of Mutual Security (Harriman) to the President

ECA-MSA Executive Assistant’s File, FRC 55 A 79, box 186, “W. Averell Harriman”

[166] Memorandum by the Director of Mutual Security (Harriman) to the President

ECAMSA Executive Assistant’s files, FRC 55 A 79, box 186, “W. Averell Harriman”

[167] The Director of the Bureau of the Budget (Dodge) to the Director of Mutual Security (Stassen)

MSAFOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 1, “Bureau of the Budget 1953”

[168] The Director of Mutual Security (Stassen) to the Secretary of State

MSAFOA Director’s files, FRC 56 A 632, box 8, “State Department 1953”

[169] Minutes of the Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee Meeting, Held in the Executive Office Building, February 13, 1953

A/MS files, lot 54 D 291, “Mutual Assistance Advisory Committee”