United States international monetary and financial policy1

1. For previous documentation concerning this subject, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. i, pp. 1573 ff.

[101] Representative Jacob K. Javits to the Secretary of the Treasury (Snyder), at Mexico City

NAC files, lot 60 D 137, “Documents”

[102] The Secretary of the Treasury (Snyder) to Representative Jacob K. Javits

NAC files, lot 60 D 137, “Documents”

[104] Memorandum Prepared in the Export-Import Bank of Washington

NAC files, lot 60 D 137, “Documents”

[108] Memorandum by John H. Williams of the Commission on Foreign Economic Policy to the Members of the Commission

Eisenhower Library, Randall Commission records, “1953–1954”

[112] The Secretary of the Treasury (Humphrey) to the Secretary of State

Secretary’s Letters, lot 56 D 459, “Humphrey, G.”

[114] Position Paper Prepared in the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems

NAC files, lot 60 D 137, “Staff Documents”