783.02/12–851: Telegram

The Chargé in Syria (Clark) to the Department of State 1


344. We appreciate Dept’s instructions re recognition new Syrian regime (Deptel 312 [212], December 6)2 and fully endorse line of action set forth. We believe acknowledgement of circular not best means effecting recognition, particularly because it can be easily concerted with other western powers and wld avoid previous situations when French tried steal show.

Today Asst Army Attaché talked briefly to Shishikli who after brief résumé recent events said “next move is up to you”. With indications that Arab states may shortly act to recognize regime we think immed agreement with British, French and Turks on Dept’s line of action including draft reply to FonOff note highly desirable.3

  1. Repeated to Paris, London, Ankara, Arab capitals, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Tripoli.
  2. Ante, p. 1086.
  3. In response, the Department of State in telegram 228 to Damascus, December 11, instructed the Legation, subject to agreement by the French, British, and Turkish Ministers in Damascus, to join with them in drafting a simple note acknowledging the Syrian note of December 3, which would constitute recognition of the new Syrian Government (783.02/12–851).